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Everything posted by VeTaL

  1. I wanted to PM you, Josh, but its written that you cant receive messages, so i post it here:
  2. Yep, they want to make really large cliffs with a lowlands also with dynamically loading. I would write terrain editor, that would load/upload some terrains automatically, but i need an access to some terrains at one map and possibility to move them. PS: even not in second thread for now, so loading would take some seconds, but i hope on your second-threaded loader in the future. PSS: i really need to know if you plan to do this in the nearest future, even only a possibility of creating some terrains in runtime.
  3. 1) Got a problem with new vegetation system: screen is filled by trees. Is screenshot needed or its already a reported problem? 2) Also, Josh, please, add landscape movement, its not too long (as looking from my top of view). I dont need too large terrain (1K * 1K is enough), but i need to load them manually... and load it in separate thread, if possible We really need this, our art-people are waiting, because they cant create first location 0_o
  4. Ahhh, now i see. Well, can moderator fix that about "items" and "subitems"?
  5. OS Windows or not windows - that isnt a problem.. Problem is to render 4 views in 4 windows (or just in one component) in one program.
  6. Now i'm working with Unity's Head Control sources: http://unity3d.com/support/resources/unity-extensions/head-look-controller Everything goes good, but now i come to Unity's code // Setup segments foreach (BendingSegment segment in segments) { Quaternion parentRot = segment.firstTransform.parent.rotation; Quaternion parentRotInv = Quaternion.Inverse(parentRot); segment.referenceLookDir = parentRotInv * rootNode.rotation * headLookVector.normalized; segment.referenceUpDir = parentRotInv * rootNode.rotation * headUpVector.normalized; So, now i need to run through all hierarchy of entities. What i do? 1) as i know that m_pHead = FindChild(m_body, "Bip01 Head"); would find needed part of model, i go and search info about FindChild on wiki... I found it here: http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:Entity_Hierarchy 2) as i see, there are functions CountChildren() and ForEachEntityDo(). But problems are started here: if i write int abc = CountChildren(m_body); i got abc = 1 in debugger... ForEachEntityDo() is used for level entity, as i see from description: "Scans all entities in the current world, and calls a user defined function for each entity found." So, the question is: how can i run through all hierarchy of entity: head, spine, neck, for example, and why CountChildren(m_body) returns 1 (i test crawler, and he has a lot of segments), when FindChild() works properly, while they both are functions from one category ?
  7. Ah.. er... this is not Leadwerks commands, sorry
  8. Vector3 Project(const Vector3 &onNormal) const; Vector3 ProjectOntoPlane(const Vector3 &onNormal) const; What is the difference?
  9. Okay, lets leave multi-monitor questions. Really, i'm interested in multi-window usage, as designers ask for 4 perspectives like in Max. Looking like i need 4 cameras, and then how can i separate it into some windows?
  10. Good question. So i may initialize only OpenGl in every window... and how i can then connect this with Leadwerks?
  11. Ahh, here it is Yep, its really hard to find.
  12. It would be very nice if you would add movement commands for terrain. We want to make high rocks, so it would be nice to make: first terrain second terrain _____________ / / _______ ___/ + _ / / \___/ _/ + + is origin of terrain, so it would be possible to create higher mountains then Leadwerks now can. PS: due to optimization, i think, it would be faster to set the coordinates of terrain's origin and then load a terrain and multiply every vertex with new origin coordinates. In this case there wouldn't be a speed difference between load terrain now and with movable origin.
  13. TEntity cube = CreateCube(); TMaterial mat = LoadMaterial("wall1.mat"); for (int i=0; i<100; i+=1) { for (int j=0; j<100; j+=1) { cube = CopyEntity(cube); PositionEntity(cube, Vec3(i*2,0,j*2)); PaintEntity(cube, mat); } } *fap-fap* xD wow, almost no FPS drops in this case... looking really great. This is instancing in editor, right?
  14. I crated crash-test for meshes: for (int i=-20; i<20; i+=1) { for (int j=-20; j<20; j+=1) PositionEntity(CreateCube(), Vec3(i*2,0,j*2)); } So, there is 40 * 40 = 1600 cubes. How can i sure that instancing is used? PS: In engine log i have "GPU instancing supported: 1", so video supports instancing.
  15. Our team has a professional dictor, i think we can help.
  16. http://www.ogre3d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=32486 Looking very good, just wanted to show.
  17. Looking like i may wait for Leadwerks 3 and Newton 3 Well, if you would add http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/1740-second-threaded-loader/page__gopid__15904entry15904 , this would make situation simpler.
  18. Josh, now i see that people really always ask about lower-end
  19. So, now i see two solutions: 1) the rough and unoptimized method: i have parts of terrain, generator connect them into first terrain: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 then, if player moves right, it generates second terrain 2 3 10 5 6 11 8 9 12 Newton release first terrain, and then load second one. Center of the world is moved from center of 5 part to center of 6 part. Vegetation seem to load without problems. 2) is more optimized: in general its the same, but only 1,4,7 are released, 10,11,12 are loaded. Newton create 9 static collision trees, and when needed, release collision of unnecessary parts and load new one. Center is also moved, and everything works fine.
  20. I see it in this way Here is memory while Leadwerks is starting: | Leadwerks DLL | OpenGL, all other stuff | .... Memory while Leadwerks load entities by default: | Leadwerks DLL | OpenGL, all other stuff | Leadwerks objects: entities, first terrain | .... Now game is started, player moved ahead and some additional entities would be needed in the nearest time (not now) | Leadwerks DLL | OpenGL, all other stuff | Leadwerks objects: entities, first terrain | Needed entity, that loading with loader, for example terrain | .... Then, when new object is needed, Leadwerks just copy it to its resources | Leadwerks DLL | OpenGL, all other stuff | Leadwerks objects: entities, first terrain + newly loaded terrain | Loader is waiting | .... Next step is to free unneeded terrain | Leadwerks DLL | OpenGL, all other stuff | Leadwerks objects: entities, newly loaded terrain | Loader is waiting | .... The same thing would be great not only for terrain in RPG, but also in FPS (player comes to first room, and objects from second room is loaded in runtime) and the other games. ---- Masterxilo, didnt see your answer. So, i'm the third
  21. It would be really cool if you'd add a function that would load models/terrains in engine format into memory, and then create them in engine in a little time just copying them. This would add very nice for dynamic creation of objects and fast model loading in general.
  22. Yes, its really unnecessary to store it. Maybe you can add a function, that would multiply every vertex to new matrix?
  23. How? Its noted here ( http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Terrain ) that
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