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Naughty Alien

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Everything posted by Naughty Alien

  1. ...this is mostly related to Josh, but as usual, everyone is free to comment..im wondering, have you think to do Steamworks wrapper for LE 2.x , or developers have to go for that route on their own ??
  2. @Stephan 360 Leadwerks is just fine..i highly recommend it..as for games, I have 2 games done with it (completed) and not published yet (idiotic paperwork i never ever thought ill came across, requested by publisher)...im sure some other folks crunching up something too, so dont be disappointed with lack of games right now..its relatively young system, but very capable if used properly..
  3. ..if you ever reach stage that you are about to hit consoles and need to get game out on console, relatively quick, and considering that you using LE2, PM me and ill back you up..
  4. ..your surface normals went crazy..also your enimated mesh is not Xformed so such appearance is reason for it. Second reason is that you may have open edges or unwelded vertices (happen to me few times)..its rather minor thing, and non code related, but media..your LE doing just fine..
  5. 'Parenting EntityParent(MyEntity,MyParent) 'Unparent EntityParent(MyEntity,Null)
  6. ..I see..does maintenance including driver bux fixing ? Thats the only thing, far as im concerned, that i care about, because LE2 part i do use is actually renderer only..all other stuff are processed by other libraries, so I just wanna be sure that LE2 will be healthy in that particular field, for some reasonable future time. As for source (only in case LE2 is trashed), is it going to be free for developers whos continuing maintenance of their products, or at least cheaper then it is during period of active support and maintenance ??
  7. ..i would like to know what future of LE2 will look like after LE3 came out..my concern is related to 2 projects done with LE, about to be released and in some time, need to be updated as well..however, im concerned due fact that there is a chance that LE2 going to be trashed, and while this is just my concern, I would like to know more about its future, particularly from Josh, but anyone else is welcome to share ideas/comments..also, im wondering, in case that LE2 is trashed, is source available for developers who have actual projects done with it, published,and required/oblidged to be maintained some future time ?? Im really and seriously interested to hear about this..
  8. ..this one should be faster, in case many time in your loops is used.. local v1:tvec3=vec3(1,2,3) local v2:tvec3=vec3(4,5,6) distance!=sqr( ((v1.x-v2.x) * (v1.x-v2.x)) + ((v1.y-v2.y) * (v1.y-v2.y)) + ((v1.z-v2.z) * (v1.z-v2.z)) )
  9. ..by use of LinePick to determine is there any obstacle between cam and cam target, and by use of TFormVector to smoothly and nicely align camera based on results from LinePick, is the most elegant way to go..
  10. ..hi guys..i haven't do any updates for ages, so it seems I have missed few versions..so, where i can get Updater, so i can download 2.43 ? I have lost my track a bit EDIT: ..ah..got it..sory..
  11. Bullet all way..free, open source and present on all consoles / PC, and very lightweight..
  12. ..you have to create 'behaviour engine' what will deal with tasks like that..such engine should contain all elements describing behaving pattern of specific NPC and its states..something along this lines should work just fine..
  13. ..feature request? One and only feature what will make this system on the top of everything out there..cross platform rendering (considering existing 2.3x feature set, depending on target platform of course)..everything else, looks like water bashing to me..
  14. ..its all fine guys...I do respect everyone here who spent some personal time to test lil proggy of mine in order to help me..i have no hardfeelings for anyone who spotted anything wrong in any sense..so, major thing i wanted to see that entire animation-character control-pathfind, works under OpenCL and im happy about it..cheerss my good guys
  15. @ ICare, im not sure i understand bug..do you mind post some video please? As for nearest node...well, there are few solutions for that..it may be simple check over last first node compared with first of new path returned and then just skipped or just increase density (grid generator does it easy)..so its okay..this is general purpose test and there is no logic set behind search algo, how to behave on specific inputs..also, logic behind path algo should be related to last path node found, based on distance between last node and target, and such distance determining new path search or not, so in case that target is further than attack arrea, new path is returned..if not, no matter how many time you click for new path, it will not be returned, etc...there are many logic ways , depending on needs, so this one is general purpose as i mentioned..so if you clicking all time of course, ever time you do that, new path is returned and if in new returned path is same first node, character will follow that what causing that 'bug'..but its actually not a bug, just a plain path search with no specific set of rules for path search itself, its just returning new path any time you click...thats all..
