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Everything posted by Josh

  1. I don't think the cost/benefit ratio works out favorably for that. I could definitely see having the official tutorials all available in C++ and Lua. I am not sure if another language is warranted, or if that time would be better spent making new tutorials.
  2. Version 3.0 will support this.
  3. I sent a link to download an installer that might be easier for you to use.
  4. C:\Leadwerks Engine SDK\Tools\Update.exe
  5. It's more than I want to spend right now, but I will keep this in mind for the future. Thanks.
  6. I'm looking for something I can link to that will automatically convert a web page to PDF format. This seems pretty good, but it can't be automated: http://www.pdfonfly.com/html-to-pdf-conversion.asp?u=http%3A%2F%2Fleadwerks.com%2Fwerkspace%2Findex.php%3F%2Fpage%2Fprint_tutorials%2F_%2Fprogramming%2Fcpp%2Fusing-opengl-for-drawing-r19%3Fprint%3D1&f=1&m=1&s=1
  7. How would you suggest using graphical icons for navigation when there may be dozens of sections and subsections?
  8. If you are changing a shadow-casting light's range the shadow is being redrawn each frame.
  9. The third and final part of our documentation is the user guide. The pages are like tutorials, but there is a hierarchical organization of pages. I tried using frames to make a treeview table of contents on the left side, but there is no way to do this without expanding across the entire page, and I want to fit it into the site template. I am thinking the front page will be a hierarchical series of links on different topics. Clicking on a link takes you to that page. At the top of the page is a breadcrumbs series of links like the command reference has now, where you can navigate to every parent category. At the bottom of the page are "back" and "next" links" to go to the next page in the hierarchy. Do you have any other suggestions? What categories and information do you want to see included?
  10. It's also listed in the "Support" menu at the top of each page: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/commandreference?〈=c The language should get passed page to page. If you find a way to break it please let me know. Other languages may be added, but I want to get a start on the core documentation first.
  11. It sounds like NaughtAlien might be adding to this.
  12. It appears you are using a point light with an enormous range and shadowmap size. This is probably the slowest and most wasteful light you could make, and it results in your objects casting shadows at different angles.. You should use a directional light. This tutorial will help you with those flickering torch lights: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources/_/artwork/tools/indoor-lighting-optimization-r18
  13. The wiki has all the up to date command reference.
  14. I added a BMX section, although there were no BMX tutorials in the database. I thought about doing the tutorials the same way the command reference works, where you select a language and it displays the code in that language. It would be a nightmare.
  15. I revised the main tutorials page the way I think everyone wants. I think I want the tutorials list view to be laid out like the main page, with two columns where your tutorials appear side by side.
  16. I'm working on a template to display tutorials Here's what the listing looks like: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources/_/leadwerks/ Here's a lesson by Masterxilo I made a few formatting changes to: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources/_/community/using-opengl-for-drawing-r19 This lesson talks about writing and formatting tutorials: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources/_/community/tips-for-creating-tutorials-r13 There are still some limitations of the template and some things won't work right. Ratings and comments are missing. The lightbox display does not work. You also can't add attachments when editing. To get around the last problem, you can use this page as a temporary solution. This accesses the same data using a different wrapper, and the buttons to attach images and files will work: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/edit_tutorials
  17. I would prefer not to have a secondary market of used software licenses.
  18. Sounds like your Apache material may have an invalid shader definition, like using the diffuse texture vertex shader with the diffuse+bumpmap fragment shader. I strongly recommend you have an ATI card for testing because they are more strict with the requirements. NVidia cards tend to silently fail if a problem exists, while ATI cards let you know immediately something is wrong.
  19. The Lua script attachment eliminates the need to parse entity class IDs. If this is not used, I recommend using the model file. Originally, every piece of code was just a suggestion of how to set things up, and not a strict guideline. People wanted more and more an official way of doing things, and the result was version 2.3 and onwards.
  20. It's relevant because the API design interacts with the design of the documentation system, and the documentation system is being designed with future scalability in mind. Exactly. The purpose of the C command set is not necessarily to program in C (although I know you like it). The C command set is the general command set that is not tied to any single language.
  21. I think it's a good idea to have CreateMesh(), etc., only for the purpose of filling in the C command set. I don't actually expect anyone to code in pure C. The purpose of the C syntax is actually to provide a consistent command set that every programming language can access. For C++ I expect programmers to use new, and all tutorials and documentation will reflect this.
  22. Your EXE fails to start without any error message on my ATI 4870.
  23. ZioRed, your design is fine for version 2.x. For version 3.0 I think I want a 1:1 ratio with the commands, but that's not your responsibility. You are of course welcome to help plan the syntax in whatever capacity you feel like.
  24. I recommend an NVidia GEForce 9800 GTX. It costs about $130 and it will destroy almost anything you throw at it.
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