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Blog Comments posted by macklebee

  1. Brilliant, attractors and deflectors was one of the things I asked for when you posted for suggestions, really pleased to see this in there. Nice work Chris and cool videoblog.


    it looks more like attractors and anti-attractors... not really a deflector... but maybe that aspect wasn't shown in the video. My idea of a deflector would be something like smoke going up until it hit an overhang then being deflected to move around it to maintain an upward movement. What the video appears to show is its all or nothing direction control towards or away from the attractor. But maybe Chris is sandbagging and doesn't want to show that the particles will work with multiple attractors at the same time and the effect the attractor has is based on particle proximity to it. Or something like that. Still looks great though and much better than the LE2 implementation.

  2. what about setting the locations of the joints between the bodies... that's always been an issue determining if you have the joint/pin set in the location correctly... is there going to still be a visual aspect to this that lets us know where it is located at?


    as for the parent-child-parent thing - a simple example would be newton's cradle. Would making the ball the parent instead of the two opposing strings still allow for this to work correctly? but then it gets to being a matter of making the stands that the strings are attached to separate pieces instead of one to allow for the parent-child relationship, i guess...

  3. Thanks for the explanation of the prefab - makes sense. I assume the prefab also stores scripts that have been attached as well?


    Yes, several times I had wished the joints in LE2 were entities. That would be great to be able to use the standard entity commands on them as well as be able to see them. I think we would have alot more complex physics setups with some sort of visual representation of where the joints (and PINS!) are located in regards to the physics bodies.

  4. so no more saving OBJ's if i follow correctly? this creates the physics shape from the MDL mesh? if so, thats great since that was always annoying to have to create OBJ's and GMF's.


    Can you explain what you mean by "attach that shape to the model and save it as a prefab"? How is the shape attached to the model? And how is it being saved as a prefab? Is a prefab a separate file type?


    Also, was there not a plan at one point to have some sort of visual physics editor to allow for easy construction of joints? Is this still a possibility? Or has this already been included into the editor?

  5. hey MG, thanks man..later ill show how this library can automatically make character play certain animations during crossing over specific obstacles..like, you running, then small wall is in front of your character and once close enough suddenly, character plays jump over wall animation and continue running as it was before wall.. :( .. many features available..

    oooo sounds nice NA...

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