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  1. Past hour
  2. The latest build on Steam adds a timer that ticks once every second. This causes the program to not sit idly for long periods of time, and will cause the Steam_runcallbacks function to be called periodically.
  3. 0.9.6 Added a timer so the Steam callbacks function gets called periodically when the application is idle. Double-clicking an entity in the scene browser now navigates the viewports to that object.
  4. Yesterday
  5. This extension loads a scene from Unity. Place this file in "Ultra Engine/Scripts/Start/Extensions": Unity Import.lua You can use this plugin to export a JSON file from Unity containing the open scene: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/integration/scene-to-json-exporter-280989 I recommend breaking any prefabs you have before exporting. These files can then be loaded with this extension. Select the Script > Utilities > Import Unity Scene menu item and open the JSON file you saved. Currently just the basic hierarchy is loaded with no visible meshes, but it does work.
  6. Lua projects include a .bat file in the base folder that will open VSCode with the project folder loaded and the main.lua file open.
  7. Hmmm, perhaps the OP's problem is that Intel graphics are being used instead of the Nvidia card. You can check by adding this code to your main loop: while (PeekEvent()) { auto e = WaitEvent(); if (e.id == EVENT_STARTRENDERER) { Print(e.text); } }
  8. There is a bug occurring when I select the frame selection size. The labels are disappearing. https://streamable.com/if3amx?src=player-page-share
  9. Some addtional info about the problem. The problem appeared after version 0.9.4 when using Intel graphics. Updating igpu drivers from intel does not solve this problem. The editor does not start on new version of the driver. On old version (automatically installed by windows), it can launch but viewport does not work (just a gray image). If I compile through Visual Studio I get a black screen and error messages (I attached the screenshot with messages below).
  10. Hello, I have same problem with engine. I have the similar setup but instead 13700h I have 12700h. Here the problem is in graphics from Intel. If you disable igpu and switch to dgpu, the problem will not arise.
  11. When the application is dormant, SteamAPI_RunCallbacks() does not get called for however long it is sitting there. If this is a Steam-exclusive problem then I am thinking maybe this function performs actions based on time elapsed, so it is called after a long pause it performs some kind of tasks that take a long time, causing the program to stop responding.
  12. I only used the standalone and never had a crash, I can try using the Steam version and see if I have the issue.
  13. A simple request: It can get very confusing where the scripts are the the project and even level you are working on. For example, the main script for resolution changes and the 3rd person script for controller coding. I would very much like a button or menu item that specifically opens these scripts in the coding editor of your choice. In settings, you could define your IDE and when you choose a script, it opens the IDE with the script, ready to go. I liked Leadwerks because you could script in its own IDE very quickly. Mike
  14. I use UU3D Pro (Ultimate Unwrap 3D Pro 64 bit). It has excellent animation tools. Fragmotion is an oldie but goodie. Mike
  15. I vote for erosion types, like fluvial, terrain steps, etc. Stamps can likely be used for this kind of, but actual erosion would be awesome. Mike
  16. So I never even thought to use the save as and drop down to select the ultra engine model format. Thank you. Mike
  17. If you select the Ultra .mdl format, saving animations is supported. Version 0.9.6 is required for this.
  18. The grid now shows up properly as of a few updates ago. Thank you. Mike
  19. When will we be able to save a model with animations? We can extract and define animations, but when saving it warns that animations will not save - making any animation work useless. When will we be able to save our work? Mike
  20. 0.9.6 Fixed bug in mesh colliders that inverted all the polygons. To add entities to the flowgraph, drag them from the scene tree. Other bug fixes.
  21. Last week
  22. Please upload the prefab and any models it uses.
  23. The overload you are using above expects integer coordinates but you are giving it a world position. If either of those values is less than zero or greater than the terrain resolution, the returned value will be 0.0. You can do this instead: float x = entity->GetPosition(true).x + distance * cos; float z = entity->GetPosition(true).z + distance * sin; float y = terrain->GetElevation(Vec3(x, 0.0f, z));
  24. This will be fixed in the next build. All mesh colliders were effected.
  25. Is this only happening with the Steam build? Has anyone experienced this with the standalone? https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/1/3430075523240630574/
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