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Everything posted by YouGroove

  1. Hi, For AI i need a function that would return a reachable point in navmesh, at some given minimum distance and at any random angle. Like : GetRandomPointAtDistance(distance) We could calculate points around the character at some minimum distance and each time call GotoPoint() until it returns true, but perhaps Navigation has better optimized functions ?
  2. Hi, I have a character with child pivots, i call : self.entity:AlignToVector(...) But the child objects don't get rotated or aligned.
  3. Metalness is not 0 or 1, but something varying from 0 to 100%. Roughness = 15% Metal = 100% : it looks like a non reflective metal with low specular Roughness = 15% Metal = 0% : it looks like rubber It depends if your software is able to store some metal or roughness on the Alpha. Substance Painter has many export options while 3D Coat simply uses plain bitmaps without using alpha.
  4. I have no results and i don't understand if i use it well or not ? I have a sphere to visualize the ray end and it is okay, and i use pick like that : world:Pick(rayStart,rayEnd,pickinfo,pickSize,true) I put true so it returns the first intersection collision only, and no last parameter to return any kind of collision. function Script:RaycastPlayer() -- disable model picking self.entity:SetPickMode(0) local world = World:GetCurrent() local pickinfo = PickInfo() local pickSize = 0 local rayStart = self.entity:GetPosition(true) local pivot = self.entity:FindChild("ray") local rayEnd = pivot:GetPosition(true) self.debugSphere:SetPosition(rayEnd,true) if (world:Pick(rayStart,rayEnd,pickinfo,pickSize,true)) then local pickentity = pickinfo.entity if pickentity ~= nil and pickentity.id == 1 then return true end end -- reenable model picking self.entity:SetPickMode(Entity.SpherePick) return false end
  5. Hi, Having the engine be able to draw lines on funtions Pick() during gameplay would be usefull for debugging gameplay.
  6. There is no more specular in PBR, only roughness and metalness combinations , i you are tempting some PBR system.
  7. Many indie game uses proprietary engines also, some uses small 3D engines and they make and sell games, LE3 with last improvements is ready for game making today ( if you are not requiring vegetation or BSP tools ). You have encryption when you publish and Aggror cheap FlowGUI for the GUI. I mean medium/small games, don't expect to make Skyrim with LE3. @Ronald : I understand that having broken stuff in Linux and having good on Windows is frustrating, while Windows users are at lest happy with LE3. What i don't understand is if bugs was so old , why are you the only one that pointed that loudly ? Why other Linux people don't come on forums and react like you did ? Are they shy ? Or are they happy as it is ? It's also users responsability to shout loud when minimal requirements are not working, like any product if people don't move their *** to say something is wrong , you won't get lot of attention from developpers (specially when they are focused on other things, they can quickly forget about your issues)
  8. Another insight on AI : I got the simple idea of some AI managers per zones in a level. It's a simple pivot with script managing ennemies like where they can go to hide or how many can get close to the player and how many stay attacking at distance. The main things it manages are : - Spawn/Hide/show ennemies when the zone is visible and player near - Manage the number of ennemies that can go close fight to the player , the others will stay distant - What covers are free and the ones that are not available because an ennemy is assigned and going to it already. - Raycast from different positions around a cover or building to get the side where ennemies can go and stay hidden from player fire.
  9. LE3 is a 3D engine good at what it is : 3D , there are better suited for 2D games with tools for 2D , it's a strange choice.
  10. I'm not a Linux user so i won' t say more on it, and as Windows users we can't say it's not a problem when we use only a more stable Windows version and while we don't encounter same bugs. I don't ask open source, i just say it works, take a look at UE4, they test and decide what users contributions will be included in the official version. Unity has open UI as open soruce and they will bring some other parts while keeping closed the core , that's also a solution. i only see the benefits : - Editor bug fixes - Editor improvments - Time saved to work on Core features instead of editor bugs for Windows and Linux. But perhaps you are right and it would not work on other engines. Well the thread is turning on Windows Vs Linux. We really don't need old school OS battle wars, saying Linux is bad and should not be in LE3. So drop it, Josh is the boss
  11. Well UE4 is open source , so you can't compare, but yes having the editor for example open source would make bug fixes fast made by users , like improvments and tools made by users. Perhaps it's something that could help LE3 ? I was more talking about small ones like Esenthel or Irrlicht engines.
