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Call for ProjectWizard Template code


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Hi all great Leadwerks programmers.


As you know or may not know, I'm making an update to the ProjectWizard (see my blog). Here is the new look of the ProjectWizard.




Now I need you help. What I want is you to suggest template code for the different cases

that the ProjectWizard can generate.


Current version of the ProjectWizard produces a project showing a rotating cube. Creating same

game output for the different cases is a good idea I think. However there is no law telling that

the produced project must produce a rotating cube, so thats up to you think about.


Here the different cases that needs code (including sample project)


  • LUA loaded by Engine.exe
  • C++ using engine.h only
  • C++ LEO using Framework (internal Framewerk)
  • C++ LEO using Framewerk (Framewerk files)
  • C++ Gamelib


There is no C# here, but It can be added if anyone produces code and a sample project for it


I wish us good luck with this.


  • Upvote 1

AV MX Linux

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Example02.lua in the SDK can be used as the Lua template.




C++ example (add engine.cpp):

#include "engine.h"

int main()
if( !Initialize() )
	return 1;

// Set graphics mode
if( !Graphics(1024,768) )
	MessageBox( 0, "Failed to set graphics mode.", "Error", 0 );
	return 1;

// Create framework object and set it to a global object so other scripts can access it
TFramework fw = CreateFramework();
if( fw == NULL )
	MessageBox( 0, "Failed to initialize engine.", "Error", 0 );
	return 1;

// Set Lua framework object
SetGlobalObject( "fw", fw );

// Set Lua framework variable
BP lua = GetLuaState();
lua_pushobject( lua, fw );
lua_setglobal( lua, "fw" );
lua_pop( lua, 1 );

// Get framework main camera
TCamera camera = GetLayerCamera( GetFrameworkLayer(0) );
PositionEntity( camera, Vec3(0,0,-2) );

TMaterial material = LoadMaterial( "abstract::cobblestones.mat" );

TMesh mesh = CreateCube();
PaintEntity( mesh, material );

TMesh ground = CreateCube();
ScaleEntity( ground, Vec3(10,1,10) );
PositionEntity( ground, Vec3(0,-2,0) );
PaintEntity( ground, material );

TLight light = CreateDirectionalLight();
RotateEntity( light, Vec3(45,45,45) );

while( !AppTerminate() )
	TurnEntity( mesh, Vec3( AppSpeed()*0.5f ) );


	Flip( 0 );

return Terminate();




C++ LEO example (add leo.cpp, engine.cpp):

#include "leo.h"
using namespace LEO;

int main()
// Set graphics mode
Engine engine("Example - LEO with Framework",1024,768);

if( !engine.IsValid() )
	MessageBox( 0, "Failed to set graphics mode.", "Error", 0 );
	return 1;

// Create framework object and set it to a global object so other scripts can access it
Framework fw;

if( fw == NULL )
	MessageBox( 0, "Failed to initialize engine.", "Error", 0 );
	return 1;

// Set Lua framework object
engine.SetObject( "fw", fw );

// Set Lua framework variable
Lua lua;
lua.PushObject( fw );
lua.SetGlobal( "fw" );
lua.Pop( 1 );

// Get framework main camera
fw.main.camera.SetPosition( Vec3(0,0,-2) );

Material material( "abstract::cobblestones.mat" );

Cube mesh( CREATENOW );
mesh.Paint( material );

Cube ground( CREATENOW );
ground.Scale( Vec3(10,1,10) );
ground.SetPosition( Vec3(0,-2,0) );
ground.Paint( material );

DirectionalLight light( CREATENOW );
light.SetRotation( Vec3(45) );

while( !engine.IsTerminated() )
	mesh.Turn( Vec3( AppSpeed()*0.5f ) );


	engine.Flip( 0 );

return engine.Free();




C++ LEO with Framewerk example (add leo.cpp, engine.cpp, framework.cpp, layer.cpp, renderer.cpp):

#include "leo.h"
#include "framewerk.h"
using namespace LEO;
using namespace leadwerks;

int main()
// Set graphics mode
Engine engine("Example - LEO with Framewerk",1024,768);

if( !engine.IsValid() )
	MessageBox( 0, "Failed to set graphics mode.", "Error", 0 );
	return 1;

// Create framewerk object and set it to a global object so other scripts can access it
Framewerk fw;

if( !fw.Create() )
	MessageBox( 0, "Failed to initialize engine.", "Error", 0 );
	return 1;

