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Everything posted by flachdrache

  1. Cubemap projection - maybe as a shadowing pass.
  2. misfortune ... too much text! The bad thing about you is that you pretend to need help only to start a flame war. GameOver for you. B)
  3. So you simply should declare yourself better red ... and try a better style of writing your knickknacks.
  4. Actually, its "the" madness ... right. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/857-object-properties/page__p__7499__hl__classname__fromsearch__1entry7499 and switching from 2.30 to 2.31 was way more pain - both are good but they differ in very little but huge changes, imho. As been said - stick with a version (2.28 was stable too iirc) and stop switching every few steps you make.
  5. hmmm, i just use "ffmpeg2theora-0.25.exe" since super comes with a "non-commericial" license (just for the gui) with following settings, no issues so far ffmpeg2theora-0.25.exe --noaudio trailer.ogg ffmpeg2theora-0.25.exe -v9 -x960 -y720 -a2 -A80 -H44100 trailer.ogg ffmpeg2theora-0.25.exe -x960 -y720 -A80 -H44100 HountedHill.flv resampling audio seams to be very expensive, so if one has to -a1 (the default) should be better. -A80 is for Kbps but calling the exe under "cmd" shows the possible switches - there is also a "sync" switch.
  6. English is essential indeed - i told that so many times before and it still seams valid for me, that youll learn faster with a medium you like e.g. watch english movies, read english comics, poetries, radio. I usually have www[dot]dict.cc open since my spelling aint good ( there is a good bunch of german boneheads over there, trying to flood the database with "verbal abuse", - but still ). Well, database - there should be a solution which simply takes the postsData, translates that in to whatever language and mirrors the original posts in that language, not perfect of course but maybe possible. However, @me is against a non-english forum, too.
  7. Its not completely testet but i would stay HD (also for audio) - since my older compressed clips are simply refusing to work. In Niosop´s post is some bit for "preventing spikes" which did it for one of them "samples". However, others are crashing because of sound or strange pixel size "width/height" like 533x387. thx for your openAL addon paramecij. Can we "stream" that to use Le`s audio functions ?!
  8. You need to quote that little bit of a hint. Anyways, thats the point - if you render to a custom buffer why the call ... another thing is that you pass the video file before you init your "TheoraVideoManager" iirc. (is this correct?) Dont have the source here at work but its giving me a badPointer on "customBuffer".
  9. Hmmm, guess i had better luck with it - it only crashed once at me while the lua script couldnt find the surface i was pointing to iirc. I dont have it right here atm and cant test - you do used the TV model to test, right ? here is the content of my video.mat blend=0 depthmask=1 depthtest=1 overlay=0 zsort=0 cullface=1 castshadows=1 specular=1.00000000 bumpscale=1.00000000 gloss=0.500000000 shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse.vert","abstract::mesh_video.frag" shadowshader="abstract::mesh_shadow.vert","" hth
  10. Hä, i learn for the last 20 years and iam still not rich enough to call it a day -> Relax. I could even die tomorrow ... or later this day, dont know. Sorry that i cant be much of a help but i already gone at least twice through misgiving. Because of this i might can say that i have a sane set of expectations though. Loosing faith is one of the main issues for indieDevs imho - so, i look in that direction. Of course i too would like to have all issues sorted - that i just cant stumble over this or that milestone. I do expect that i need twice the time for my stuff as a random gameStudio would need. Simply because of engine, time, money and/or knowledge and thats just normal. For me "a indieDev" actually means to build a game beside the every day job (and there is not even a horror film about it - accept maybe the one with the rats nest in the cellar and the dude fighting the whole film and at the end he suffers severe wounds and the whole house is just smoke and ashes and the rats still survive ... ask your neighbor *eg*) which means like some hours a day work straight. I dont want to bring someone down or cause disbelief but sometimes once work has to follow once possibilities to once given time ( oh no, now he starts with the fairytales ). Please note that my urge aint just about decisions but the way it is - damn, i do sound like a frigging priest of darkness. hf
  11. Hmmmm, since i might was somewhat not considering all sane facts while doing my statement in the "porting to xbox360" discussion (e.g. engine features V.s. timeframe) - i think the same applies here. It of course would be great to have the capabilities of unrealEd/Radiant in LE`s editor but (for me) i better like to have a physic`s editor within the modelviewer rather than a "simple" plane based worldbuilder. Simple worldbuilder means w/o curves, copy&paste&mirroring for surfaceTexture`s, decal spawning (like in the vid). For what i would use blender i already use silo & giles (i bought those programs) but blender is free (and its gameEngine does have many flaws imo). I guess what i wanted to express is > if someone comes up with a blender setup + introduction video, optimised for "leveledition" i might even download it. PS: Any thoughts on this one. PPS : I might sound strange or even domineering sometimes - my apologise.
