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Everything posted by lxFirebal69xl

  1. I'm sorry, I'm really bad at this, I can't figure it out
  2. Allright, I'll mess around with it, see what happens. Will tell you if I do it.
  3. All this sounds really simple in fact, the thing is, I have no clue how to mess with emitters
  4. So a while ago, I got this script going that makes so the player presses E text will show up, my problem is, if the player clicks on 2 objects at the same time, the text will overlap itself Script Script.ObjectDescription = "" --String "Object Description" Script.DisplayTimeMax = 5000 --Int "Display time" Script.Used = "0" Script.DisplayTime = 0 Script.DisplayEnabled = false local font1 = Font:Load("Fonts/True Lies.ttf", 20) function Script:Use(context) self.Used = "1" self.CurrentTime = Time:GetCurrent() self.DisplayTime = Time:GetCurrent() + self.DisplayTimeMax end function Script:PostRender(context) if self.Used == "1" then App.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) App.context:SetFont(font1) self.DisplayEnabled = true if self.DisplayEnabled == true then if self.DisplayTime > Time:GetCurrent() then App.context:SetColor(255,255,255) context:DrawText(self.ObjectDescription, 100, 600) else self.DisplayEnabled = false self.Used = "0" end end App.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) end end And my problem
  5. I just noticed a really annoying glitch where if I put a entity with a script, the script gets deleted after I click something else, it's happening everywhere, and it dind't happen before. I started using the beta build to see if it would be fixed there to no avail.
  6. The sewer system is getting ready to roll.
  7. Just like the title says, how would I go about making an explosion, I know emitters are there and all, but I have almost no knowledge of what they do, anyone care to help?
  8. Thank you that fixed it! And the we need more workshop files like that one
  9. I also tried it with the texture that beo6 used, again, dind't work. I can see the texture, but without colour.
  10. I just tried using some default textures on the script and they don't work either, I got the text issue sorted (Thanks Imchasinyou). But I don't understand why the texture doesn't show up, i tried all of the default textures that come with leadwerks and none of them worked.
  11. I'm having a little problem, I can't get the texture to show up, it stays a transparent black box behind the text. And the text goes off the texture as well, any way I could fix that?
  12. That was exactly my plan from the very beggining, I don't want to make another Slender, I want to make my own game. For the past 2 weeks I've been writing the story of the game and giving the characters a personality and life, to make them feel more realistic. That is my goal.
  13. Exactly, it could be used for a lot of other things besides notes, for example, a PDA screen in a sci-fi game.
  14. Just wondering if any of you guys would like to help me do this one script, where the player interacts with an object, and a screen like the one below pops up. It either plays a sound or not, and it has a button to interrupt it, it also should dissapear after it's been used, but I already did that part
  15. Guys, guys, the devil is not supposed to be scary, in fact, none of the demons in the game are scary if you think about it, one has a golden rihanna wannabe necklace and the other has sweet tribal tatoos. Now in all seriousness, I never wanted to make Lucifer look demonic, I wanted him to have a sense of style, he's the fricking king of demons, he has all the bitches and loves red wine and long walks on the beach, all this right after a few tortured souls here and there. I'm going for a more "Joker" Lucifer than an actual demon, his looks portray that very well I think Remember that the Demons you find in the game were previously normal people...
  16. Lucifer has been revealed! And the story gets a bit more interesting! What does this mean towards the storyline of the game? Lucifer is the one that is holding Daniel's wife hostage, and for Daniel to get her back, he has to do the devil's dirty work. This meaning that he has to go collect his lost souls, but the souls that Lucifer wants are not simple souls, they're demon souls, and since they escaped Hell, they were able to use people as hosts. Since all the souls are different and since every person the souls inhabit are different, the encounters the player will face will be varied both in terms of sneaking/hiding and actually killing the demon. Back view Side View What do you guys think?
  17. Here's a preview of an upcoming area! Don't mind the flashlight, I've already fixed the issue.
  18. Just tried it, used a bunch of different settings for it too, and I still have the same problem...
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