// Note! Lua is not supported when using Framewerk

// Get framewerk main camera
Camera camera( fw.GetMain().GetCamera() );
camera.SetPosition( Vec3(0,0,-2) );

Material material( "abstract::cobblestones.mat" );

Cube mesh( CREATENOW );
mesh.Paint( material );

Cube ground( CREATENOW );
ground.Scale( Vec3(10,1,10) );
ground.SetPosition( Vec3(0,-2,0) );
ground.Paint( material );

DirectionalLight light( CREATENOW );
light.SetRotation( Vec3(45) );

while( !engine.IsTerminated() )
	mesh.Turn( Vec3( AppSpeed()*0.5f ) );


	engine.Flip( 0 );

return engine.Free();




C++ GameLib example (add gamelib.cpp):

#include "gamelib.h"

int main()
Game game(CREATENOW);

if( !game.engine.IsValid() )
	MessageBox( 0, "Failed to initialize engine.", "Error", 0 );
	return 1;

// Set graphics mode

// Get framework main camera
game.scene.framewerk.main.camera.SetPosition( Vec3(0,0,-3) );

Material material( "abstract::cobblestones.mat" );

Cube mesh( CREATENOW );
mesh.Paint( material );

Cube ground( CREATENOW );
ground.Scale( Vec3(10,1,10) );
ground.SetPosition( Vec3(0,-2,0) );
ground.Paint( material );

DirectionalLight light( CREATENOW );
light.SetRotation( Vec3(45) );

while( !game.engine.IsTerminated() )
	mesh.Turn( Vec3( AppSpeed()*0.5f ) );


	game.scene.Flip( 0 );

return game.Free();

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I wish us good luck with this.



Hi Roland,


Here's my little contribution to your project :)


program exemple1;

{$ifdef FPC} {$mode delphi} {$endif}

uses Classes, SysUtils, LeadWerks;

  Framework: TFramework = 0;
  Lua: Pointer;
  Camera: TCamera;
  Light: TLight;
  Material: TMaterial;
  Mesh: TMesh;
  Ground: Tmesh;

  RegisterAbstractPath('C:\Program Files\Leadwerks Engine SDK');

     // Set graphics mode
     if Graphics(1024, 768)=0 then Exception.Create('ERROR: Failed to create set graphics mode.');

     // Create framewerk object and set it to a global object so other scripts can access it
     Framework := CreateFramework;
     if Framework=0 then Exception.Create('ERROR: Failed to create Framework');

     if Framework<>0 then
        // Set Lua variable
        Lua := GetLuaState;
        lua_pushobject(Lua, pointer(Framework));
        lua_setglobal(Lua, 'fw');
        lua_pop(Lua, 1);

     Camera := GetLayerCamera(GetFrameworkLayer(0));
     PositionEntity(Camera, Vec3(0, 0, -2));

     Light := CreateSpotLight(10);
     RotateEntity(Light, Vec3(45, 55, 0), 0);
     PositionEntity(Light, Vec3(5, 5, -5), 0);

     Material := LoadMaterial('abstract::cobblestones.mat');
     Mesh := CreateCube;
     PaintEntity(Mesh, Material, 0);

     Ground := CreateCube;
     ScaleEntity(Ground, Vec3(10, 1, 10));
     PositionEntity(Ground, Vec3(0, -2, 0), 0);
     PaintEntity(Ground, Material, 0);

     Light := CreateDirectionalLight(0);
     RotateEntity(Light, Vec3(45, 45, 45), 0);

     // Activate Framework Postfilter Effects

     while (KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)=0) and (AppTerminate=0) do
        TurnEntity(Mesh, Vec3(AppSpeed*0.5, AppSpeed*0.5, AppSpeed*0.5), 0);
     on E: exception do
        Applog(PAnsiChar(' Exception occured ! '+E.message));


I wonder if there is a difference in FPS between the C++ versions Framewerk/framework ?