  12. I do have my workflow sorted, "minus" animated objects > but not much i can bring to the tabel or just throw in atm. However, i use all the programs i became attached to, over the years, which means iam best at unrealEd/Radiant (which are kind of "out of question") for level design and Silo/Zbrush3 for characters. If i want to draw a "dirt" decal, ill do it in zbrush and use it as "lightmap" in the second texture channel - since zBrush (or unrealEd/Radiant) might be not an option for some of us (even if i suggest to at least learn these) i suggest to take a look into the blender thing - its the best option imho. tbh i cant write it down like a game concept just yet (see my sig to get an idea of more usefull tools) but iam working on a prototype/pipeline concept atm. So, the 2.5x version of blender seams pretty stable and is very configurable - it is maybe an option to incorporate something for LE which was gMax`s tempest for quake3. [edit] What "scenefile" would be feasible ? Iam using dae and fbx as container but some of LE`s conversion tools dont like.
  13. I think the detail on the pictures you posted (both models i mean) are great. I do like the natural flow of the "boneplates" and the "skinwrinkles" - however, imo there is some imbalance in terms of in and extern bone shape (or the shape which the skeleton implies). Particularly the hands and feets, which are more lizard like (in germany we say "sausagefingers") instead of the obvious claw like dragon hands which have usually been used for "real" dragons. As of such - "usually" and "real". To trouble the lowpoly_cage with a restructure of boneshape might not be wise if in a late stage of retouching but i think hands and feets would also deform better (texture stretches over more vertices) with clear bending points. Looking forward to see them ingames with shaders attached.
  14. From the blury videos i saw to date i dont see any real difference between ps3 or x360 in terms of CryEngine 3 and its texture budged - iam no lab guy tbh but i expect that a PC version will be "sharper" (if) using the latest tech. Consoles do have many pros beside the "disc in / game on" but texture memory/budged aint one. Still wonder[ed] why they just show the gloom and the shooting in boring rivers, showing us boring splashes with them boring soldiers while shooting boring palms like they did yesterday. Whats up with the moisty jungle duff, the misty morning and starry nights ... eaten by alligators or what . [edit] : not moaning about the cryEngine (even if the xbox incarnation of farcry (which is "instincts" iirc) is the better game imho) but about the same/old videos action w/o any of the real eyeCandy.
  15. Another "closed" system i can distribute my offers to - sure. Cant understand the one who wouldnt want this to happen. Dont see any "real" way to jump over this obstacle but me, though. PS: imho - its all about (render)engine [re]integration ... horrible drop dead bloody work. PPS : many 360 games are on level with the original xbox simply because off.
  16. Yeah, one of my projects "might" incorporate Lua exclusively and handling its datastructures is something i have to do "next". Thx for the heads up.
  17. edit: Erosion and clipping (push vertices to a maximum height of 800m etc.) would be nice.
  18. fyi: A gameconcept is the rough meat while a design document defines its nuts and bolts - two different things. imo : If such concept is not already "out-there" the reason might be that "some" cyberpunk MMORPG of similar concept failed to succeed. ... (whoops - seams like there is a successor available)
  19. I kind of know the game which got you inspired - iirc is Bandits : PR a mission based 3rd "person" shooter, terrain based in a After.Dark. setting (nuclear holocaust -> MadMax). I like to do a "boils down to" approach in terms of gameconcepts. as of thus Your concept is nice to read. However, avoid cross-referencing (see below etc.) and any obvious similarities to your source of inspiration (wolfpack etc.). critique : You want it all and you want it now - a MMORPG, clan/class based with resource management seams a little too much imo. However, this is how "all" RTS flashgames are working (if in space, as a pirate or what not). So, its a general approach done many times before and you will face a lot of data management. Because of this you might find a good bunch of gamedesign documentation/thesis through out the INet and i suggest to give a client/frontend to the player which handles his/her current stats across the website login data (having it saved in there profiles). How to manage the 3D world i cant think of e.g. using different clan havens (for stats - workshop, garage etc.) and i miss some more "real" action_gameplay. Some last questions - do 3d person action gamers do like RTS elements, what about the social component (which adds to gameplay), what about money.
  20. Naaa, its just a little hard to find -> * WerkSpace * > Your control panel (e.g. MySettings/Your Options ;p) * > Blogs (etc.) hth, low
  21. Excellent - does fix some of my more messy models right away.
  22. Hmmm, there are some other options for "image based" realtime reflections - which all have its drawbacks however. Using cubemaps costs plenty of texture memory but aint too bad on the hardware (if using a manageable size for its texture faces) imho. However, i didnt mean realtime atm - just something like terragen`s "skybox" skript does e.g. adding a LUA script which saves sky/cube faces with correct orientation and fov. I always got seams in a past project, because of incorrect fov i guess.
  23. Using cubemaps for reflective surfaces seams to be a thing of the past (more like DX8 generation). However, i lately picking resources/inspiration and think it might gives nice effects for waterpuddle_decals etc. etc. etc. - so, i thing it wouldnt be too hard to add. Unfortunately i dont know how. description : request for the "main" view camera to save out screenshots (in the editor) which can be compiled into cubemaps - including the setup of origin, angle and fov.
  24. Sadly not all gamedesigns are fitting a single sheet of paper. ps: thought i already posted ... [scratches head]
  25. ? what shader e.g. SetShader(postfilter); BindTexture( palette , 1 ); ... in ASM Programs a black output usually means the texture target is empty iirc. shouldnt vec4 ncolor = vec4(1,0,0,1); be more like vec4 ncolor = vec4(0); just guessing though.
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