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Everything posted by Yue

  1. I can not understand, to create the server I need to have the steam account open, otherwise it does not work to create a server. The file you idces has a number 480.
  2. I think I don't quite understand the concept of online in leadwerks. I mean, can you only play players who have a steam account? If it is correct, how can I create a game and test it? It's trying to create a server on another computer and I got a "we couldn't create the server, fails" sign.
  3. It looks like if you create the server, but I can't join.
  4. Okay, I'll create it from the outside. "Test Server Yue"
  5. Is it because I'm throwing it from the editor that you can't see it?
  6. Test Server Yue, One thing I've noticed is that pressing the jump key crashes the game.
  7. I have released the online player example, but I don't know how to test it locally. I have a "Test Yue" server
  8. One question, to use the online multiplayer, do I have to have steam with all the privileges This is because my account is limited to steam.
  9. As an additional note only happens with the lights that have the configuration of static, dynamic and buffered. If not active buffered, the shadow change works as it should.
  10. I'm trying to change the quality of the shadow, but the scene remains dark, all the lights go out, any suggestion or is it a bug? --#*****************************************************# --# Proyecto : Pawn. # --# Scripter : Yue Rexie. # --# Fichero : Main.lua # --# Sitio Web : http://www.iris3dgames.ga # --#*****************************************************# --# Notas : Fichero principal de entrada al # --# # --#*****************************************************# local ventana = Window:Create("Pawn | Alpha | 0.0 ",0,0,1024,768, Window.Titlebar + Window.Center ) local lienzo = Context:Create(ventana, 16 ) local mundo = World:Create() mundo:SetLightQuality(2) Map:Load("Maps/start.map") ventana:HideMouse() while ventana:KeyHit(Key.Escape) == false and ventana:Closed() == false do if ventana:KeyHit(Key.M) then mundo:SetLightQuality(0) end Time:Update() mundo:Update() mundo:Render() lienzo:Sync(true) end
  11. Any suggestion for my character to carry a box? i.e. what method can I use for the box to be hooked to the player's controller and then released to another location? I appreciate the help.
  12. self.pickinfo = PickInfo() self.colision = self.mundo:Pick(self.pivotP:GetPosition(true), Vec3(self.pivotP:GetPosition(true).x,self.pivotP:GetPosition(true).y-0.65,self.pivotP:GetPosition(true).z), self.pickinfo,0.5, false) self.jump = 0.0 if self.ventana:KeyHit(Key.Space) then if self.colision then self.jump = 8 end end if self.colision then aire = false posPlayer = self.entity:GetPosition(false) else aire = true posPlayer_Aire = self.entity:GetPosition(false) if posPlayer_Aire.y <= -10 + posPlayer.y then infoAire = "Juju" self.entity:SetPosition(posPlayer.x, posPlayer.y, posPlayer.z-10,false) -- <<< Here!, end end The previous code in Lua script, has as objective that when the player falls to the void from the platform he returns it to the point where the fall starts, on the same platform. All works well if the player before reaching the edge jumps and goes to the void, however if the player does not jump, and runs to the edge, goes to the void and is at the point where the fall begins, nothing is left over, and falls again and again. According to my game logic, I have to position the player in the z position locally, but with an added value towards his back so that it remains on the platform, but it doesn't work, even if it puts False or True in the global or local coordinate system, it doesn't work. Any suggestions? Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
  13. I would like you to consider in the very near future, GetRadius, SetRadius, GetHeight, SetHeigh for the character controller.
  14. Yue


  15. Ok, solved. self:UpdatePlayer(self.entity) end function Script:UpdatePlayer(entidad) entidad:Hide() System:Print(entidad) end
  16. In that case as step a parameter? function Script:UpdatePlayer( self ) self.entity:Hide() end self.UpdatePlayer( self.entity ) <<< Ok?
  17. Hi, I have a question about the functions. function Script:UpdatePlayer() end function UpdatePlayer() end What is the difference between defining this function differently?
  18. Yue


    Skeleton character
  19. This is really crazy, I take it for granted that crouching doesn't work, this because in the documentation, it says it's something for a future development version. https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_SetInput But if it works, it seems that not all features of the setinput work.
  20. Yue


    Hi, it's a ladwerks shader that applies to the stage as a whole.
  21. Ready the problem has been solved. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29
  22. Ok, this seems to have already happened to me, and this is what I get when I drag the model directly onto the executable fbx2mdl.exe, I guess is to install some of the redistributable.
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