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CSG Brushes vs. Point Entities




The built-in level design tools in Leadwerks3D are great for quickly sketching out a game level. Most of this remains unchanged from the design of 3D World Studio, with a few extras like smooth groups and new primitive types:



When a point entity object type is selected in the side panel, the object creation widget changes to a simple cross hair:



The selection box with tabs that CSG brushes use are great for quickly moving, scaling, rotating, and shearing brushes, but they aren't that great for point entities. That's why I'm implementing a different control style for selected point entities. A 3D widget like 3DS Max uses will appear in the 3D and 2D viewports:



To give the user more control, they can choose between global and local coordinate systems to move and rotate entities:



We think this will provide the best combination of fast level editing with CSG brushes, and quick object manipulation for other types of objects.




Here's an updated view of the 3D control widget. Of all the implementations of this I have seen, I like the Crysis Editor's the best. The next step will be to make the widget change appearance when the mouse is hovered over it. As has been requested in the past, the widget stays on top of everything drawn, and always scales to appear the same size at any distance.


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Good way to go with the point entities. I can't wait! Are we going to see a release at the end of July or the end of August...or in-between?

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It's hard to say exactly when it will be done. We're certainly getting closer. I think we're through the scary part.

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Other way to phrase Benton's question, since I'm curious too: is the summer release still realistic, assuming we're going by Google time? Or is there a chance that release may end up being in Fall?

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if the point entity is not selected, does the 3d widget show? Is there an placeholder/icon for the entity like what you have in 3dws and the current editor to allow for selection in the 3d perspective view? Or is the entity just invisible and selection is only possible via the side panel?

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The control widget always shows for each entity in perspective view, including brushes. The control widget shows in orthographic views for all entities except brushes. It sounds a little weird when I describe it, but it's pretty simple and intuitive to use.


I'm planning to implement icons for some entity types like lights, emitters, etc.


All the properties you see are built into the editor, and appear based on what's selected. You don't need a script for control of the basic stuff.

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Looking forward to use this. Previously I did not actually use 3DWS, mostly because it seemed to simple or ... well I don't really know why. Anyway I have lately (better late than never) discovered how good that tools is. So I really look forward to this super-3dws-thing.



Is there any kind of snap to object function in this new beast. That would be sooooo great and end of trying to get things (like walls) built together will endless small movements with either the mouse or editing the positions values.

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That would be a good addition. The Far Cry 2 editor actually has the best snapping features I've ever seen. Lay out some curved train tracks and you'll see what I mean. It's brilliant.

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