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Image Comments posted by Josh



    There are some issues to consider. At what point does the data go over to the GPU? Voxelization of polygons is very hard to go in the GPU rasterizer. If uncompressed voxel data is sent to the GPU, that is going to use a lot of memory bandwidth. What is the latency for such a system going to be, and how does that compare to sending final compressed texture data that was calculated on the CPU?

  1. 12 hours ago, Vida Marcell said:

    Allright, but then apart from the ui and vulkan, what will change?

    PBR materials with voxel raytracing for reflections and GI
    glTF support
    Import / export plugins
    C++ shared pointers
    Box and strip lights added
    Terrain with 256 different materials
    Better Lua debugging with VSCode
    C# programming support
    Game state serialization for networking and game saves
    Entity component system
    and MUCH faster performance

  2. I changed the interface up and added a hierarchy tree on the left. This lets you select a limb of a model, but it also lists embedded materials and textures. If you select a texture in the treeview, it will display that texture in the 3D viewport, and the properties dialog would change to show options for a texture.

    Untitled.thumb.png.bdd65c93fbdadee1f83c7140eb1ee9ea.pngThe tabs also allow multiple files to be opened at once.

  3. 3 minutes ago, reepblue said:

    The right panel doesn't seem to make sense with models unless it's talking about the texture that's being used on the model? It would actually be nice to be able to view/edit an assets model, material and texture without changing windows. Being the engine loads gltf, I think it would be the only way.

    Regarding the first part of what you said, yes, I have not added the controls for model properties yet.

    When it comes to modifying materials and textures that are packed into a model file, like in glTF and some other models (Quake and HL)...this is where things gets sort of complicated. I am still thinking about how this should be handled. Right now I have a single asset editor window, which does a nice job of keeping things clean. I thought about adding tabs to it, to keep multiple files open, but it did not look very good. I will have to think about this...

    • Like 1


    6 minutes ago, Ttiki said:

    I know it's an old image / post, but are you using a custom widget for displaying textures with a preview image?

    Each thumbnail is a panel widget with a pixmap assigned to it.

    • Thanks 1

    Editor WIP

    8 hours ago, wadaltmon said:

    Are those vpks I see? Able to access models and other resources therein?

    That is the idea. It's all done with the plugin system, so any game can be supported.

    Editor WIP

    2 hours ago, Yue said:

    Will the external Lua script editor be launched from the editor?

    Yes, it will just launch whatever program normally opens a Lua file on your computer.

  4. When I have done things like this in the past with the 3ds Max bend modifier, getting the edges to line up precisely was a major challenge. I had to copy and paste vertex positions on the end because the modifier seems to be very imprecise.

    Level Shell


    Cave Johnson here, excited to tell you about the latest invention the lab boys have cooked up. Based on the recently discovered principle of the inclined plane, we're calling it "Ramp".

    • Haha 1
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