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Everything posted by Josh

  1. You can attach a zip file in your article, just like a forum post: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/articles/_/programming/introduction-to-animation-r11
  2. Explorer.exe crashes randomly in Windows XP anyways. I notice it often hangs when copying more than a few megabytes of files. Yep.
  3. That does seem to be where all BMX's troubles originate.
  4. I'll be interested in this if you get a working example of the messages thing.
  5. Preferably nothing. This is an example of what it looks like when you specify a video ID in the article: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/articles/_/business/interview-with-michael-betke-of-pure3d-r85
  6. Cool, so you can make your own task manager? There's a predefined BlitzMax tag you can specify for your posts, FYI.
  7. I was getting a reliable crash on GCCollect and finally traced the problem back to this. Never store externed C objects in a resizable array.
  8. I generally prefer tutorials to be self-contained and not link to external resources that may become dead links in the future. You can attach a zip file in the article contents itself.
  9. I just put the tutorial section up to prevent people from posting PDFs in the articles.
  10. Revenue = sales x price. Price alone doesn't matter if your market size on mobile is 100 times bigger
  11. I don't want the articles section to be a list of download links. I recommend pasting the contents of your article in the text field. You can also add up to three videos and they will appear on the first page of your article in an attractive format.
  12. I don't think you even need to restart the program. Just go the the help>register menu item and enter your key.
  13. This probably won't happen any time soon because it would be an extensive modification of the templates. Most of the customizations on this site are just CSS edits.
  14. What page are you referring to? Do you mean in the search results, like here?: http://www.leadwerks...h&fromMainBar=1
  15. Not sure what you are doing, but this might help. It's the code I used to communicate between Leadwerks3D and executable converters: Method Convert:Int(path:String,commandline:String="") path=RealPath(path) Local outfile:String = StripExt(path)+"."+outformat Local proc:TProcess Local s:String Local success:Int=False Local ba:Byte[] Local sarr:String[] Print "Converting ~q"+RelativePath(path)+"~q to ~q"+ RelativePath(outfile)+"~q..." Local procpath:String=RealPath(AppDir+"/"+apppath) proc=CreateProcess("~q"+procpath+"~q +path ~q"+path+"~q"+" "+commandline) If proc While proc.status() Delay 1 Wend While proc.pipe.readavail() 's=proc.pipe.ReadLine().Trim() ba = proc.pipe.ReadPipe() ba = ba[..ba.length+1] ba[ba.length-1]=0 s:+String.fromcstring(ba)+"~n" Wend sarr=s.Trim().split("~n") For s=EachIn sarr s=s.Trim() If s If s[..7].tolower()="success" success=True Else Print s EndIf EndIf Next proc.close() If FileType(outfile)<>1 success=False If Not success Notify outfile If success If Not filesystemwatcher EmitEvent(CreateEvent(EVENT_FILECREATED,StripExt(path)+"."+outformat)) Return True Else DeleteFile outfile Return False EndIf Else Print "Error: Failed to create process ~q"+procpath+"~q." Return False EndIf EndMethod
  16. Leadwerks Engine uses a deferred renderer and does not have MSAA. You can use the framework commands and enable antialiasing, but this is a post processing filter and does not have the same quality as MSAA. Leadwerks3D supports MSAA, even with the deferred renderer, as the feature we requested three years ago is finally supported. I have no plans to pursue WebGL, but there are other online platforms we are looking into. We'll probably end up supporting a variety of online platforms, because none are completely perfect, and each has tradeoffs.
  17. Add shaders.pak to your project folder, or call RegisterAbstractPath("C:Leadwerks Engine SDK") (or wherever you have the SDK demo installed.)
  18. I strongly recommend using VS 2008 because support is built right in. Your VS 2010 applications will not run on Windows XP without additional required components that have to be downloaded and installed. Windows XP accounts for up to 43% of Windows machines, depending on which company's data you look at.
  19. Any idea where to download VS2005? I can't find a template in 2008, so I assume 2010 and 2012 don't have them.
  20. There isn't actually a command for this, I just set the field in BMX.
  21. Josh

    Viewport Navigation

    No, actually it's the opposite. The object-oriented commands will be the official documented API, and every language will be made to match that. BMX is an exception, but they are just calling commands from a BMX include file and that's easy.
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