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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. The pick is just a check between 2 points. The 4th argumen indicates the radius of the pick line. With 0 its a single raycast, while with a higher number you get a 'cylinder shape' cast. The 4th argument of the pick is not about distance from 1 point to the other.
  2. For the fading, here is a little example: --In start Script.alpha = 0 Script.fadeTime = 4 --In your game loop. context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) self.alpha =self.alpha + Time:GetSpeed()* 0.01 context:SetColor(0,0,0,Math:Lerp(0, 1, self.alpha/self.fadeTime)) context:DrawRect(0,0,400,400) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid)
  3. The 4th argument of the pick can be set to 0. Which means a single raycast. From the docs: As for the fade out, you can draw a black rectangle, and use a timer for its alpha.
  4. Could you clarify the 'bounce'? Do you switch position between death and restart position? Or is your player jumping in the air after re-positioning?
  5. 1. Simply check for camera world boundries. If you select the root of the scene you can see its size. Pseudo code for the x axis if (camera.pos.x < 0 ) camera.pos.x = 0 elseif (camera.pos.x > worldSize.x) camera.pos.x = worldSize.x
  6. Note that Ubuntu is the only official supported distro. If the listed issues are happening there as well, Josh will take a look at them.
  7. This is called shadow acne. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12224-a-bit-help-with-spotlights/#entry88645 A screenshot from the user guide for LE2.3
  8. q1. Holding control + mouse is mostly the opposite of your action in the terrain editor. This goes for sculpting, painting and vegetation. But no, you can't select a single tree for deletion. But you can make your brush small enough to delete it.
  9. That's a long list. It is very good of you to report all these things though. What linux distro are you using?
  10. That is true. If we could define our own shortcuts in the settings menu, that would be even better.
  11. Another year has passed so lets try it again. Can we please have a shortcut to the script editor in the toolbar and a keyboard shortcut?
  12. All the latest ivideo card drivers installed? I honestly don't know what else this could be. I would report this in the Bug report section with all your system info like gpu, cpu, windows, current driver version etc. https://www.piriform.com/speccy
  13. Do your viewport settings look anything like this? Can you increase the look and move speed to ridiculous values and see what happens?
  14. You can always map GetSpeed to a DeltaTime variable in a custom script. I honestly doubt if Josh would change the API to this. Regardless of the argument I given, I think Josh would reply within the lines of: this is Leadwerks, not Unity.
  15. Have you tried specifying a collisiontype so terrain gets ignored?
  16. Start of simple by trying to write your settings value in a file. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/filesystem/filesystemwritefile-r650
  17. You can use the free audio editor Audacity to convert it if needed. http://audacityteam.org/
  18. Your lua script is probably set to view files lua extensions only. Can you post the script?
  19. Can you describe a little bit better what exactly you want to achieve? Is there a script problem you are running in to?
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