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Naughty Alien

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Everything posted by Naughty Alien

  1. ..small piece of advice, always give some mass to controller...setting it at 0 means it has infinite mass...it will save you from some other problems you may encounter later, if you use it with moving platforms, etc..
  2. ..I believe so..but luckily, some simple workarounds can do just fine...as for example you just show Richard, apart from eventual 'bug' in LE for given example, rule is that never ever expose backface against light source..i mean, by default, such structure, geometry wise, is already wrong..also, i noticed that in cases like yours (backfaces exposed out), vital role plays polygon distribution and surface smoothing..I do not know have you did that, but if you didnt..give it a go..
  3. ..what i do is just affecting texture difuse color (attenuated down) for parts inside of an object(related to sun source), and its all working just fine...link that with sun source position/intensity and you can have very simple and handy way of controlling your interior ambient light..working nice for me..
  4. ..please, dont listen that..i would agree with this is you develop eventually native GMF exporter straight from 3dsmax (im using that, but same apply for other tools), but if not, i found that current way of doing things is rather effective, simple and straightforward.. P.S. ..hey Amon, welcome maaaannn...
  5. ..actually I do, but ill keep it for myself ..hehehe
  6. ..i cant say whats reason for it, but literally, when i capture screen (regardless any software for capture), its taken camera from 1st frame, no matter is it in main time camera moved trough world and captured screen again..however, after i did what Lumooja suggested, it worked perfectly fine..its W7 64bit..
  7. Naughty Alien


    ..looking sort of..'gothic'..this entrance looks like one of those seen in horror game Blood, released by Monolith, ages ago...really good game...keep it up tiger
  8. ..just finished minigame, catch roses..very naughty lil one ..naughty lil roses won..water pouring out..yayy..
  9. If Not MyEnemyDead PointEntity(MyEnemy,MyMainCharacter)
  10. ..some new characters added , as well as some tasks hub characters and one basement level..subtitles because of some reason looks washed out (outlines not visible), while actually, on computer screen looks very sharp and nice..i dont know how you guys capturing pictures on W7 64, but for me, its a bit..off..anyway, here it is..
  11. ..what you mean by nullify ?? if you dont need entity to turn against anything, then simply skip PointEntity call..
  12. ..it has to be dark for given level as whole area is actually lower ground of cylindrical tall building, so there are other levels, open space, where environment is lightened up and not dark..
  13. ..yeah..thats the way things should be done..Bmax is a killa..it will be good to have at some point of time Monkey forum for LE3..that will be real kicker..
  14. yes, your quads vertices position you will adjust based on generator output, and yipp..you have got your terrain..as for physics in LE, i cant say much for newton, but for Bullet i use, is possible to create physics triangle out of coordinates from any triangle you provide (in your case from quad)..also i know that with physx you can do similar things with trimeshes, but i cant say for Newton really .. Im not sure how it works binded to LE..
  15. ..of course you will have bunch of quads for rendering, but its not different than a rendering triangles in any other mesh or terrain and far as i can tell, it shouldnt be slow because u will merge them in to one monolith surface, or very few, depending on your design....for instance, well known bug in decals is easy overtaken by use of quads and you can have it much as you want, no slowdown..eventually you could determine quads budget for object you wanna create and apply output of perlin noise generator on to such quad space..something like that I have got in B3D, ages ago, and it was unlimited terrain you never reach its end..so i know its perfectly doable..again, for such structure, avoid building pivots for each quad, but only for final terrain..
  16. you could just set up basic background color of sky and then populate sky with clouds of your choice (quads) to get some very very good visuals..
  17. ..quad is basically single surface, consists of 2 triangles..its very handy and you can use it for just about anything, from building up terrains, up to particle systems with physics response, decals, and so on...anyway, here is example how to create a quad..I hope this helps.. MY_quad_parent = CreatePivot() MY_Quad = CreateMesh(MY_quad_parent) QUAD_Surface = CreateSurface(MY_Quad) AddVertex QUAD_Surface, Vec3(-1, fRatio * 1, 0) AddVertex QUAD_Surface, Vec3(1, fRatio * 1, 0) AddVertex QUAD_Surface, Vec3(-1, fRatio * -1, 0) AddVertex QUAD_Surface, Vec3(1, fRatio * -1, 0) AddTriangle QUAD_Surface, 0, 1, 2 AddTriangle QUAD_Surface, 1, 3, 2 SetVertexNormal QUAD_Surface, 0, Vec3(0, 0, -1) SetVertexNormal QUAD_Surface, 1, Vec3(0, 0, -1) SetVertexNormal QUAD_Surface, 2, Vec3(0, 0, -1) SetVertexNormal QUAD_Surface, 3, Vec3(0, 0, -1) SetVertexTexCoords QUAD_Surface, 0, Vec2(0, 0) SetVertexTexCoords QUAD_Surface, 1, Vec2(1, 0) SetVertexTexCoords QUAD_Surface, 2, Vec2(0, 1) SetVertexTexCoords QUAD_Surface, 3, Vec2(1, 1) UpdateMesh MY_Quad ..where fRatio is.. fRatio = (QUAD_VSpace / QUAD_USpace) .. ..and QUAD_VSpace and QUAD_USpace is ratio between texture segment size and texture size you wanna apply .. otherwise, you can keep it just 1..in case of terrain creation, you could skip creation of pivot.. I hope this helps..
  18. ..its perfectly doable in LE2..you could create terrain on the fly, out of quads, based on perlin noise as Gardowyr suggested..
  19. ..well..art is satisfying, however, here is exact look with or without postprocessing..so output is easy to observe.. ..with Cell+Color correction.. ..without Cell+Color correction.. ..with Cell+Color correction.. ..without Cell+Color correction.. ..with Cell+Color correction.. ..without Cell+Color correction..
  20. ..LE examples are fine..what you need is actually animation manager where you will just use simple commands sent to manager and manager will perform all those things for ya..its very hard to control things on the way your code shows..i mean, you may end up with tens of different animations, and some may be linked or grouped (idles, or attack/die animations, etc), then such hardcoded control is not way to go.. @ Cassius ..if you have some character of interest, send me that character, with correct frame ranges and ill compile small animation manager module for you (bmax) so you can control your animations very easy..
  21. ..i found out that Phyre , on twisted PS3 hardware, is more user friendly than C4..as for artists whos thinking about making decent game without programmer, and putting high hopes in to some (any) engine abstraction data/code management, i highly recommend to wake up..of course, you can do mocking up around with it, but soon as you step in to something with certain responsibility (finished game is just one part of whole show..maintenance, updates will do some serious time, and in certain situations is even needed access to source, and you will have to sign that as a part of contract with publisher, if game reach any certain stage where publisher is interested)..to sum it all up, if you rely on flowgraph structure only, with given set of obligations to perform, and you will if you cross line i described, then i say, better make sure you have programmer in team..
  22. ..ahh..yes..that sorted it out..thanks a lot
  23. ..just some shots involving gameplay characters..i hope you like it..
  24. ..veerryyy nice..i like it... .. by the way, dont be long away, Soon ill need some personal info from ya
  25. ..hi guys, how you capturing your screen space for sake of showcase or anything, on Win 7 ? Every time i do it, im getting captured initial camera position, regardless what screen capture technique im using (plain Prt Scr+Photoshop, or some screen capture software, or trough code)..any suggestion is welcome..on WinXP no issues like this..
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