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Everything posted by Imchasinyou

  1. I might have a script i can post for you to try out. I think you could look it over and learn from it to make or modify to suit your needs. As far as that particular script nick referenced, if you open it up and look at it, you will see this, function App:Start() self.window = Window:Create() self.context = Context:Create(self.window) local font = Font:Load("Fonts/Arial.ttf",36) self.context:SetFont(font) font:Release() return true end function App:Loop() if (self.window:Closed() or self.window:KeyDown(Key.Escape)) then return false end self.context:SetColor(0,0,0) self.context:Clear() --Draw some centered text on the screen local text = "Leadwerks" local font = self.context:GetFont() local x = self.window:GetWidth()/2 local y = self.window:GetHeight()/2 x = x - font:GetTextWidth(text)/2 y = y - font:GetHeight()/2 self.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) self.context:SetColor(1,1,1) self.context:DrawText(text,x,y) self.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) self.context:Sync() return true end the part that says --Draw some centered text on the screen local text = "Leadwerks" the word Leadwerks between the quotes is the text you are seeing on the screen. You can change this to say what ever you want. Im not too familiar with the script but Id imagine that you would be limited in how much text can be there. Its somethign you would have to play with. self.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) self.context:SetColor(1,1,1) self.context:DrawText(text,x,y) self.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) The setcolor command is where the color of the text is set. Bottom of the script. I use the color editor from Paint to find a color I like and then take the numbers there and divide them by 255 to get teh hexdecimal value to actually set the color. This is a RGBA scale so the first number in that sequence is the RED value, the second number is the GREEN and then the BLUE as well as the ALPHA value. The setcolor command at the top of the script is for defining the color of that box that is drawn. So, if you wanted that box to be red, that would look like self.context:SetColor(1,0,0). If you wanted to add the alpha to it, it would look like self.context:SetColor(1,0,0,.5) This creates a rectangle of the red color and half of its transparency. I really hope Ive explained this correcxtly but thats what I know about that. If i can be of any further help here, feel free to ask. if I know, Ill happily tell you.
  2. Im less concerned about winning. Im more concerned that its supposed to be "easy" as it is advertised. NO one knew that this was happening and when i sent the project to josh and he found out what was happening is when I opened the subject. IM trying to make it easier for those users that arent expert coders. Hell, I can barely mod a current script to make it what I want it to be. Yes, thats my fault but the coding stuff is not easy for me. Its not a tangible item I can hold and inspect to figure out. MY brain doesnt work that way. I know several people that have seen the engine and went elsewhere due to the fact that there is so much coding necessary to make anything work. I try to interest new ppl to the engine, alot of friends on my steam account of nearly 180 ppl wont even consider trying it out as its just too much. There are options out there and if i could, id like to narrow those down and bring more users to the community. Is this my job or my responsibility? Absolutely not but when it comes to something I like and enjoy, I stand behind it whole heatedly, other than my friend Jamison, whom usually leaves me on the floor, alone. Damned green bottles I tell ya, their mean! I feel like if I have helped some one, Ive done something worth while for the day. Hell I even made a few tutorials that are on my YouTube page that contain the entire scripts needed and several responses have come back thanking me for them. It makes me feel good knowing some one got use from it. Ill step down off my soap box now and let others talk knowing Ive made a difference in some ones use of the engine today!
  3. Im leaving this conversation to die other than to reply to constructive commentary. Im not here for the fight, Im here for the "community" its guidance and any help I can offer others. Maintaining a clean folder as suggested is a great idea, Im not saying it isnt but for me and the way i do things, its impractical when you import several folders, 20 GB in my case in one project, to see what of those assets work and use those assets to manually go back and remove them is just too impractical. I could see this happening to others that may be new and if we can do something here to alleviate the issue, were all better off. As far as marking things that would get loaded by code, I can see the dilemma with that but if you could maybe right click the asset in your asset browser and set it to "export with project" because you know you need it in your map and are calling it by script would be an easy fix and easy to do on the end users part. Then it gets exported with the project and all the others will get left behind. Now, I have no clue how hard that would be or if thats something reasonable. Its just the thoughts rattling around in my head.
