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Everything posted by Yue

  1. Yeah, thanks, it'd be great to get the rar scripts.
  2. Yue


    Test Jump.mp4 Improving the jump system. For Pawn. 0.1
  3. What happened, is that apparently an update of Windows 10 puts to use the hard disk to 100% in that moment the system collapsed, it was all very slow, and the led of the hard disk this ignited, but it could not do anything. So after a long time of trying, I went to the windows updates and suspended the updates and this was fixed. But when I entered Leadwerks, the script files were blank, they didn't have any content inside. What you have to do now is save manual copies of the scripts and save them somewhere else. So it's my turn to start again, but something strange happens here, this is going faster than the first time, because I already have experience in how leadwerks work, and I can better organize the design of the program. I suppose that not everything is so bad from the experience something is learned anyway.
  4. The map does appear, but the scripts contain nothing inside.
  5. All the scripts of my project are blank, do not contain anything inside, happened at a time when the rate of hard disk usage rose to 100% This is really a shame. Somewhere Leadwerks keeps copy of these scripts?
  6. I have a problem, I wish that when moving the wheel of the mouse the camera gets closer or further away from the character. This I want to do with the mouse wheel, and is a kind of zoom, but I can not set things to work. I welcome any possible suggestions, and if possible a simple script code. zoomCamara = ventana:GetMousePosition().z /500.0 --zoomCamara ~= zoomCamara then -- Zoom / Se mueve el pivote de la cámara. if self.pivoteCamara:GetPosition(false).z < -2 then self.pivoteCamara:Move(0,0,zoomCamara) end
  7. How can I remove that border?
  8. Yes, thank you very much, it was fixed with the second image, but I still have this tin. Thank you for the patience. That of being looking for nice skybox on the internet, has the problem that are downloaded in jpg format.
  9. This continues to have drawbacks, if the texture is very small you see that fissure.
  10. Trying to understand the Leadwerks GUI. The edge should be that way? I would expect it to be with the corners a little rounded. This is what I have written. local gui = nil local base = nil local context = nil function Script:Start() hudPlayer = Texture:Load("Hud/PawnHud.tex") hudSad = Texture:Load("Hud/Sad.tex") font = Font:Load("Fonts/space age.ttf", 12) context = Context:GetCurrent() context:SetFont(font) gui = GUI:Create(context) base = gui:GetBase() panel = Widget:Panel(gui:GetBase():GetClientSize().x/2-150,gui:GetBase():GetClientSize().y/2+150,300,100,gui:GetBase()) panel:SetAlignment(0,0,0,0) panel:SetFloat("radius",30) panel:SetBool("border",true) Widget:Label("Do you want to",panel:GetClientSize().x/2-100,20,300,20,panel) Widget:Label("try again?",panel:GetClientSize().x/2-65,40,300,200,panel) btnYes = Widget:Button("OK",panel:GetClientSize().x/2-2-110,panel:GetClientSize().y-26-4,100,26,panel) btnNo = Widget:Button("Cancel",panel:GetClientSize().x/2+18,panel:GetClientSize().y-26-4,100,26,panel) btnYes:SetStyle(BUTTON_OK) btnNo:SetStyle(BUTTON_CANCEL) gui:Hide() end
  11. local gui = GUI:Create(lienzo) local base = gui:GetBase() local button = Widget:Button("Push",20,20,76,26,gui:GetBase()) button.SetColor(Vec4(1,0,0,1)) -- No Work!
  12. Prueba.mp4 It seems to go up very little, and stops at certain times, when I interact with the boxes it goes up more.
  13. Yue


    No is Airoman!!
  14. I'm not a template lover, I usually delete all of Main's content, and try to start from scratch, I think that helps me to have the possible control over the application.
  15. Yue


    That's it for today, the player runs out of power. It's time to think of a simple GUI. Energy Zero.mp4
  16. Yue


    Animation Energy Zero
  17. Yue


    Gray Screen Energy Low. Gray Screen Energy Low.mp4
  18. Ok, I already have it, however I don't know how to delete it, I have an option to delete all of them and not one specif
  19. The idea is that when my character runs out of energy add a grayscale shader. In the editor I know how but I need through scripts. I appreciate an example, because what I have doesn't work for me. function Script:Start() local shader = Shader:Load("Shaders/PostProcess/grayscale.shader") self.entity:AddPostEffect(shader ) end
  20. Yue


    Yes, I have many ideas, initially the batteries have a period of duration, and this can increase depending on the battery. At this point I'm exploring different game possibilities, ranging from online players under a timer accumulating boxes, to the most reasonable would be to solve puzzles, open doors, encrypt data, challenges that will go up the difficulty. I don't have any experience in making a game, but I think something simple will be enough. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
  21. Yue


    Energy hud test. You spend more energy if the character runs, you spend less energy if you walk, thanks to its great mechanism of software that is in perfect condition, does not spend anything when it is in a quiet state, jumps or kicks, its chips are intact to the environment. ? By the way, the other sky came back, thanks to Josh. The next step is that something happens when the power goes out, a message on the screen, and possibly the screen in black and white. In addition an animation of exhausted battery. Prueba Hud Energy.mp4
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