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Everything posted by VeTaL

  1. Thanks, guys, maybe i'll make my first "user's contribution" with this theme.
  2. Oops, my fault. Okay, can moderator move this thread to another place: question is actual anyway?
  3. Also, there is no collisions between player and buildings (but there is collisions between player and terrain), even with Collisions(1,1,1); EntityType(player.GetPlayerBody(), 1); EntityType(scene.GetScene(), 1);
  4. Both in 3DWS and in game, when i look at terrain close, its looking like it is rendered without optimisation.
  5. I read something about Leadwerks terrain optimization with camera culling... On the left screen terrain is shown from far away and its 33K polys, on the right screen its close enough, but engine anyway renders those 33K. Is this a "feature or bug"?
  6. Third: when i clicked on building class (as its written in Getting_Started_With_Lua.pdf) and paste here require("Scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:InitDialog(propertygrid) local group=propertygrid:AddGroup("MyGroup") group:AddProperty("MyValue",PROPERTY_STRING) end and run it, i got a crash "table index is nil" in class.lua, in string "classtable[modelreference]=class"
  7. Okay, i have a building model and some detail models like stones, so the building is main models and stones are detail models. First, i want those stones to be ignored by Newton, so i wanted to add some LUA scripting: "house" is created in editor, then its form is calculated as Convex Hull, and then artist can add stones as he want, but they would be ignored by physic. (right picture) What is the best solution for this? Second, can i be sure that all that same models (buildings are the same model, all bricks are also the same models) are rendered using instancing? (left picture)
  8. If i would use empty model as last LOD, would it use a render call for empty model? Or its better to set LOD distanse for last LOD model and engine wouldnt render it?
  9. Hey, i have an idea... Maybe we can take the "next" frame and apply forces to the current joints to move them? I still dont know, how your code works 100%, so maybe this idea would be a little stupid, but i just wanted to share it.
  10. http://grail.cs.washington.edu/projects/styleik/ Smooth intepolation between three walking styles Interesting video, but there is no comments, how it is done...
  11. Thanks, it wasn't good time to cut it from recast and so on Anyway, i just launched your code, i still dont know, how 70% of it works, but i'm going to manage with it. Also, i'm going to search more info about IK: i have a thought that your dividing to cycles is a bit too complicated.
  12. Yep, i also work on laptop. Just wanted to say that drivers update can increase FPS and adding instancing (i saw this from your log).
  13. Okay, i worked around your IK (great, Chris), but i want to know discuss some details. I see, that on the ground it works perfect, as on 1st picture... But on the not-plane surface, looking like IK ignores its shape. On the left picture, it works good, but on the right - ignores surface.
  14. At least, i get IK works... Chris Paulson, thank you very much.
  15. Sanctus, also try to update your videocard drivers I have the same one: And i got large increase of FPS after updating drivers.
  16. up 1) okay, looking like i cant use welding 2) guys, what about painting on texture?
  17. Line of sight stuff - what it is? It is for dynamic loading/uploading models or something else? Sorry for this question, your project is large enough for the first look.
  18. void FCamera::CameraUpdate() { // rotation if (MouseDown(1) && MouseDown(2)) { pivotRot.Y -= mouseDX/5; RotateEntity(pivot, pivotRot); } else { targetRot = EntityRotation(target); pivotRot = EntityRotation(pivot); dist = targetRot.Y - pivotRot.Y; if (dist > 180) { dist -= 360; } if (dist < -180) { dist += 360; } if (abs(dist) > 0.5) TurnEntity(pivot, Vec3(0, dist/7 , 0)); } RotateEntity(camera, EntityRotation(pivot)); cameraTilt += mouseDY/5; cameraTilt = Clamp(cameraTilt,-90,60); TurnEntity(camera, Vec3(cameraTilt, 0, dist/2)); // position PositionEntity(pivot, EntityPosition(target)); MoveEntity(pivot, Vec3(0, cameraPivotHeight, 0)); PositionEntity(camera, EntityPosition(pivot)); MoveEntity(camera, Vec3(0, 0, -distToPlayer) ); } I have some camera delay after player's rotation. But when i send demo to another team member, he says that they are too little and asked to change delay in 2 times, so i changed it from if (abs(dist) > 0.5) TurnEntity(pivot, Vec3(0, dist/7 , 0)); to if (abs(dist) > 0.5) TurnEntity(pivot, Vec3(0, dist/14 , 0)); When i asked about FPS, he says that he got 300 fps, when i have only 140 fps... So, looking like i need some solution, that would make gameplay independent from Fps. Any ideas?
  19. Thanks, looking like its what i'm looking for.
  20. up Is it possible to catch event, when LOD is changed?
  21. Just a supposing: is it a good idea to run in another thread a level loader, so game would be looking like huge world ? For example, separate all world on cells and load models of 9 cells: player is in the middle one, and 8 cells around him (cell is a large level). And when player moves to another cell, unload 3 old cells and load 3 new. I'm afraid that without loading levels in second thread, it would be noted by user.
  22. 1) no-no, i didnt mean about EntityParent, i asked about changing some parts of model (for example, instead of body model i want to place armor model, instead of legs i want to place leg armor). So, if my character would be consist of some separated models (head, arms, body, legs), can i do that in the way, so player wouldnt notice it? (he wouldnt see that arm is another model that body), i'm asking as welding in this meaning. 2) this time, i'm asking about painting on texture... For example, adding a blood or dirt on leg or arms, so that blood/dirt picture would move with arms (the easiest way is changing original texture by painting some blood on it) 3) and what did you saying about changing instanced models?
  23. There is tow questions: 1) Does engine support welding between different parts of model? For example, i want to wear up body armor, so i should separate players model into parts (also, this would help with ragdolls)... So, if those connections between body and arm would be visible for every player, that wouldnt be good. 2) How can i "paint" textures? For wearing chain mails i want only to change texture. Also, if i would like to draw blood on the cloth...
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