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Everything posted by Josh

  1. Josh

    Dungeon Skank

    This would be very interesting in VR.
  2. If you are doing marching cubes, maybe it is possible to calculate the normals from the underlying volumetric geometry instead of trying to calculate them from the mesh? I mean you lose information when you go from volumetric to mesh, so maybe before losing that information it is possible to calculate normals that should be applied to the mesh?
  3. Josh

    Copy pixel

    I think render-to-texture is a lot more well explained and refined in Ultra.
  4. Josh

    Copy pixel

    This should do it: https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_Camera_SetRenderTarget
  5. My first reason was "jut use printf" but the Print() command actually does a lot more than that. It calls OutputDebugString so the text appears int he VS console. It also can run hooks. So yes, I agree with you.
  6. Another thing you can do is just make a program act different based on command line params. I think I am going to make the editor call launch its own executable to generate thumbnail images. This saves me from having to include two large EXEs.
  7. I also use Ultra App Kit for simple programs that don't need 3D.
  8. Josh

    Texture Manager WIP

    This is what I want the first editor build to be. If I can polish up an app that just browses the game directory and handles textures, that is a good first milestone.
  9. Rearranged some screen elements and now it's a whole new application.
  10. Josh


    Upload please!
  11. Here we can see the file time and size imported from the package. Labels for the file, folder, and package are displayed in the side panel.
  12. There is also an Aabb:DistanceToPoint method, which I believe can be used for a perfect box/sphere test. If the distance to the point is less than the sphere radius, then the two intersect.
  13. It depends on how precise you need it to be. Ultra never does a real sphere-AABB test because it's too expensive. Usually it starts with a sphere/sphere test and then moves onto a box/box test in some cases. The AABB::IntersectsPoint method takes an optional radius, but it just treats the point like a box.
  14. FIrst step is to test AABB/AABB intersection, that will eliminate 99% of your cases.
  15. This is just a sphere / bounding box intersection test, right?
  16. Updated 1.0.2 Added Package::FileTime Most recently loaded package will now have highest priority Fixed error in Vec3 HSL/RGB conversion Some changes to menu events: https://www.ultraengine.com/community/topic/61539-change-to-menu-events/ Pixmap::CopyRect will now return false with BC6 and BC7 formats Added String/WString::StartsWith method Added Stream::GetPackage
  17. Josh

    Cool Ice Effect

    Wow! It really looks like there are solid pieces of ice inside the object when I view this in the material editor.
  18. Not yet. I have done earlier work loading Quake models, but did not load animations. It will also require support for vertex morphing.
  19. Josh

    Highpass filter?

    I am talking more about image processing. It can remove the lighting from some photographs and gives you a look that is closer to the true color of a surface. I think it is done by first applying a Guassian blur and then some other operation.
  20. And here you can see the zip package is displayed like a folder, but you can also see the zip file in the parent folder's contents, so you can still open it from there with the default program:
  21. Or maybe you are seeing some shadow acne. What happens if you increase the light's shadow map size? https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/Light_SetShadowMapSize?lang=cpp
  22. Oh, I see. I thought you were referring to the black line. It looks like maybe the normals are wrong?
  23. Looks like a crack in the terrain. I can see the background peeking through in some spots.
  24. Here we see the asset browser allows navigating through packages like folders, and even recognizes packages-in-packages (the BSP files). A texture is successfully loaded straight out of a BSP file without extracting it from the PAK. Thumbnails are not yet supported for the embedded files.
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