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Everything posted by ChrisV

  1. Really sweeeeeeeeet stuff, shadmar! Absolutely loving this ocean shader. Would be totally awesome if it had underwater effects. Maybe something you'll add later? Nice work, man! Thanks. Cheers
  2. Which you'll give willingly to me, cuz I gave the hint that put you on the right track to find the answer. ;-)
  3. *holding a droolbucket while speaking* Reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllly sweeeeeeeeeett, shadmar! Can't believe my eyes.
  4. Well, I did give a clear hint. Besides, my first guess was also valid. Hahahah. ;-)
  5. My obsession with limbs? Where does that come from? It's a proven fact that limbs (amongst other things) can slow down framerate, so I'm just telling Roland that the less limbs, the better. That's all.
  6. Benton just means that the less limbs per render is better for fps. Meaning, if you can group several objects together that share only one limb, then this will have less effect on framerate. More limbs means slower framerate. So, it depends on your case, and what you want to achieve. Anyways, nice wall, Roland! Cheers
  7. Uhm, first guess...it's a bunch of numbers and letters? Heheheh! ? Second guess...it's a script running on android, and the three float numbers represent the position of an object, which is moving by the script?
  8. Great work, Alvaro and Juan! Very professional and also inventive. Glad to have you guys on board. I remember doing the same for sounds. Using household objects to record a variety of sounds, and then deform them, make them sound like something totally different. Cheers
  9. Indeed! Thanks for setting the new forum up, Aggror!
  10. Looking nice, Josh. One thing I would like to see, is that there are scrollbars on lower screen resolutions. I mean, I still work on a PC with a resolution of 1024x768 (shame on me ), and in LE2, there were options not viewable at the bottom. So, it would be really great if you could add scrollbars for lower resolutions. Thanks.
  11. Well, I'm sure Josh doesn't want his powerful engine to become a toy with low end graphics, but mainly wants to support more OS/devices for his engine, which is not a bad thing for us indie developers. Better to have a few more options available (different OS/devices), than to stay focused on only one. Say you have a game finished for PC (made with LE3), and you could publish that same game on other OS/devices, wouldn't that be great? And, that is the path Josh is going for, I think. So yeah, if Josh has to rewrite the foundations of LE so that it can support lower end (mobile) devices, but is also capable of providing high end graphics (such as LE2) on PC/laptop, then...why not? I admit, I had my doubts at first, but it seems more and more that Josh is just rewriting the engine to support lower end devices, and at the same time make sure that LE also has the power to provide high end graphics. So, if that is the direction this is going, so much the better. It would mean that we can develop AAA games on PC, while also publish the same game on lower end machines. Hum...I could be wrong, but I still believe PC's/laptops are here to stay. Not just for content creators, but also for gamers. PC's still have a better interaction with the games, such as bigger screen, higher resolutions, more disk space, options to mod a game, create new levels, easier methods to upgrade software/hardware, etc... Cheers
  12. Hum......I'm a bit dissapointed aswell. Mainly for the fact that I'll have to wait longer for the high end version of LE3 to come out. I have nothing against mobile development, but I'm more of a PC guy (actually, I don't have any mobile devices, except for a phone ). I can see there's a market for mobile development for indies, but having both options in the same engine would be superb. So, what does this mean, Josh? The first version will be exclusive for mobile development (meaning no high end graphics)? Also, does it mean the first version will be cheaper than the final? Is it best to wait for the final (high end) version? When can we expect the high end version to come out, Josh? Thanks. Well, I would disagree on that. You can still make AAA games, as an indie. But, not on your own. Having a small group of decent developers/artists can get you very far. Did you know that for games (such as Half Life, Doom 3, Crysis, etc...) they have artists that never draw/model anything for the game? These 'artists' only provide ideas for art, do research, etc. Sure, big game development teams have fewer persons to work on the game, have better tools (like a high end engine), have more budget. Good gameplay is essential indeed, but saying that graphics don't matter that much, is not correct either. You need both in order to have success. Graphics are teh first thing you'll see when playing any game. It's just like eating food...the first thing you do, is LOOK at the food in front of you. It might taste heavenly, but if the presentation/look is below zero, your appetite will be below zero too. Same goes for games. Games made 15 years ago looked pixelated and blocky indeed, but still, the art itself was stunning. Even with only a few colours they managed to create convincing characters, environments, etc... Nowadays, graphics are sometimes as real as it gets...with realistic environments, cool weather effects, and all the other cool visual things you see. And yeah, maybe we don't need all those shiny effects and shaders, but still, if you can play a game with all those effects on, or play the same game without them, what would you prefer?
