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Everything posted by lxFirebal69xl

  1. The problem is that I want it to be across all levels I figured out this much myself.... XD
  2. I've recently been battling this one and I think it would be awesome to do and then put it out there for everyone to use, I mean, a point system is common in a lot of games, and while I still haven't been able to do it quite like I want it to be, I do have some ideas as to how I want it to look. It should work in a simple way, you click the object and the number of points show up before disapearing, then showing a total of how many points you have at the end of the level. Example: Help would be appreciated
  3. Thank you all for the comments, after reading through all of them I immediatly realized my mistake, it was too early to put it out there for crowdfunding, but I won't let that demolish me. I'll keep working on it, polishing it and making it look better. Thank you for your criticism.
  4. Thank you for the kind words
  5. Now, I don't want to make this too long, but bear with me as this is a great way to keep up to date with the game and will serve as a backbone for when I want to re-use things in future projects. So let's start with probably the biggest piece of news, last week an unique picture was uploaded and it showed "The Eater" in all his former glory. Honestly, I think he looks fantastic and will most likely scare the hell out of the player when he first meets him. The thing with "The Eater" is that he is blind (you can tell by the picture that he has no eyes), this means that he works via sounds, echolocation if you will, you can completely sneak by him if you don't make any noise what-so-ever. Ever seen the "Daredevil" movie? It kind of works like that. This will of course be advantageous to the player as he can throw things to distract the monster and sneak away or open a new path in order to progress through the level. I should mention though that he doesn't patrol if he doesn't hear anything, he just stands there. (In the picture I was running so of course he heard me.) I think this one turned out great as it demonstrates the awesome lighting of the sewers while mantaining a bit of the "what is down there?" feeling. A lot of people are wondering why are the barrels there, you obviously never been to a sewer. This picture was taken in the dungeon, and it highlights the shadows, that, with a bit of shader work can look truly magnificent! I should mention that the shadows serve another purpose than to look good and make the game atmospheric....but more about that next week... Last bit of news is the indiegogo, as you may know, the game has a campaign on indiegogo with the minimum amount of 500$ as it's goal. It pains be to say that as I write this, only 93/500$ were raised. I will still get a bit of the funds received by people, and honestly, I dind't even think I would get a single dollar, let alone 93$. And with only 4 days left in it, I highly doubt that I will get the remaining funds for it, and that huge sale of almost every perk isn't helping as much as I thought....BUT HEY! This doesn't mean that I'm quitting in anyway shape or form. Honestly, it just motivates me to do better. Thanks for reading the first WIP. I shall look forward to your participation in next week's WIP coming 30th of march. But before we leave, here's what I have planned to do for next week. Inventory System (Start working on this) Various 3D models New monster Work on the Hell sections of the game (this is going to be a bit tricky ) Program an optimized patrol script for the monsters. Thanks for reading, once again. -Ruben
  6. I'm in the beta client, it doesn't work. Fails right at the end.
  7. Restarted my pc, and that seemed to fix the issue since now it just says "Failed to publish file"
  8. I was trying to upload my game to the workshop, but I keep getting this error. Failed to allocate memory block of size 580320771 Any ideas what's wrong?
  9. Shhshhh, he might hear you, don't make a noise.
  10. Allright, I got him running at me correctly, thank Macklebee for the help! But there's another thing, whenever the monster touches the player the game freezes and I have to terminate it. What's up with that?
  11. If I hadn't, the crawler woulnd't chase me on the video Most of the animations already have that name, check the picture. But the real issue is that NOTHING happens, even if the animations don't play, the monster should chase me, but he doesn't. That's the real issue here.
  12. He is in team bad. That's not the issue, the issue is that his animations aren't changing because he isn't recognizing the player. In the video, both monsters have the same script, so why do they behave differently?
  13. So, today I finally got an animated model in leadwerks. It looks good and the animations play without a problem. So I thought, "I'll just put the MonsterAI.lua script on him and see what happens". Well what happens is that he does the Idle animation on an infinite loop. And I for the life of me cannot figure out how to fix this. Yes, I've extracted the animations and everything, it's just that I can't wrap my head around this. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Both monsters in this video have the same script unchanged. I also remember that the Monster AI script needs to have the animation names set in correctly, but I have no clue how to see if they're right or not, I just named the model's animations exactly like the "Crawler" animations and hoped for the best.
  14. Been rather busy lately with non-level design stuff, but here's my favorite scene of the sewers so far!
  15. The video is the same map from the second picture. I assure you, but it is being played in the editor. And I have not changed the default scripts in any way.
  16. I haven't been on the forums that much since I've been hardworking on my game non-stop, but yea, the forums kind of seem abandoned. Not as many people as it used to be, but it still has silent visitors.
  17. So I was just randomly working on my game when I came across this weird little problem. I don't know what gives since I've done the EXACT same "puzzle" before but now it's has this weird glitch on it. The issue is that the player is able to use a door that's only openable via a button. and causes this weird behaviour, while in the pre-alpha level, I did the exact same thing TWICE, same scripts and everything. I've already checked the FPSPlayer, but it can't be that since I can play the other levels fine with it. Here are the doors that work without problems. And the doors that have problems... Any ideas as to what could be causing this?
  18. Shadows, they make everything awesome.
  19. I'm been trying to get the lighting to look better the last couple of days...
  20. I'll be honest, at this point I'm afraid that the indiegogo for the game fails. So I'm doing this sale for those who were interested in donating but either dind't have money, or were on the fence because it was to expensive. I should mention that only 2 perks dind't receive a sale bonus due to already being redeemed by backers. Indiegogo link: Igg.me Here is how the pledge options changed! Early Bird! 3$ (Previously 5$) Get a copy of the game for cheaper! Also earn early access to various demos! Includes previous rewards! Investigator. 10$ (Previously 15$) Gets you a copy of the game, acess to alpha and pre-alpha demos as well. The pre-alpha demos will normaly feature early in development decisions that you can feel free to talk with me about. Includes previous rewards! Ghostly Apparition. 15$ (Previously 25$) Not only will you get 2 copies of the game, you will also get never seen before videos and journals that shows how the game was made!! Very interesting stuff indeed! Includes previous rewards! Survivor. 55$ (Previously 70$) Become one of the many people that left notes for the player to explore, you will work with me to write a story for your character! (No racist/pornographic material allowed.) Includes previous rewards! Possesed. 100$ (Previously 150$) Write a demon's backstory with me! You shall work hand and hand with me to create your very own demon and see it in the game! (No pornographic/racist material allowed.) Includes previous rewards! First seat. 135$ (Previously 175$) Create a level with me! You will choose from several planned level and desing it! You will choose what happens in it, what the players will read...everything!(all material subject to my approval and may not be included) Includes previous rewards! Demon developer. 175$ (Previously 300$) I'll tell my mom that you're cool, I'll record it too! You'll also be in the "Special Section" of the game's credits and have direct contact with me in regards to the game, you will be able to plan what happens in the game! ((all material subject to my approval and may not be included) YOU'RE ALMOST A DEVELOPER. Includes previous rewards! Please help this game become a reality!
  21. Messing around with different lighting colours. I think it looks nice
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