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Vida Marcell

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Everything posted by Vida Marcell

  1. So this is my* code, vs can compile it, but i cant interact with any of my keyboard and mouse buttons while (true) { if (mainwindow->Closed() or mainwindow->KeyDown(UltraEngine::KEY_ESCAPE)) break; mousedown = false; if (window->MouseDown(1)) { m_vCamRot.y += (window->MouseX() - (window->GetWidth() / 2)) * Time::GetSpeed() * 0.2; m_vCamRot.x += (window->MouseY() - (window->GetHeight() / 2)) * Time::GetSpeed() * 0.2; mousedown = true; } m_vCamRot.z = -3 + window->GetMousePosition().z; if (mousedown) { window->HideMouse(); window->SetMousePosition(window->GetWidth() / 2, window->GetHeight() / 2); } else { window->ShowMouse(); } Vec3 pos = m_pCamPivot->GetPosition(); camera->SetPosition(pos.x, pos.y + 0.5, pos.z); camera->SetRotation(m_vCamRot.x, m_vCamRot.y, 0); camera->Move(0, 0, m_vCamRot.z); This still uses uak and leadwerks. *Most of the code is from reepblue!
  2. The rotation is wokring, i just cant limit it, whit the left mouse button.
  3. Its too complicated, i want to do it whit an if statement
  4. //Values Vec2 mouseRot; while (true) { if (mainwindow->Closed() or mainwindow->KeyDown(UltraEngine::KEY_ESCAPE)) break; mouseRot = Vec2(mainwindow->GetMousePosition().x * -1 / 1.71, mainwindow->GetMousePosition().y * -1 / 1.71); if (window->MouseDown(3)) { model->SetRotation(0, mouseRot[0], mouseRot[1]); } I can rotate the model but it does'nt recognize any mouse button interactions.
  5. It looks actually really great compared to other maps, but i think a couple of tree trunks and rocks would make the forest way better
  6. I solved my problem, i can delete items now, but when doing it i get this weird dark "Item". Take a look.
  7. Now i can add items without commenting out the RemoveItem, but i still get the error message when i want to delete something.
  8. I looked to much on it, its actually looking great after a break. i should add more smudge.
  9. So i practiced some Substance designer this day, and i want to know what do you think about it. This is an architecture desgin that is used in mid-europe. what should i improve?
  10. So i created some variables inside an if statement, and i cant use them outside, what to do?
  11. How can i move my window without a handle?
  12. Josh, do you have any Ultra engine wallpaper (Not compressed)
  13. Well i'm trying to be the best
  14. Do you think we can achive this kind of graphics with ultra? (I copied the link at a specific time)
  15. Unreal can and should hide.
  16. oh, is there any chance you show me that?
  17. How soon will this work with pbr materials?
  18. + If there is anything i could add to it, or ideas please tell me.
  19. I was thinking about it, but where i live there are not even pipes on the street or in buldings. So i'll keep it on yellow
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