  4. Just ignore my posts there bud! You and I have run around the tree before! No point in doing it again. Personally, it's your attitude and the attitude of those that think they are building a AAA game that causes problems. Please, ignore me, I have NO useful suggestions or input here.
  5. Such resistance to change that isnt hurting anything or any one. Sad really. Im kind of looking out for others that WILL run into this problem. All the comments only came about the subject after Josh made a change you didnt seem to see a reason for. I didnt think Josh was developing the engine for a specific set of users with your massive AAA game building skills. I guess it makes more sense to import a project, use some of its assets and then try and go back through several folders to try and find the ones you didnt use. where as having some kind of function LIKE EVERY OTHER ENGINE that would assist in this process. BTW, it isnt hurting you one bit, is it? The following is from the Leadwerks store page on Steam "Leadwerks is the easiest way to make your own 3D games." Which is hardly true as FPSCR is way easier, the community is way more supportive and there are several FREE scripts and models readily available! As a current user of that software, I must say that only the assets that are placed are exported, hjas an integrated HUD element that can be changed, MP support and several other KEY features straight out of the box! For me, making something more practical or EASIER for the end user is only going to strengthen the engine. Have you noticed the flood of questions from NEW users lately? I have! Now, Im here because I like the software and like the learning process involved albeit slow for me as this stuff is very difficult for me to figure out. Now if you cant take my suggestions and the fact that somethig is gettign done about them, Im sorry, I have nothing to say to you!
  6. hey josh, would there be a way to auto tag and also manually tag things that should be exported in the game? That might fix everything as non used items wouldn't get exported during publishing and those that call things from script could tag them. Just a thought I had today at work.
  7. The issue is that we aren't actually making games that big but when you import assets as a group, when you publish the project, every asset imported is published as well whether or not it's actually in the scene as we have described above.
  8. Oops! Oops! I meant 500MB folders. Lol
  9. Well done Josh! I successfully published a 20GB (90% of assets weren't even used) game level and ran it just fine on my rig. Like Tattie, I had several folders around 500 GB. Its an awesome start to part of the solution and Im sure you will get the other part figured out just as easily. Great job tonight josh. Take the rest of the evening off. I promise to leave you alone for the night! (This time)
  10. Im awesome at makign maps bigger than whats really needed so ill stand in line now for that update for the zip splitting and will be happy as a lark to test it out. You just say the word buddy, and Im there. Ill also be here later fopr the inclusive file selection part. Cant wait to see that one working. BTW, thanks for taking the time and helping us be more successful with the engine.
  11. When i view the character with the physics option on, I can see a cylinder at the character. really means nothign other than that character has collision. IF i make a CSG cylinder and attach it as a child and name it hit box and apply the invisable.mat to it, every thing works as it should. Now im wondering, if the hit box it automatically generated and attached, why am i having to do this? Before the implementation of the auto hitbox, I never had to do anything what so ever to make killing a character possible. EDIT: Apparently, I needed to add self.entity:SetPickMode(Entity.BoxPick,true) self.entity:SetPickMode(0,false) to my AI script to make it work. I didnt see this in the documentation on the function. I sure am glad the forums are here for me to work through my issues. I think Ive solved almost all of them on my own by posting here. . . . I guess thats what I get for playing in the sandbox after the cat has been here!
  12. I can see your point on that. So the issue is a great conundrum but i cant see exporting every single model that is placed with in the project directory and importing every single model individually isnt feasible either. Nor is going back and deleting those that arent used when you import a "pack" of assets. You really dont know what will work in your map until you can actually see it as just looking at a blahblah.fbx file says nothing to me as to its appearance. How ever, Im sure we can continue to discuss this and hopefully come up with a solution that makes sense and works for every one.
