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Everything posted by Josh

  1. Eventually, I want an option to convert models to vegetation layers and back.
  2. The forum skin isn't updated.
  3. Billboards are built into the vegetation system. Just check the "Use billboards" checkbox in the vegetation settings panel for that layer. Automatic billboards are not supported for individual models, because the cost of rendering those would be the same as if you just use a low-res LOD mesh.
  4. It's just a 4x4 matrix i.e. 16 32-bit floats.
  5. I will let the community answer the first set of questions themselves. Here are my answers the the second set: If you buy the current version, the upgrade cost for version 3.0 will cost less than waiting for version 3.0 and paying full price. I don't have plans for any paid upgrades before then. The standard license allows you to make commercial games with no royalties due. You are not required to show a splash screen or any other advertisement. I don't understand what you mean by "(apart from the 3D desing tools, etc.)".
  6. The nose looks too short, the upper lip too long, and the cheeks right next to the mouth are puffy. The mouth looks a bit swollen and malformed. The ears may be disproportionately small. The proportions of the body are great. It actually looks like a human being, not a comic book character.
  7. The textures are probably too high-res. The geometry might or might not be. I won't know until I get into it and find the constraints.
  8. In preparation for future development, console publishing is listed as part of the pro license. These assets would not work for a cell phone game.
  9. We're finally offering our first product in the new assets section of the site. I have wanted for a long time to have a means where assets can be produced and sold in a sustainable manner. I am very interested in working with third-party sites that produce game artwork. Orders are still processed by hand, but we're working on a system to automate things. You can be sure I won't let anything into the product listing unless it is 100% game-ready for Leadwerks Engine.
  10. The Industrial Cargo Model Pack is now available for only $9.95. This package includes three cargo containers and two wooden spools. All assets are certified game-ready for Leadwerks Engine. This is just some of Dave Lee's work, and there's lots more coming!
  11. I want to get this working again ASAP. I'll know by the end of the week what the plan of action is for this, whether it will be contracted out or attempted in-house.
  12. Shouldn't you hide one or either entity, if they are a mesh? There may be situations where you actually want a mesh to block its own center. I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I want to think over it before making a design change like that.
  13. The approach we took allows you to place multiple copies of a lightmapped mesh in a scene. I suppose some people might want to build a scene in Leadwerks Editor, then lightmap it and get back a single collapsed mesh, but why wouldn't you just do that in your modeling program?
  14. Annika is learning the forum software right now so she can design a new skin. It may take longer than contracting out a skin design, but it will be better to have someone in-house who understands how it works.
  15. I don't think lightmapping is very good for terrain, because you wouldn't get a very good resolution for large terrains. Outdoor scenes with large amounts of instanced geometry wouldn't work well, but not everyone is making Crysis. For more detailed interior scenes, this is great. The workflow was designed to be easy and convenient. pureLIGHT exports an .sbx with accompanying .gmf files, along with lights stored in the .sbx. It's very easy to use, and fits right into the Leadwerks pipeline.
  16. I don't have anything like that in place at this time. If you are really interested, I can put together a week-long course, rent some space out, and train your people.
  17. I think Thomas is finishing the fixes to make the trial version work with Windows XP. Check back later.
  18. Paid support can be arranged if you are interested. Can you tell me more about your company?
  19. Please note that the name "Jeklyn Heights" is the intellectual property of Vex Studios, and programs should not be distributed with this name, as it was included in this source code.
  20. This is the OVERLAPPED structure: typedef struct _OVERLAPPED { ULONG_PTR Internal; ULONG_PTR InternalHigh; union { struct { DWORD Offset; DWORD OffsetHigh; } ; PVOID Pointer; } ; HANDLE hEvent; } OVERLAPPED, *LPOVERLAPPED; Is this BMX code the same thing?: Type OVERLAPPED Method Delete() CloseHandle(hEvent) EndMethod Field Internal:Int Field InternalHigh:Int Field Offset:Int Field OffsetHigh:Int Field Pointer:Byte Ptr Field hEvent:Int=CreateEventA(0,0,False,"MyEvent") EndType
  21. The docs say there are three ways of doing it, and the GetOverlappedResult() function seems like the least BS. However, it is still pausing when I call the function.
  22. Has anyone set this function up to run asynchronously? I've got it working but there is no timeout value, so it pauses until a change occurs: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365465%28VS.85%29.aspx
  23. I have experience with project management software, and I can tell you that everything out there is complete garbage. There isn't one program that does basic things I expected they would all do. Something built into the forum system would be nice. Beyond just peer financing ideas, I have developed some knowledge about real investment, and it would be interesting if I could research game financing and pass on the knowledge, or somehow create a link between real financing and the community.
  24. This is interesting, because there are people with excess funds (investors) and people who could use money to make returns, and even people who would donate just to get a cool project done, with nothing expected in return. I would like to connect those people in a way where the benefit of that relationship is measurable and documented publicly.
  25. Yes, there is a bug...will sort it out fast.
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