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You Won't Believe what Analytics in Leadwerks Reveal




How do you like that clickbait title? laugh.png


I implemented analytics into Leadwerks Editor using GameAnalytics.com last month, in order to answer questions I had about user activity. Here's what I have learned.


The number of active users is what I was hoping for. A LOT of people ran Leadwerks in the last month, but people don't usually use it every day, as the number of daily users is lower. The numbers we have are good though.


A lot of people use the Workshop to install models and other items for their projects. Unfortunately, paid Workshop items cannot be purchased right now, as I am working with Valve to change some company financial information. i will have this running again as soon as possible.


Boxes are the most common primitive created, by a huge margin, followed by cylinders, wedges, spheres, and cones, in that order. Maybe the list of available primitives should be rearranged based on this? Not a big deal, but it's interesting to see.


There's definitely a disconnect between user activity and the community, so in the future I hope to encourage people using the program to register forum accounts and become active in the community.


Overall, I am glad that analytics have allowed me to get a broad picture of collective user behavior so I am no longer working blindly. It's a blunt instrument, but it will be interesting to see how I can use it in the future to improve the user experience.



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That is a great info. Some suggestions on the forum


1)Create a new section for community tutorial. I noticed that the tutorial by the community are written in their own blogs together with other stuff. These tutorials in long run will be buried deeply and the other users might have tough time searching this.


Take example Construct 2 community. Tons of tutorial created by the community and easily available to users to search which tutorials are favorites. The community can vote that the tutorial is helpful or not. The official tutorial by Construct 2 maybe 2 years ago?, most of the new tutorials are handle by the community. Take a look at here




2)Use badge or and point system. If the user read all the manual or official tutorial, they will be rewarded with a badge and points. Useful tutorials that are voted by the community will also award points or badge to the writer. Somebody who likes to help the community can be rewarded by the community back like "helpful answer" button or something.


I understand that you are waiting for the new GUI to be finished so that you can start to write new official tutorial. But why wait? when the community can help you right now ? There are some good tutorials available, but it is hidden and sometimes hard to find.

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Haha the title makes me laugh :)


C++ users might use the editor diffrently, i only enter the editor when creating textures, materials and when creating new particle systems.

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I would mess your analytics up if you treat pro and standard versions differently. I have pro and only use it for lua. Also bugs will definitely skew your results. I completely stopped using csgs, and csg in prefabs because they are 100% untrustworthy. I would actively discourage people from using them if they now how to model.

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I would mess your analytics up if you treat pro and standard versions differently. I have pro and only use it for lua. Also bugs will definitely skew your results. I completely stopped using csgs, and csg in prefabs because they are 100% untrustworthy. I would actively discourage people from using them if they now how to model.

I think that's a pretty big exaggeration.

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I don't doubt it. But it still does not mean it isn't broken.

I am aware of a bug with brush texture mapping in prefabs, and hope to fix that shortly.

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I am aware of a bug with brush texture mapping in prefabs, and hope to fix that shortly.

Also, if possible, take a look at the issue with a prefab's child entities with a script not performing the Start() function when the prefab is loaded via code. Its almost as though the 'NoStartCall' flag is hardcoded when using Prefab:Load().

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And brush grouping, please bring that back too. Can't talk about serious CSG implementation without grouping.

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And brush grouping, please bring that back too. Can't talk about serious CSG implementation without grouping.

This has never been supported in Leadwerks editor.

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It was shortly, you implemented it in beta and took it out a few weeks later. We could name them and group the brushes. Doesn't even matter if it was there or not. I just can't understand how are we supposed to make CSG levels without grouping respective sections of the level together to protect them from accidental movements.

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I don't doubt it. But it still does not mean it isn't broken.

This should be fixed now on the beta branch, Windows only at this time.

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