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Richard Simpson

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Posts posted by Richard Simpson

  1. I use the method Metatron uses because Blender has done the same to me in the past, Ive also had trouble with recalculating normals in blender. It seems to flip some faces the wrong way, so When I load it into leadwerks, im seeing lots of back faces, as well as correctly flipped faces. :S

  2. I'm starting to use blender more again, but I always have trouble marking the seams for a UV map on a complex mesh... for example, A house with doors and windows. Sometimes the smart unwrap feature works, but puts faces in weird places and distorts them a bit on the map. I've searched on youtube multiple times with no luck at finding a good tutorial. Does anyone know of one that explains marking seams well?


    Thanks! :D

  3. Leadwerks3 would be confusing when there comes version 3.1 out, then it would be Leadwerks3 3.1 or Leadwerks3.1.

    The best is to have Leadwerks3D 3.1, or if Josh wants to start version numbering from start again, then the first version would be Leadwerks3D 1.0.


    I don't like this idea. "Leadwerks3D 3.1" sounds like a mouthfull, where-as "Leadwerks3D" rolls off the tongue like "Leadwerks Engine" did.


    That whole SDK/GDK thing is quite good I think."LEGDK" sounds cool, and would indicate that there are a large variety of tools to work with.

  4. Mari is too expensive :(. And I'll take a look at 3DCoat, thanks DaDonik ;)


    You can also do this in the last several versions of Photoshop.

    I don't think CS3 supports this. :( It would make more sense to upgrade this than buy another 3D application though. Thanks gamecreator.

  5. Sculptris can sculpt and paint, and it's free.


    I tried this, and it's no good for my needs. If I import a textured mesh, the textures don't come in with it, and painting a complex mesh would be too tricky. ;)



    Maybe the following tool is interesting for you. :)




    That looks cool. Great price too! Thankyou. :D

  6. I use Google Sketchup to make my 3d models, but Sketchup doesn't come with texture painting. I am wondering if anyone knows of a program where I can import my models and paint details onto my meshes. I can't afford anything like Modo.. and Blenders paint feature seemed to be low quality when I tried it. :) Thanks.

  7. The solution is quite simple: every artist or programmer needs UU3D. If you don't have it, you can forget about game development.


    This isn't true.... I used to use leadwerks and unity for a long time before getting UU3D. Sure, it helps. But it's certainly not a necessity.

  8. I'm working on some more packs at the minute and hope to get them uploaded soon. :)


    It sounded like Steve was getting ready, then one day he asked me what I thought sales would be like. I honestly answered I didn't think they would be much at first, but a year from now it could be significant, and it's about getting the system in place and ready. Haven't heard anything from him since.


    I don't understand why he didn't contact you again. Having the models on different stores and all set up for that game engine/program would be the best thing, rather than sticking to just one website.

  9. That is really cool. Also, if it works in the engine, the same code will work with a real-life robot, if the other physical properties are similar enough, since the same equations are used for reality and our physics sim.


    That is awesome!

  10. Actually those screenshots are showing me that I should make some different arenas instead of having just the black background.

    I like this idea! Or even just a magical looking skybox with some coloured emitters that look like spells perhaps? :P

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