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Everything posted by randomkeyhits

  1. That isn't what I was asking for. The best way I can describe it would be functional templates. These are NOT drop in code blocks you just use, they just provide the framework to say "your stuff, your detail, it goes in here like this" A good example of this was the first task I had in LeadWerks was to have a menu and to be able to enter a new characters name. As a new user it was not obvious from the documentation on how to do this. It took a while to put all the pieces together and make them into something intelligible. Typing in a characters name should not be a problem you have to solve from first principles. You want us, your users, to be able to focus on building our games and publishing them. I agree, we should be focussed on that. So far though I have not gotten that far. I'm still constructing the basics which lead to me making a game, not the game itself. On that note is there any way we can contribute back into the "My Game" project or at least submit offerings for you to consider? I understand that we'd have to relinquish any rights to the offerings but if they help provide richer starting content then everyone wins.
  2. I'm still not sure I was explaining myself well enough. The core site is fine, the documentation is what it is, dry but functional (this is a good thing) As a newcomer to LeadWerks, usable examples, references and guides are still pretty limited. To get as far as I have I've mostly being going from first principle to "prototype version 1". No game polish, no roundness of feature just the most basic "does the job" functionality. Where possible I've dissected examples pretty thoroughly. This is definitely not a complaint but an observation, As I learn I will contribute back what I can as well, heck, I've already started though my first attempts are pretty basic. What does happen is we exhaust the website content very quickly and start expanding our searches which usually includes Google. That ends up including references to 2.x which there is litte you can do anything about and I've already learned to avoid most 2.x files, forum posts and such. I usually end up rotating between this site, Steam and Google looking for clues as to how I can progress whatever my current issue is. In the end the more reference material, the more examples we have, the better the "seed" material then the quicker we are able to digest it and get past the discovery stage into the productive stage of development. Hmm, I'm still not sure I've done a good job of explaining this.
  3. Since I've been here a short time its been all learn learn learn, the things I ran into quickly were (lua only) Gui - menus /options (understand how, not had time to invest) Cutscene Player - use in game resources to help progress the story (running away from this right now) Enhanced NavMesh control - want multiple layers and the ability to manually edit/lock individual layers. NavMesh selection would have to be added to existing navigation commands Simple Templates - Create a lot more templates for doing various things, what there is, is useful but I've had to go back to first principle to achieve a number of functions, the more mature the engine, the less true this should be. Documentation/Content Consolidation - This kind of thing is always time consuming but it can quickly become a strong selling point for a good engine. More tutorials and keeping it all in one place. I'm never quite sure where something will be or should go. Do I post a tutorial here or on Steam? Do I go here or Steam for my primary source of tutorials. I also notice that the files section of this website does not have a direct link and there is a lot of good stuff there, I kept running across it via Google. Do I post everything to Steam Workshop, or in the files section or under tutorials here or on Steam or both? As I get deeper into my first projects I've no doubt I'll start putting out some of the suggestions above but as a new user these were the ones that I immediately faced.
  4. If you want to try this kind of thing under Linux then I recommend Valgrind. Its my go to tool for memory integrity testing.
  5. To be honest I'd love to be able to create my own shaped plain and designate it as a navmesh, being able to tailor something exactly for a scene is quite a powerful tool. Especially if I'm using several different meshes. This would mean extending the navigation commands though.
  6. As there is only the single navmesh you couldn't easily use it for multiple purposes if the requirements of the mobiles were different. In Guppy's case its to keep the roads and pavements separate. As part of a tile system, each tile could have a (or even more than one) pivot attached. That way the actual movement becomes a GoToPoint on a GetPosition of the selected pivot. Its a case of how much of the AI gets baked into the map vs how much is computational under the mobiles.
  7. The whole thing is effectively a tile system right? Taking roads as an example I'd create a 2D binary array and every time I add a road location I set that tile to true. That way I only need worry about whether or not a vehicle can cross a tile boundary in a specific direction. So If I were travelling east at Roads[x, y] then I can continue if Roads[x+1, y] is true else I'd have to decide which way to turn. Same with trains and people. You can also imply some stuff too Roads[x,y] == true and Trains[x,y] == true means level crossing while Roads[x,y] == true and People[x,y] == true means pedestrian crossing. Then its about adding the unit level AI to use the arrays
  8. I would say with this kind of project to walk, not run. Rather than create a whole game look at a desired mechanism that is not directly provided by LeadWerks but would have to be developed. Work on and deliver that first. A nice, neat bundle that everyone can then incorporate into their system if they want/need to. Then move on to another such mechanism and pad out core content. These can then be used in an actual game making delivery of the game easier. If a game is the desired target however, then look at breaking parts down into self contained milestones which would have value as deliverables by themselves. Once the team for this have delivered their first "package" by whatever method then its a success, all else is gravy.
