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Everything posted by beo6

  1. mh. maybe i should pause it a bit longer then? Not sure why i still get a bit of a speedup after the level loading.
  2. I am no expert in that but if i have understood it correctly a convex hull is a physic shape that surrounds the whole model with the lowest possible detail. So i think if you have a box with a hole in it, it would cover the hole too since it just surrounds the whole model without taking every detail into account. a polymesh however is the exact representation of the mesh you created and as such can be a lot more detailed and also a lot slower if you do not look at the mesh detail. Please correct me if i am wrong.
  3. i think you want to create a polymesh as collision shape. If your model is already relatively low poly you can generate it directly from the model with right-click in the Assets-Tab and click on "Generate Shape" -> "Polymesh". Then you can load that shape in the Scene Tab as Shape file under Physics from your entity in the scene. haven't tried it out though.
  4. I have paused it. It seems it helps a bit. At least the speedup have gone down from around 4 seconds or more to 1 or 1/2 second. my method for loading levels: void App::LoadMap(std::string mapfile = "") { if (mapfile == "") { mapfile = nextMap->nextMapFile; } //if ( mapfile != "" && mapfile != ".\\" && FileSystem::GetFileSize(mapfile) > 0 ) { if ( mapfile != "" && mapfile != ".\\" ) { Time::Pause(); world = World::Create(); world->Clear(); entities.clear(); //world->Release(); //create camera camera = Camera::Create(); camera->SetFOV(70); camera->SetRotation(90, 0, 0, true); Map::Load(mapfile, StoreWorldObjects); // target camera at player if (player) { //Vec3 cameraPosition = Vec3(player->entity->GetPosition()); //cameraPosition.y += 5; camera->SetPosition(0,10,0); camera->SetScript("Scripts/Cameras/TopDown.lua", true); camera->SetObject("target",player->entity); if (cameraEffect) { cameraEffect->entity->SetObject("camera",camera); } } Time::Resume(); } }
  5. i think when you make a release build you don't get most of this warnings. So i wouldn't worry too much.
  6. beo6

    LCP 2.0

    have nothing against git too. Even though i am not as familiar with it as with subversion and i think git is a lot more memory hungry when it comes to assets that we keep in the repository. (after all i only have a pretty ****ty internet connection) But we can still use redmine for project management. It supports git too. I learned to like redmine and its connection with version control systems.
  7. beo6

    LCP 2.0

    I would also like to help in this project. I already followed the first community project and still think it was amazing what you all got working. So if there is any free place for coding you can write me in. If there is any need in a subversion repository i can provide one on my server with a daily incremental backup and weekly full backup on a second server by my provider and if needed also a Redmine project account for everyone for project management.
  8. since he wrote it shouldn't be a problem. But good hint anyway.
  9. Or try the code klepto posted here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6959-map-loading/#entry57032 haven't tried that myself but when there is already a list in world->entities it should work.
  10. On this page only WAV is listed as compatible: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/user-guide/importing-assets-r682
  11. was anyone able to have lighter shadows with only one light? I would like to have shadows which are not completely Black but without adding a second light source because that gives me a second shadow too. The color option in the calculate lighting window seems to do nothing.
  12. looking forward to it.
  13. You only need to use that workaround for CSG Level Geometry that you want to access in code. All other entities are accessible straight away. Also nothing against Ricks tutorial but the save and load tutorial by Aggror is a bit more complete in that part. including a full list of all entities in your map.
  14. One question about not being able to use CSG brushes purely in code: I was thinking about creating reusable blocks with prefabs that would include CSG and being able to place these premade blocks with code. Will that be possible and will the pathfinding still work since the CSG is already inside the prefab?
  15. Just to keep everything ordered. Here the actual Bug-Report from my Post: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6895-solved-how-to-compile-c-project-for-android/ Using FileSystem::GetFileSize() in a C++ Project on Android is causing a Segmentation fault.
  16. I would say since the Cylinder is just a placeholder you should replace it with your own model. The character controller physic shape is already a cylinder anyway.
  17. Hi Josh, first i need to thank you so much. I tried your Project and it compiled and was running perfectly on my android device. I checked the code and noticed that you also typecasted the hook methods to (void*) so at least i was not completely wrong with my idea. Then i started to remove line by line of my code on loading a map to see what is causing the Crash "Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV)". I came to this part where i check the filesize of the map-file: if ( FileSystem::GetFileSize(mapfile) > 0 ) { //map loading stuff } As soon as i removed that line and loaded the map without checking filesize it didn't crashed. So it seems the method "FileSystem::GetFileSize()" causes a Segmentation fault on Android. Thanks for being so patiently when i looked for the error in the wrong place.
  18. i am using only torque to move the ball. but that shouldn't matter. Looking forward to your test results.
  19. have this html tags too. E-Mail has the "Content-type: text/plain" header. But i haven't even noticed it until i saw your post so i do not really care since the most important thing is that it works.
  20. Hello Aggror. Can you also check the size compared to the cylinder of the character-controller that is shown when you enable physic-debug in editor? My ball very much exactly the size of the width from this cylinder.
  21. The problem would be that steam networking will most likely not work on mobile devices. I hope mobile will not be forgotten in the future.
  22. why are you setting friction for your walls or ground? i think it is better to use csg for the walls and only change the settings of the ball. Do you scale your ball model in the engine? I had an issue in a previous version of Leadwerks that the physic was going crazy because i scaled the model. I think it is fixed now but i am using a properly scaled model now and haven't tested it again.
  23. Source: http://code-i.de/LE3/Source.zip as i have written in the chat: It does not compile on Android when i stick with the tutorial. It only compiled when i typecasted the hook-method to (void*) but it crashed on my android device as soon as i started the game. On Windows it always compiles and runs without any crash. And i have seen in the main.cpp in the c++ project template that you typecast a hook method yourself to (void*) on line 25: Leadwerks::System::AddHook(System::DebugErrorHook,(void*)DebugErrorHook);
  24. Hi Aggror, for me friction makes a huge difference. I set the Friction in my Lua script for the Player entity: function Script:Start() self.entity:SetFriction(1,1) end when i set it to SetFriction(0,0) it behaves as it would roll on ice.
  25. If you need the project i could send it to you. It might just take its time to upload. Or maybe only the source. To give some more information to possibly help to find the issue: The GameObject in my project is exactly as in the tutorial. The Player Object however i only added an entity parameter to the constructor. Player::Player(Entity* setEntity) { entity = setEntity; entity->SetUserData(this); //Enable the hooks this class uses entity->AddHook(Entity::UpdateWorldHook,UpdateWorldHook); entity->AddHook(Entity::CollisionHook,CollisionHook); entity->AddHook(Entity::DrawHook,DrawHook); } since i have seen other people here doing it this way and that it is working on windows i think that is ok. Thanks anyway for looking at it.
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