  12. What Linux system distros are supported on other 3D engines ?
  13. @Ronald : LE3 has a demo version, so you can test and decide to buy or not to buy. At least you know what you buy. The indie scene and people that sell games is very diverse , you can find proprietary engines, and small ones , open source based also. What matters is not : "hey i'm using UE4", if you can't sell a game it's useless, what matters i think is more : i could finish a good game and people enjoy it. @Guppy: Linux is complicated at final. But it should be priorized as Steam has more and more attention to Linux games, i don't know why it is not as priority as Windows ? Hotter demo is not a Linux game ? Let's hope LE3 to get more attention on Linux problems. Olby, it's easy to state, but the day you'll buy for example some 3D painting application advertised as Linux ready on the main page , if you find lot of bugs and if you are Linux user only , believe me you will feel not happy. I think the texture lock problem was turning you upset , i can't imagine how crazy you'll get if you were using Linux version It's problems, but there is many solutions as always : - stop new features and fix Linux biggest problems. - Hire someone to correct the bugs - Put some editor parts as open source - stop the Linux version as it means double work.
  14. I agree it is not biggest priority. But it could be considered perhaps in the future ? I need some sort of plugint to simply make regions types for the AI , and drop some AI Manager that controls all foes on some area level. A plugin system would allow me to visually adjust the regions without needing the try,change values, try again etc ... method. Or simply visualize, the distances for some AI like attack, roam, escape etc ... a plugin that could show the distance in the editor before running the game would just rock.
  15. I'm trying different gameplay approaches as i won't go for big outdoor TPS game, LE3 is not GTA game engine. I have three main gameplay styles - 2.5D and exploration : DeadLight, Strider or Shadow Complex style game - TPS with linear levels : ennemies appearing in a scripted way , you finish a level and can move to the next one. Each level consists of progressing throught each areas. - TPS action/exploration game: a Metroid like with a big world divided in many sections, with teleporters and many areas to unlock progressively as you gain new tech thinsg throught story.
  16. Skecthing a new robot to deal with : Turret Very resistant, heavy damage.
  17. Nice Work Josk, looking great. Seems more StarCrawler than Grimrock , why not fast and smooth movement when moving , i don't like the PowerPoint effect
  18. I'm not sure as the barrel should be able to be pushed or thrown anywhere on space, it would only not move on 2 axis. And workflow would be longer creating physic joints for every object that could be dynamic. I just found the solution that works for 2.5D physics constraint on Z for physic objects function Script:UpdateWorld() local vel = self.entity:GetVelocity(true) if vel.z > 0 or vel.z < 0 then vel.z = 0 self.entity:SetVelocity(vel,true) end end Some 2.5D character controller could be using SetVelocity on X , combined with AddForce() for jumping, and perhaps some collision or ray detection for special cases.
  19. Hi, Duplicating some Entity and it's script , the new entity script has same values for Script variables , entities variables values are not copied.
  20. I got same problem. A Steam filter bug perhaps.
  21. Dog AI movement and missile attack (prototyping). Each attack will make heavy damage, so the player will have to be very mobile and find covers.
  22. Hi, I imported a standard mesh, with rotation,location applied to the object in Blender before export. The problem is that character physics is ok on the editor , but the model is rotate when testing the game. The FBX model is uploaded to test. dogPRoto.zip
  23. Sometimes you can make crazy amount of nodes for a final texture that could be done in some painting software and using layers simply, but i like SD for making tileable textures quickly. Otherwise for custom textures, like painting a robot or some character, i use a 3D painting program like 3D Coat or Substance Painter, i work faster painting different colors directly , also using layers (a layer for scratches, one for color variation etc ...) and painting with alpha brushes and masks to paint details.
  24. When you create a new substance SD proposes you to choose a template : - standard - physically based As LE3 don't support Pbr (physically based rendering) you must choose the standard template. As using LE3 you must keep the default ones channels proposed : - diffuse - normal -specular When your texture is finished you click on your graph on left window and choose : "export outputs as bitmaps" So you will be able to export your textures (diffuse,normla,specular) of your material to use with LE3 standard shader : Diffuse-normal-specular.
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