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Everything posted by DooMAGE

  1. I'll update my project *fingers crossed*
  2. Yeah, this does the trick, looks like the render don't like that we fill 100% of the screen, the shaders don't update the last few pixels of the screen height. Thanks.
  3. When I drawn a image to fill the screen with: context:DrawImage(self.overlayTexture,0,0,context:GetWidth(),context:GetHeight()) and later stop drawing, you can still see a red little line of the overlay that I drawed in the botton of the screen, it's distracting :/ How can I properly clean the screen after a context:DrawImage ? I tried with: self.overlayTexture:Release() context:SetBlendMode(1) context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) context:Clear() No deal. EDIT: This only happens when I use a Posteffects :/
  4. If I release a new exe build with VC 2017, my game may not run on some computers?
  5. Leadwerks 4.2 Release candidate Looks like that when you use the carve option, it creates additional meshes across all the map. Video:
  6. Getting this now: Warning: Invalid object ID. Error: script connection target entity not found. Aborting flowgraph loading. {"enabled":true,"server_ts":1481591291,"flags":[]}t¸ Half of my flowgraph data is gone :s
  7. Hope you are looking into this too for full 4.2. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/15350-beta-42-pro-cannot-blit-backbuffer/
  8. http://www.notebookcheck.net/NVIDIA-Quadro-1000M.47317.0.html Here says that your GPU supports DX11 and OpenGL 4.1, so the game should run very well on your rig. Maybe there is something odd about it being a mobile card? Maybe Josh can help us figure it out :/ There is already ppl playing the game without problems.
  9. I have the latest AMD drivers =] If this is a driver problem, every game builded with 4.2 beta will have this problem, which is concerning.
  10. Woaa, that's very odd. I tested the game on AMD and NVIDIA gpus. May I ask what's your PC specs? Thanks.
  11. When I use the normal Map:Load, the video memory is about 300mb+ , but if I send a string to the load function the video memory goes to over 800mb. It's not about assets.
  12. About the game Lone Water is a first person adventure horror game that tells a story about a Post-Apocalyptic FLOODED World. You are a lone survivor in this world and must find clues to figure out why the world is flooded. The game combines loneliness, sadness and dread with a very peaceful environment. It's your job to determine whether humanity has finally destroyed itself. The world was in a chaotic state, the human race was about to pay for the lack of care and preservation of what is most precious to the human life, Water. The only solution was to use everything science could offer. A mega scientific corporation had a solution to the problem, by using a complex chemical process they gradually managed to make water a reality for people again. Unfortunately not everyone was happy and someone inside this big scientific corporation plans to cause a true ecological apocalypse. Unfortunately, it's too late. The world is all flooded and it is our fault. Only memories of the past were left to tell the true events that followed. Controls Movement: WASD + Mouse Jump: Spacebar E: Interaction Shift: Run Thanks Josh for looking at the "Cannot blit backbuffer" bug and thehankinator for the UI Library I'm using. Any feedback is greatly appreciated! Download: https://ragingmages.itch.io/lone-water-prologue
  13. Hello guys, I am working on a loading screen, and when I pass a string to the load function call my loading screen the video memory jumps to 300mb+ to 800mb+ Here my code: -- world creation here function LoadingScreen() context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) local loadingFont = Font:Load("Fonts/arial.ttf",42) context:SetFont(loadingFont) local loadingText = "L O A D I N G . . ." local x = (window:GetWidth() / 2) - (loadingFont:GetTextWidth(loadingText) / 2) local y = (window:GetHeight() / 2) - (loadingFont:GetHeight() / 2) -- Fill screen with black context:SetColor(0, 0, 0) context:DrawRect(0, 0, window:GetWidth(), window:GetHeight()) -- Draw "Loading" text context:SetColor(1, 1, 1) context:DrawText(loadingText, x, y) context:Sync(false) end LoadingScreen() -- map loading here -- inside the main loop if Map:Load("Maps/"..changemapname..".map", "LoadingScreen")==false then return end -- inside the main loop I did something wrong?
  14. Hello, I already reported this issue via PM but I'll put here too. Using the beta LE 4.2 when I compile a new .exe I get "Cannot blit backbuffer" on a map with water. @Josh, If you wanna reproduce this, use the same project I sent to you. Thanks.
  15. Thank you for the dark theme and +1 for the suggestion
  16. Hello friends, I have a crosshair script that works well, I just followed the example in the FPSPlayer.lua function Script:Start() self.crosshairImg = Texture:Load("Materials/HUD/dot_1.tex") end function Script:PostRender(context) if self.crosshairImg then local crossHairX = math.floor((context:GetWidth() - self.crosshairImg:GetWidth()))/2 local crossHairY = math.floor((context:GetHeight() - self.crosshairImg:GetHeight()))/2 context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) context:DrawImage(self.crosshairImg, crossHairX, crossHairY) end end But when I try to fade in/out a text on another script with: context:SetColor(0,0,0,Math:Lerp(0, 1, self.alpha/self.fadeTime)) The texture in the crosshair gets the same color of my text and also fades What I'm doing wrong?
  17. DooMAGE

    Dev Stuff

    I'll take performance over hair tesselated physics
  18. No problem, I'll use other kind of material.
  19. Hello, I am using the new refractions in my game, everything works fine on my AMD GPU (R9 390) But when I try to run the same scene on a PC with a NVIDIA 750 Ti, this happens: What gives?
  20. Uhh, so it's a good idea hide my invisible triggers before building the GI? This can cause performance issues later?
  21. This is related to this? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9840-deferred-texture-loading/page__hl__managed I'll try to use this more often
  22. That was definitely an user error, I copy pasted the wrong values. Maybe I need some sleep. Or I thought that a negative pitch value would slown down the sound.
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