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Everything posted by Josh

  1. Note that in Lua, if a function isn't declared yet, it doesn't exist: function myluafunc(...) end SetEntityCallback(body,"myluafunc",ENTITYCALLBACK_COLLISION)
  2. It will get better. Patience.
  3. I just tried the engine registration key I sent you and it worked. Today would be a good day for me to move the tutorial files into the downloads system so they will be easier to access.
  4. Yes, and the body would be passed to it, the same way a collision callback in C works.
  5. ATI stopped supporting the GL_SELECT render mode, for some reason. It affected Maya and some other applications, too.
  6. Maybe we can set a Lua function name the same way we set an entity collision callback.
  7. Josh

    Design Problem

    Nope, there is a collision editor built into it. It gives instant visual feedback, so it's easier to use than phygen, but it's basically the same thing.
  8. Last time I checked, the lesson worked fine. It's not very compex, and I can't think of anything that would have affected it.
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  10. Josh

    Design Problem

    I finished the collision editor, and now came across a pretty significant design issue. The approach the main editor has always taken is that by the time assets get into it, they are finished and ready for usage. Now I am making it so the model editor can change the structure of a model, save it, and have the main editor reload all instances of it. However, the Lua class scripts cause some problems with this. If I load a model with it's script enabled, the script might delete limbs fromt he model, replace them with other entities, or add new limbs. For example, the monster truck script frees the wheel meshes and creates vehicle wheels in their place. If this is allowed, then the tree view for the model will not be the same as what the GMF file originally contains. If the model is resaved, it will overwrite the existing GMF, and no longer contain the same limbs the script looks for. I could disable the class script in the model editor, but I also want to be able to view a finished model with the script enabled. For example, if I have a street light with an added corona, I want to be able to look at that in the nice big model editor window. Probably the best I can do is just leave it up to the end user not to do anything in the script that will break the model if it is resaved. Either that, or we have two separate applications built into the editor: a model viewer, which uses script, and a model editor, which disables the script. One kind of neat thing I did was set it up so the surface tree nodes only get populated when the user opens them. You might remember early versions of the model editor were slow to load large meshes because a ton of vertex data had to be turned into tree nodes. This will allow full display of all data, but it won't slow down loading. The worst that might happen is a brief pause when a surface node is opened. I'm planning to make all the data in each vertex editable, so you can clean up meshes by brute force, if you choose to. A few options like "Update Normals" will be available on a global and per-surface basis.
  11. Yes, I am planning to have a node-based material/shader editor both as part of the main editor, and compiled in a standalone app.
  12. Josh

    January 25, 2010

    One of the most frequent requests I consistently hear is that people want a visual interface for everything. I personally don't think stuff like that adds much value to the engine, but all the artists feel otherwise. Sometimes you have to deliver what the market wants, not what you feel like doing. It won't take too long to do, and it does make the editor feel a lot nicer.
  13. For vegetation layers, you can set the distance the billboard appears at, the distance for LOD changes, and the distance at which the object disappears completely, all in the vegetation layers options. Billboards are generated automatically, and as you can see, it is possible to have hundreds of thousands of trees onscreen at once.
  14. Shaders.pak does not have to be in the same folder, but it should be somewhere in your game path, which by default if the same folder as the editor.
  15. The integrated model editor will be able to solve that problem, for most models.
  16. This is contrary to the design of associating a script with a model entity. What are you creating bodies for?
  17. What kind of game are you making? FYI, our raycast commands have an optional radius parameter, but as of now it doesn't do anything since it isn't implemented yet.
  18. The networking code is pretty much done, but I don't think it's quite ready to release. We're redesigning the site to integrate the forum and community features together with the whole site, and an official documentation section is being created. In the meantime, I am going to start the model editor. This will be an app to replace the "Model Viewer" which will allow viewing and resaving of .gmf files. It will also include some editing features so you can adjust some of your meshes that might not have been converted or exported successfully. I'm planning for the app to be both integrated into the main editor, and compiled as a standalone app, the same way the script editor is. I'm also kicking around an idea for a GUI system.
  19. Josh

    Any headers?

    Maybe add "le" to the beginning of each function and constant.
  20. It doesn't make sense for a vertex shader to describe an "alphatest" setting because alpha discard is performed in the fragment shader.
  21. It won't make any difference what program or even engine you use. An ATI card with drivers 9.11 or 9.12 will perform a discard in any GLSL fragment shader with a cubemap lookup. The problem has been confirmed by ATI, and according to them will be fixed in the 10.1 drivers.
  22. Josh

    Vegetation API?

    LoadScene loads the vegetation the editor makes. You do not have to have a framework object created.
  23. It will load a second instance of the sound from the loaded reference. In pragmatic terms, this simply means you'll increase memory usage by about 12 bytes and have no loading from the hard drive. When both instances are deleted, the reference will be deleted, which is where the real sound data is stored. So go ahead and do it if you want.
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