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Everything posted by DooMAGE

  1. Hello, When I try to run my project in debug mode I get OpenAL: AL_INVALID_VALUE Other than that I can run the project without issues in normal mode. I have 5 sound sources in the scene. Here some stats: EDIT - For some reason the pitch had negative values.
  2. Hello guys, I am trying to change de underwater color/transparency so the player can't see stuff when he is underwater. I tried to edit the shaders: - underwater.shader - underwater_low.shader - 00_Underwater+Caustics.lua by Shadmar Can't find the correct values, anyone know a workaround to do this? Thanks
  3. DooMAGE


    Looks good indeed.
  4. DooMAGE


    Will this work with AMD cards too? =]
  5. Working great so far.
  6. What do you guys think? I am messing around with GI in this scene and I think with GI looks better overall.
  7. DooMAGE

    4.2 Beta

    If this is about the "Backbuffer can not be blit to other buffers.". I hope he fixes soon. I'll you only get beta stuff if you opt in on Steam, if not you'll always have the current stable version.
  8. Now I wanna play a game called Super Turbo Demon Slayer
  9. I fixed my problem, there was an old CL.exe in my Syswow64 folder.
  10. DooMAGE

    4.2 Beta

    Besides the random crash, I noticed some performance boost. Can anyone confirm this? Or it's just some placebo thing in my mind The new lighting on the example map looks great!
  11. DooMAGE

    4.2 Beta

    When walking I get: Backbuffer can not be blit to other buffers. My GPU AMD R9 390.
  12. DooMAGE

    4.2 Beta

    Wooo. Updating
  13. I am having a hard time to compile anything in the VS2017, reinstalled did a repair and I am still getting this error even with simple hello world code. 1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(253,5): error MSB6006: "CL.exe" exited with code -1073741515
  14. Maybe is personal taste, but I think that the shadmar solution is more consistent and have some subtle color bleeding effect. The official one is too much, and there is some kind of odd noise in the godrays (?)
  15. So no more MSSA 0? Anyway the shader I am looking for is the "08_PP_bloom+godrays.lua" one. I have a very old copy but I have performance issues when there is water in the scene. Maybe there is no performance issues in the latest version. Thank you for asking.
  16. Lost my shaders backup so I tried to download the shadmar shader pack again, but it seems it got removed? https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=256268930 Google cache: https://goo.gl/GWTtwy wtf
  17. Do you plan to do more C++ tutorials too?
  18. There is also some steam members reporting the issue: http://steamcommunity.com/app/355500/discussions/0/276237094327755181/ http://steamcommunity.com/app/355500/discussions/0/217691032440960176/ http://steamcommunity.com/app/355500/discussions/0/276237094325094920/
  19. Thank you, please do more tutorials in the future
  20. https://80.lv/articles/vr-hardware-sales-dropped-to-zero/ should we worry?
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