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  3. If you select the Ultra .mdl format, saving animations is supported. Version 0.9.6 is required for this.
  4. The grid now shows up properly as of a few updates ago. Thank you. Mike
  5. When will we be able to save a model with animations? We can extract and define animations, but when saving it warns that animations will not save - making any animation work useless. When will we be able to save our work? Mike
  6. 0.9.6 Fixed bug in mesh colliders that inverted all the polygons. To add entities to the flowgraph, drag them from the scene tree. Other bug fixes.
  7. Yesterday
  8. Please upload the prefab and any models it uses.
  9. The overload you are using above expects integer coordinates but you are giving it a world position. If either of those values is less than zero or greater than the terrain resolution, the returned value will be 0.0. You can do this instead: float x = entity->GetPosition(true).x + distance * cos; float z = entity->GetPosition(true).z + distance * sin; float y = terrain->GetElevation(Vec3(x, 0.0f, z));
  10. This will be fixed in the next build. All mesh colliders were effected.
  11. Is this only happening with the Steam build? Has anyone experienced this with the standalone? https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/1/3430075523240630574/
  12. Grass and small plants look best when the normals match the terrain normal. These are also the only types of objects that use the per-vertex alignment. So it seems to me these should go together, unless anyone can explain why it would not.
  13. 0.9.6 In previous builds of the editor, some post-processing effects were continuously allocating new FBOs each frame. I did not see any VRAM memory leak, but creating and deleting textures each frame is not optimal. This change may result in better responsiveness in the editor.
  14. I guess so... it might not be a problem for other people it just a suggestion for the more forgetful among us and to make things easier to you as I don't envy you chasing up responses from us - like I say though - if its only me that thinks this might be a thing I'd suggest politely ignoring me as you know better than I - I have no doubt ;-)
  15. Josh

    Build 917

    Does this still happen if all post-processing effects are removed?
  16. I have to agree with Dreikblack. FPS limiter is needed in the future, because too high FPS breaks the logic of scenes and unpredictably speeds up the operation of physical objects. This is not critical only for very small games; for more or less large games this feature is required. And maybe it was 'dumb' in Leadwerks as techincal realization, but it works very well.
  17. Josh

    Build 917

    I need to download your project and test it.
  18. BVH is a very simple format to load.
  19. Changes for last month: - New special shot for Shotgun - aimed shot (bigger distance and damage but only for single target) - Now in a first round only a first team have action and movement points - Outline thickness setting - Outline optimization which increased FPS a lot - Different color for LoS lines when target is flanked - No camera moving by cursor if it’s on GUI or in menu - Camera movement with RMB and rotation with MMB - Load Map button to play any map regardless difficulty setting - Codex with tutorials, weapons and enemies - Mini Codex with current points for enemy can be opened with MMB on them - Inventory opening for Marine that under cursor with MMB - Showing now max action distance with red circle for enemy that under cursor - Showing potential tiles to go for enemy when cursor on them - Glowing and sound when targeting a tile - Which team turn now shown at top - Current weapon name above weapon bar
  20. Yeah it does, what I meant was its easy to then forget about following up on something once the thread has been read...
  21. I thought the system shows a notification when someone responds to a thread you started? You should be automatically subscribed to any thread you post.
  22. My apologies Josh! I totally forgot to come back to you on this. It is fixed and works fine now. You could maybe do with adding some sort of reminder for users (customers?) when you've responded and are waiting for a response so that you can close. I'm sure (hope) I'm not the only person who raises something and then forgets all about it once its fixed...
  23. For those who are interested in some free animations. They need to be retargeted to what every skeleton your character uses. I think there's 2,500 different animations to choose from. I might make a tutorial on getting these into blender if people would like that. https://sites.google.com/a/cgspeed.com/cgspeed/motion-capture/the-3dsmax-friendly-bvh-release-of-cmus-motion-capture-database
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