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One of the Happiest Days of My Life




This is the reason I am so happy today. See if you can guess what it means:




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I would say you got LE3D running for android but I thought you had that already. My original guess I'm sure was wrong so I removed it :) The Logcat app looks Apple inspired so was thinking you had an app you wrong for Android with Lua running on an Apple product achieving true cross-platform without having to recompile for the current platform.

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Debug output from LE3 running in android at approximately every 20ms which, if this is output per frame, means you are running at 100 fps! That would put a smile on my face. Hmm ... 50 even

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Uhm, first guess...it's a bunch of numbers and letters? Heheheh! :P ?

Second guess...it's a script running on android, and the three float numbers represent the position of an object, which is moving by the script?

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I know why Josh doesn't tell. If he does, we all will make our best to destroy that happiness with and endless list of arguments against what he was happy about. Let us enjoy that Josh is a happy programmer because those makes the best results :)

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Rick is correct! Physics are running on Android. What you're seeing is the printout from LogCat as an object drops due to gravity.

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Then I was correct hours before Rick. I won :D :D :D.... Whats the price then ?

Gravity works smile.png Y is decreasing
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I said the magic word, I get a free copy of LE3D like Josh promised...

Which you'll give willingly to me, cuz I gave the hint that put you on the right track to find the answer. ;-) :P

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They both win a half of LE3! Rick you get the editor and Roland gets Lua! And Chris, for putting them on the right track, gets the compiler! :D

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