  13. When I import a character and set him up, they function correctly but it seems as if the automatic hit box isnt there. Am I doing something wrong here? The character has the character controller, character collision, mass of 20 and angle of 180 which makes everything work except the hit box. If I set the swept collision to true, shooting them does nothing to him and setting to false does nothing. He is able to attack me if with in range. If I set him to a rigid body with out the character collision his animations play and he can be killed. Im using the latest release with the Beta participation if that makes any difference.
  14. So, in adding that functionality, why not add in that part that stops all assets in the project gettign exported as well. That way the projects stay small and IF needed, we can always lean on the multiple zip archives? Best of both worlds here and might be the best solution for now.
  15. How would I do this from a project using the publish function? Is this something that could be implemented in the publishing function.
  16. Ive managed to build my own in game HUD which has the functional health, ammo and non functional score in it and images. Id be willing to share this if any one was interested. Im currently experimenting with different textures and images at the bottom for the bar behind the text and images.
  17. Beta participation is required for this to be fixed. I had the same issue and after opting in for the 7th time now, it is fixed once again. I keep getting bumped from participation for some reason. I might need to learn how to play well with others first.
  18. to make it transparent (invisable) you can apply the invisable material to the CSG box that is your death trigger. That material is in the Materials/effects folder and can be assigned by the scene view tab under appearance. I hope I have answered your question.
  19. It appears as if that has fixed the issue. Is there any reason for the consistent drop of my beta participation? When I replace the scripts in my current projects will this happen again? At the moment, the scripts that are heavily edited are the FPSplayer and App scripts and they are essential to remain the same unless there is somethign in those scripts that needs changed.
  20. It appears as if I have been opted OUT of the Beta once again. I dont know exactly why i keep gettign booted from this but its beyond irritating me! Testing for an update now.
  21. yep, simple map, CSG box to walk on and a light source. I added in the shot gun pick up weapon from the DLC that I installed and ran the map. Everything went as expected. I then published the map and NOPE, I still can not pick up the weapons! So, let me ask this AGAIN, what was changed to fix this issue so that I might be able to compare it against what i have and see why mine dont work. I have edited FPSPlayer and app files and it JUST MIGHT be something there even though every time I update the files my scripts are over written. I did NOT add my scripts folder to the project so all scripts should be the same as what would be there from default, yes?
  22. What was changed to make this work? I have a fully updated project that works just fine in the editor but when you publish the game, i get the use icon and message but can not pick up a weapon. walking onto it nor pressing E will pick up the weapon. I know its been posted that it was fixed but apparently, mine wasnt updated or something because it just dont work. I was slightly embarrased to have some one test this map and it dont work :/ I am able to post a video of this if needed but it would prolly be easier to just tell em what was updated so i can reference that script and see if mine reflects that change. Current build and on the Beta!
  23. If i call any of the stock textures, they work such as crosshair. I just cant figure out why mine wont work. Nailed it! After looking over the rest of the script, I wasnt calling it in the start function to load the texture. self.image.heart = Texture:Load("Materials/HUD/heart.tex")
  24. Ive been trying to get a simple hud at the bottom of the screen and mostly successful but In trying to get an image into it I keep getting error after error. Any help would be awesome and might help me learn something hopefully. Here is the bit of the code where I need help. When calling the heart image, i either get a nil value or a different of several errors. if self.health>0 then context:SetColor(0,0,1,0.5) context:DrawRect(0,1003,1920,40) context:SetColor(1,0,0,1) context:DrawText("Score: "..self.score, context:GetWidth()-150,context:GetHeight()-25) context:DrawImage(self.image.hand, 1700, 1005) --replace image with different context:DrawText("Health: "..self.health.."/"..self.maxHealth,context:GetWidth()-1850,context:GetHeight()-25) self.texture = Texture:Load("Materials/Hud/heart.tex") context:DrawImage(self.image.heart) (0,0,10,1005) --replace image with heart image if self.canUse==true and self.carryingEntity == nil then local pickUpX = math.floor((context:GetWidth() - self.image.hand:GetWidth()))/2 local pickUpY = math.floor((context:GetHeight() - self.image.hand:GetHeight()))/2 context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) context:DrawImage(self.image.hand, pickUpX, pickUpY)
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