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Everything posted by YouGroove

  1. Actually all objects are mixed together, scripts, models, textures, shaders. It would be great to have categories for Steam and LE3 workshop.
  2. Same problem LE3 is not able to start, and i can't switch from Beta to standard.
  3. So, has some next direction been talked about like vegetation or decals ? I'm curious.
  4. Hi, Why not having real axis 2D constraints for physics like some others packages propose.This could be usefull for people wanting to make 2.5D games. Some example of 2.5D :
  5. It's not possible otherwise it would not be major updates. Take a look at UE4 updates, some major ones really breaks compatibility sometimes, i got a map totally lost also. I create my your own folders for model,script,textures ... so they won't be impacted by updates.
  6. Any news ? I dreamed about seeing Physix features available in LE3
  7. I mean scripts, shaders downloads, some was still valuable : ramp shader, PBR Effect etc ... Nevermind, it was just a question because it was available again these days.
  8. Hi I wanted to try some shaders made in the past, but the Download menu is no more on LE3 site. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/ It is normal ?
  9. Using a character controller , if it collides with a barrel while walking , it will go on the sides with Z values to avoid the obstacle and continue forward on X. While we want the character physics to always stay at Z=0 and push the barrel that itself could not move in Z axis and also stay on Z=0. So the only way is PhysicsSetPosition() combined with Raycast or collision detection with obstacle to stop moving.
  10. The problem with character controller it will always go a little front or back in Z , while a real XY constraint system there is not possible to have any move on Z. But i agree using SetPosition could be a way.
  11. I wanted fast moves as in this game, this is why i used such speed So for extreme cases the solution is to use raycast perhaps to detect walls and prevent fast overalps.
  12. With crawler there is no problem only with my character, so perhaps my character makes that problem. I won't access my desktop computer this week end, but i'll get back next days with a test map if i don't find the problem.
  13. In the same map i made the center cube lot more bigger ,and going backward full speed with the character and also turning a little at same time i got it going throught all geometry. Once it get throught geometry, it seems it don't collide anymore with walls also.
  14. The nil entity bug made i couldn't have a map, but i made a new one : Just go forward and backward with the character against the wall and the cube, when you reach the wall quickly press backward to go bacl to the cube in the center , when you collide with it again press quickly the key to go forward to the wall. Repaeating that you will have the character going throught cube or wall. How to test : - Create a new level - dezip Collision.map on your map folder - move 3Dperson.lua to Scripts/Objects/Player Run the game. Maps.zip
  15. My bad, I removes all ressources the script was loading , because these ressources (pics, sounds) are not part of LE3 package, and i had no problem with camera using the two versions : Script.Camera = "" --entity Script.Camera = nil --entity The error message was not precise and mislead me to think it was that line the problem, but in fact it was ressources not loaded and used in script it seems. The thread can be closed
  16. Yes , it was to keep constraint axis, i mean moving objects only on X and Y like many 2.5 D games. I didnt' know it worked using big forces. So i see two solutions : - using some raycast at diffrent height from player center to direction it is facing and stop calling PhysicsSetposition if the ray hits something and player is near - stop calling PhysicsSetPosition if character is in collision with Level geometry
  17. A strange thing the character controller physics sink throught floor Am i the only one, or it is in my system only perhaps ?
  18. I found that running backwards against geometry make it more easy to not collide and pass trought geometry more easy.
  19. When we choose Character for physics, it' always because the Collision type will be character. It would be good to have the type automatically switching to "Character" when we choose "Character" for physics. It's a bit repetitive to have to select it two times.
  20. It would be helpfull to have some rotation gizmo that always faces the camera, it makes things lot more easy. It's the white circel in Blender that always faces the camera. Also a new rotation gizmo with circles instead of arrows would be appreciated also.
  21. I made another test map and i have same problem but worst as using FindChild i have same message. Or my system is going weird or i will need some LE3 re install ? I uploaded the test map : Put the map in Maps folder and the script in "Scripts/objects/player" and try running it. EntityBug.zip
  22. When facing a BSP cube with half character height, if i keep walking on it and at same time quickly shaking camera left and right to make direction quick changes sometimes the character enters the volumes and not collide with BSP.
  23. I tried remove and put script then relink camera entity, but no way, the only soluction was Aggro one, put " ".
  24. It makes sense : Save animation So we could choose load animation without having to create the file manually. Actually in practice be able to laod each time some Txt file containing all animations ranges to extract is just super usefull.
  25. Yes you are riht, i checked the code and i had that before the call to SetInput() -- rotate the model along with the camera self.entity:SetRotation(Vec3(0, self.cameraYaw , 0)) So i changed that. Thanks.
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