  13. Yes indeed, sound in a horror game (and also the lack of sound = silence) is very important in horrorgames. Horrorgames are all about trying to make the player feel as if he's alone, and yet surrounded by evil things. Making the player feel insecure and abandoned / in danger. It's those sudden things (like in Amnesia) that can scare the hell out of you. Thanks, Benton. This one is still WIP.
  14. I like the idea of an intense horror game too. Doesn't have to be zombies, it could also be some kinda monsters/demons. Regarding the zombies, though...making them is not that hard. Here's a model I did yesterday for another game I'm working on. This one is really low poly...only 861 tris. I would suggest between 3000 - 4000 (or maybe 5000 at the most) for high detail. The good thing about having zombies/monsters, is that you only need one rig with animations for all the monsters. Having the game indoors is not a bad idea, but I would also add an outdoors level if possible. Cheers
  15. I like this idea too. As for characters, I would also keep them limited. Making horses is not something everyone can do. Best to sit down and talk with the group members, discussing what is possible, and what is not. As for cutscenes, you also should decide which way to do them. Either by comic story telling, by ingame cutscenes, or by movies. This will also depend on the skills of the members. Cheers
  16. Why not use a cylinder instead of a sphere?
  17. + 1 I think every project needs good management and dedicated people willing to finish it. Getting a game finished is the hardest part. That and also deciding what game it'll be if you work in a team. I've done a few games from start to finish (mostly 2D), but not big projects. Keeping motivated and inspired is what'll get you furthest. Also, good leadership is essential, but not to the point of becoming bossy. We're making this game for our pleasure and to learn, not to become enemies. Best would be a small game, maybe a simple fps shooter. It would be good to have something to promote the Leadwerks engine. Show what it can do. And, if the game turns out to be decent, we could take it one step further and make it better and better. So, yes I'm willing to participate. I'm not the best programmer, but I'm quite good at media (3D models, 2D art, sounds, music...). Cheers
  18. One more FREE skybox added to the asset store. A night time skybox with stars and moon, perfectly suited for horrorgames, or for night time scenes. By changing the background colour in the properties panel of the 'Atmosphere', you can achieve some cool effects. Here's how it looks with the background colour set to dark red. Cheers
  19. This is SWEET stuff, paramecij! Nice work, dude! Awesome. Did you take these pics yourself? Yes indeed, they could be of good use to me (and also the LE community). I could make some sweet vegetation models with this. The bump map texture, I could do them myself if necessary. Cheers
  20. Thanks! Heheh, yeah I might do that. Sorry that I didn't upload the rock model yet. Have been working on the tree model, which had a bit of an upgrade. Upgrade includes: less polies, improved collision .phy file, billboard, and made as a vegetation layer, so now you can just paint with it in the terrain editor. Oh, and I also lowered the tree model to prevent having a gap at the roots of the tree when the terrain has steep curves. The collision now only works on the trunk and branches, and not on the leaves. To install, create a folder in the 'Trees' folder of the 'Vegetation' folder, and unzip all the files in there. Uploading to the asset store now. Have fun with it. Cheers
  21. Finished a free rock model that I'll be uploading to the asset store tomorrow when I wake up. Here a few screenies. The model has 3340 tris, and was made and textured in Sculptris.
  22. I had the same problem with my gun and arm model. Adjusting the scale of the model and also changing the position of the model got rid of the issue. This way, I didn't need to change the radius size of the character controller.
  23. You mean the red spots? ? They are supposed to look like bloodstains, but they could use an upgrade. I'll probably add a bit of shine and a bit more bump to the glove aswell. Cheers
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