  16. ...ahh..thats actually not error..whats going on is that returned start node is closest to character at moment of click and its returned in new calculated path...obviously, such fast clicking causing that returned path is with same start node simply because character is at that moment simply closest to that searchable node...and thats about it..every time click is made, new path is created and old one discarded...thats all..
  17. ..thanks Eternal hehe.. Hey, Cocopino, do you mind to run this test now? I have recompiled DLL and put some smoothing so, if you dont mind, let me know is it orientation now correct, please... here is download link.. http://www.mediafire.com/?ync8jfvd6ppzf94
  18. ..thanks guys..smoothing direction is disabled..it does work just fine, but for sake of raw testing I decided to leave it very small(it does smoothing, but not much)..
  19. hey cocopino..jumping back may be because of rendering speed..DLL calculating everything and passing back data to main program, so on slower rendering speed it may cause such issue..its not a problem, I just wanna test extreme situations for DLL..jumping back is actually DLL correction so its good(testing)..everything is packed with MoleBox Pro.., also I would like to see more results from ATI guys, becayse DLL uses Open CL to get search results and ATI is a bit problematic with it so I will appreciate response from ATI folks..
  20. ..im actually testing DLL for animation/pathfind..its automatically controlling animation/speed/motion based on path search result, and want to be sure that its working on various PC's..
  21. ..hi guys..i just need to test this over various platforms, and ill appreciate if you confirm that everythings working just fine...just click on to ground and see is it working pathfind+animation..also leave it in idle (no pathfinding) for a 20 seconds in order to see side idles automatically trigerred...I need to know is it working or not..thank you in advance.. here is download link http://www.easy-share.com/1912022762/CNA.exe
  22. ..if you know that upcoming PS4 is fully compatible with PS3 code and that basic introduction will be more powerful GPU with more shader pipes then now (28), then I think nothing to lose with development cycle for it..as for Xbox360, I assure you, you will not see nothing new in next 2 years for that matter, rather than small upgrades..
  23. ..reason why i was asking is initial talks on forum, about V3.0 as a completely new system, oriented to be cross platform in its essence, including Mac/Linux as well as consoles, out of box, instead of just PC, so after i saw features set exposed, with no mentioning about cross platform compatibility, including Linux or Mac, i wanted to know whats actually going to be like V3.0, apart from VFX exposed, what are actually doable in current versions with some workarounds (im not sure about terrain, never used it, but other stuff is doable)..and eventually if cross platform compatibility is not planned for first release, are there such plans for Linux/Mac in some reasonable future, when we talking about V3.0 ? My interest in growth of this engine in correct direction is very big due fact that 2 of my games using it, so my concern/questions are reasonable, and my personal/professional growth require also other horizons on sight than PC, and thats why V3.0 growth is something I need to know more about. I know there is at least 2-3 guys more here, whos seriously working on their games and similar questions, most probably rolling trough their heads. I really think real LE 'arena' and playground should be heavy consoles or if not at begining, Linux/Mac.
  24. ..i assume those features are PC based..is there anything on sight for cross platform compatibility , and im not talking about phones but Xbox360/PS3, this next gen engine should be actually suitable for ? Just curious..
  25. ..well, as I said, not all output navmesh shape is rectangular, and way trough door doesnt require more than 2 major nodes..also, it almost doesnt make sense to populate nodes just about 1 meter away from each other, unless its small tiny space, what is okay, because its small ..and even then as I said, each floor can have its own nodes grid generated (not connected to others), so search is performed at actual area what is much faster than one bigger nodes grid..second thing is that actual walkable nodes are generated over navmesh without considering crates or other obstacles eventually appear , so such check is done over path returned , and when critical node is reach, just new path search is performed to avoid that small obstacle (faster than calculate everything from start point)..thats something i do, but everyone can have different way of doing things..I have seen some commercial games and nodes populated for pathfind in them and its really not that high density..its actually quite low..thats why I wanted to see some benchmark test, if any..
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