  9. I've added right button functionality to the rpg template I'm working on and found an error Key.MButton maps to the right mouse button, Key.RButton maps to the scroll wheel when clicked.
  10. One for me is with the windows of the gui itself. I'd love to have the ability to aise/lower as any window so I can keep the script one open and drop it behind the main window for example.
  11. I like this site, lots of fun stuff and you can tinker too http://glslsandbox.com/
  12. I can report comments in response to blog entries but not the blogs themselves. Example : recent spam which I guess I'm reporting now. edit : ran the next post through google translate (dutch -> english) and its more of the same
  13. Is there a list of all shortcuts? I was searching the website and couldn't find it. According to one of the tutorials F12 switches between 4 way and single viewport but doesn't work on my system so I'm guessing its windows only right now.
  14. What kind of errors? Are the way-points saved as part of the scene or added later? In the latter case I'd expect the only issue would be if the way-point was out of bounds for the nav-mesh. In the former it may be that you are not finding the way-point entities in the scene properly.
  15. Its the other way around at present, I'm starting with screen co-ordinates rather than 3D space. I'm currently using Camera::Pick() to get the location at which to place the pivot. Then I do the test to see if its NavMesh usable. A pick has one of three results, no intersection, first intersection or closest intersection. If the map has a complex topography, think multiple bridge spans to go over or under then being able to pick the correct part becomes very difficult. I'm already restricting collisions to scene rather than scene + props for the test. For now the solution is to be careful with level design but I'd like to be able to drop that limitation. I had a look at the World::Pick() function and think I have the gist of what you are saying, create a tangential line through the scene to see which piece of geometry might be the best fit. I'm not sure if it adds any new info but I'll go experiment with it to see if I can reveal something.
  16. I create a pivot which I move to the point indicated and use GoToPoint() to the same location, if the return is true its in the navmesh, if false it isn't I then immediately use Stop()
  17. How limited are our abilities to play with Nav-Meshes? I can tell an entity to use one and be told whether its possible or not and as far as I know thats pretty much it. Can Nav-Meshes be targeted functionally? I was trying to see if I could use Camera::Pick() to know when the mouse was over a Nav-Mesh. I can have half the solution in that I can tell if the returned position is within a Nav-Mesh but I cannot guarantee that the Pick() will choose the surface with the Nav-Mesh
  18. I'll confirm this, Steam registered and member title is "Advanced Member" Looks like the only thing I can't do is the photo, not a biggie for me tbh.
  19. Leadwerks can stipulate whether to use vsync but the graphic driver, at least with NVidia can override this. On Linux at least, if I run nvidia-settings and tick "Sync to VBlank" then everything on my machine is limited to the monitor refresh rate. If its rate limited I wouldn't expect it to keep changing unless under heavy load or if it did the numbers shouldn't be rounded.
  20. no, when you switch back from the simple to the full editor it wipes out all the indentation. As I said, not a problem just as long as I stick to manually inserting bbcodes.
  21. hmmm does that mean I have have nice code formatting but no bullet lists? seems to be an either/or thing with that option edit: answered my own question, so long as I stick to pure bbcodes I'm good.
  22. Had a go but had to abort due to my lack of familiarity with Invision boards. The code I placed in bb code blocks kept losing their indentation after previews. I wondered if I should have added the code as attachments and then embed them but couldn't see how to make that work. I know it can be done as the existing guides do it but boy this is making me think this is one of my dumb days.....
  23. I see how it works now, thanks I'll look at the formatting now to keep in line with the style guide. Should have the first ready to post today or tomorrow.
  24. I noticed that I cannot start a new topic in the tutorial section. Is it a case of simply asking for the appropriate rights or is there an approval process I'd need to work my way through? For now at least I'm interested in posting small how-to's using Lua scripts, nothing fancy. edit: Didn't think of this but there is also the steam community guides as well. Would it be more sensible to post guides there or here?
  25. Xi have a commercial driver which supports Intel but I don't remember which of their offerings it does.
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