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Everything posted by Yue

  1. Other sample. local window = Window:Create("App",0,0,800,600) local context = Context:Create(window) context:SetScale(800,600) -- Quit line, show Gui. Fix Scren Full problem. -- Not Set Scale Context, problem full screen. local gui = GUI:Create(context) local base = gui:GetBase() base:SetScript("Scripts/GUI/Panel.lua") x=20 y=20 local sep=30 widget = Widget:Label("Default",x,y,300,20,base) y=y+sep widget = Widget:Label("Left with border",x,y,300,20,base) widget:SetStyle(LABEL_BORDER) y=y+sep widget = Widget:Label("Center with border",x,y,300,20,base) widget:SetStyle(LABEL_BORDER + LABEL_CENTER) y=y+sep widget = Widget:Label("Right with border",x,y,300,20,base) widget:SetStyle(LABEL_BORDER + LABEL_RIGHT) y=y+sep widget = Widget:Label("Center with border and vertical align",x,y,300,80,base) widget:SetStyle(LABEL_BORDER + LABEL_CENTER + LABEL_MIDDLE) y=y+90 widget = Widget:Label("Sometimes a label just has too much text to fit in its space. When this happens, just use the worwrap option!",x,y,300,80,base) widget:SetStyle(LABEL_BORDER + LABEL_WRAP) y=y+sep while true do if window:Closed() then return end if window:KeyHit(Key.Escape) then return end while EventQueue:Peek() do local event = EventQueue:Wait() if event.id == Event.WidgetAction then System:Print("WidgetAction") elseif event.id == Event.WidgetSelect then System:Print("WidgetSelect") end end context:Sync() end
  2. window = Window:Create(title,0,0,1920,1080,Window.Fullscreen) --Create the graphics context context=Context:Create(window,0) context:SetScale(1920,1080) -- Not Problem Full Screen, error Gui not visible.
  3. @Rick I have done load tests before loading the map, however I have two repeated models, now the question is, what do I do with that model, The hidden? And in the case of audio files, does the same apply?
  4. I have a problem running in full screen, my findings is that if I set the same window size for the context, the error is fixed, however the Gui is not visible when I press the escape key.
  5. Okay thanks, it's really interesting, always something new to learn. By the way, the arrow disappeared. ?
  6. Okay, I always have to learn something new, and the translator isn't that helpful. I mean, I have a map file, which has a mesh, and a camera. The map file, I call it start.map. In that case, it would be something like that. Load Mesh. Upgrade, progress bar to 50%. Load Camera. Update progress bar to 100%. I load the map. Correct?
  7. I would like to expose the editor's information when loading the different resources of a level. This could simulate pretty loading screens, with the option to set custom messages for each item loaded on screen. Will it be possible?
  8. In the case of curtains, the false loading bar is implemented, a bar that changes its position from 1 to 100, but when it reaches 50, for example, the map loading starts, but at this point the loading bar stops at that percentage while loading the map, a way to create and simulate a loading bar, but in reality it is only visual. Depending on the computing power, how big the map is, in 50% of the bar can last longer, less time loading the map, then when it ends the loading bar continues to its highest value the number 100. With this gives step the level.
  9. The loading process usually happens and takes time. I understand the concept of loading a model one by one, and then update the drawing of the load bar, however this is not possible with a map, where everything is initially loaded and evaluated as a single entity and updated the load, ie with "Load" of the map I have its return value when loading the map, I have not managed to evaluate every time you load each entity of that map. In c++ you can create threads, you need a thread to update the load bar while a second thread is loaded resources. This is rather an element of showing something to the user while that load happens, a progress bar, a continuous animation of loading etc. In the case of a map, I don't see any sense to load the whole map, and then hide it, we would have a black screen initially and the idea is rather to show an animation when that map is loaded in the background. The idea would be something like that in c++. A thread is created, and through a main loop it is evaluated that while the map is not loaded an animation of an image is updated, a progress bar or whatever. When the map is loaded, the loading thread is killed and the level we need is passed. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
  10. For a progress bar to be real, threads must be managed, one in charge of updating the status of the progress bar and another thread where those resources are loaded in the background, inevitably it seems that this must be done on the c++ side. Otherwise when loading a complete map is evaluated when the map is loaded in its entirety, however if you create entities one by one you can update the status of the progress bar but it is not viable. In the case of maps, if the map is very large, the bar will undoubtedly pause for a long time, until it is completely loaded. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
  11. I also had problems with the resolution in full screen mode and something about the scale in windows. My point of view is that there are two types of resolution that my computer marks as in the panel of nvidia ultra, hd, sd, if I try to run leadwerks in screen mode I have rare problems, however the other resolution marked as "PC" does not present these problems. Now, on the progress bar I remember that I made a false object loading bar in Leadwerks using Lua Script, this I did using the curtains, where a progress bar goes up simulating resource loading, but stops for a moment when it is loading the map. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
  12. function this:LoadMap( map ) function loading() System:Print("Load...") end self.map = Map:Load("Maps/"..map..".map", loading()) return self.map end Testing with Load Map only returns when the map is fully loaded, not when an entity is loaded from the map.
  13. Yue


    I think, undoubtedly a good tool must have good documentation. That is to say imagine that you buy a powerful appliance to use in your home and you don't see any explicit documentation about its respective functions. I think it can ruin the product, it's just what I think. Now, the simple example is based on for example a C++, lua, or C# template, something very simple like creating a simple window. And the rest is left to the user's mercy when digging into the documentation structure, or asking questions in the community. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
  14. Yue


    Some will survive the new changes.
  15. In my case, only with one light I have performance problems, my hardawre is about 15 years ago, in that case complex scenes would be for exclusive use of medium or high range.
  16. In case anyone wants to try this. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/25uzx6yefdqlf2i/AACiWj6-ClxelluEWFRB2AO3a?dl=0 The new updates to test performance was to go to an internet room and test it on a computer with a gtx 1060 i5 processor and 6 gigs on ram. It ran very well in different screen resolutions, so it's definitely my computing power problem. At this point nothing to do to continue with this.
  17. Sync Off 800 x 600 Sync Off 1024 x 768 42 fps.
  18. I have deactivated the shaders that you mention, but obviously it has to do with the screen resolution, if I use resolution greater than 800 x 600 I have bottleneck. For example if I launch the game from the editor I have a frame rate of 23 - 25, if I launch it from the executable by closing the map editor, I have 28 - 30. I think it's because it's an open world, that I have that drawback, but if I think of a closed level with rooms, walls seems to be more manageable the drawback, because what's behind the walls is not drawn until I cross that door and the other closes, then the performance remains at 60 fps. It's really hard for me to understand with this of the translator, I'm going to deactivate the vertical synchronization as you mentioned. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
  19. That is to say, if I have a wall and behind that wall there is a box, and the wall has the culling occlusion option marked, then the box behind that wall is not drawn, because the camera is not being visualized?
  20. 640 x 480 resolution screen.
  21. I have discovered something, if under the screen resolution of 1024 x 768 to 640 x 480, this is normalized. I suppose they are my resources, my experience as a player make me remember when I played GTA IV to the minimum of details and with the smallest screen resolution possible to have a better performance.
  22. That is to say that if you marked that option in the entity, as a mesh, that mesh is not visualized, it is not rendered when the camera is not looking at it?
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