Good luck too ;)


PS: i did not test this with delphi, only lazarus/freepascal

Windows 7 home - 32 bits

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Here's another version written in the Easy language (which I invented a few hours ago):

#include "gamelib.h"
#include "easy.h"

Define( Engine, engine )
Call( engine.Create )

// Set graphics mode
Define( TGame, game )
Call( game.Initialize, 1024, 768 )

If( Not Check( engine.IsValid ) )
	ErrorPopUp( "Failed to set graphics mode." )
	Return( 1 )

// Get framework main camera
Call( game.scene.framewerk.main.camera.SetPosition, Vec3(0,0,-3) )

Define( Material, material( "abstract::cobblestones.mat" ) )

Define( Cube, mesh( CREATENOW ) )
Call( mesh.Paint, material )

Define( Cube, ground( CREATENOW ) )
Call( ground.Scale, Vec3(10,1,10) )
Call( ground.SetPosition, Vec3(0,-2,0) )
Call( ground.Paint, material )

Define( DirectionalLight, light( CREATENOW ) )
Call( light.SetRotation, Vec3(45) )

While( Not Check( engine.IsTerminated ) )
	Call( mesh.Turn, Vec3( RealTime*0.5f ) )

	Call( game.scene.Update )
	Call( game.scene.Render )

	Call( engine.Flip, 0 )

Return( Check( engine.Free ) )


The source code for the Simple language is as simple as:

// simple.h

#pragma once
#include "stdio.h"

#define Begin int main(){
#define End }
#define Print(f,s) printf(f,s);
#define PrintText(s) printf("%s\n",s);
#define PrintInt(i) printf("%d\n",i);
#define ForInt(i,b,e) for(int i=b;i<=e;i++){
#define If(s) if(s){
#define While(s) while(s){
#define Not !
#define Return(s) return(s);
#define RealTime AppSpeed()
#define ErrorPopUp(s) MessageBoxA(0,s,"Error",0);
#define Call(s,...) s(__VA_ARGS__);
#define Define(s,t) s t;
#define Check(s,...) s(__VA_ARGS__)


Here are some benefits of this new language:

- the Simple language is cross-language compatible (you can use the same source code of Simple programs in C, C++, C#, Delphi, Pascal, etc..., basically in all languages which support variadic macros (all real programming languages do that) )

- you can write short and easy to understand code, which everyone should understand without even knowing any programming language

- it will run as fast as C++ programs when used with a C++ compiler

- you can mix all your own language commands with it, so it works from the first version (which is this) on, to all coming versions

- you don't have to use Simple syntax everywhere, you can always fall back to your own language at any line of code

- it can be used as a pseudo, generic, universal, human understandable language, also in the tutorials, since then nobody can complain the tutorials are not written in his/her language (since Simple works in all languages)

Ryzen 9 RX 6800M ■ 16GB XF8 Windows 11 ■
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AMD Bulldozer FX-4 Quad Core 4100 Black Edition

2 x 4GB DDR3 1333Mhz Memory

Gigabyte GeForce GTX 550 Ti OC 1024MB GDDR5

Windows 7 Home 64 bit


BlitzMax 1.50 • Lua 5.1 MaxGUI 1.41 • UU3D Pro • MessiahStudio Pro • Silo Pro

3D Coat • ShaderMap Pro • Hexagon 2 • Photoshop, Gimp & Paint.NET


LE 2.5/3.4 • Skyline UE4 • CE3 SDK • Unity 5 • Esenthel Engine 2.0


Marleys Ghost's YouTube Channel Marleys Ghost's Blog


"I used to be alive like you .... then I took an arrow to the head"

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Thanks Guys for your contributions.

I will work a bit on this during this weekend


Lumooja... :) Who else could make an own language.

Well you know my touch about defines.... they should only be used

in absolute weird seldom circumstances where a typed variable or constant

can't be used. In fact I think the world should have been a better place

without defines. Is this the successor to C++ to that you have been talking about ;)

AV MX Linux

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Lumooja... :blink: Who else could make an own language.

Well you know my touch about defines.... they should only be used

in absolute weird seldom circumstances where a typed variable or constant

can't be used. In fact I think the world should have been a better place

without defines. Is this the successor to C++ to that you have been talking about :lol:

Variadic Macros can be used for certain things, and even Boost uses them, but in a way that it doesn't break the C++ language, so type checks still work.

Easy is just an approach to make a generic language which is as powerful as C++, but easier to code with.

A possible successor of C++ could be D, but it's not official, and also just a one man invention.

Ryzen 9 RX 6800M ■ 16GB XF8 Windows 11 ■
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But then it would be like electronic language (e-language) :blink:

I've thought also of other names for it, like:

  • Phasic (a bit wierd)
  • Generic (quite ok)
  • Human (actually I have plans to make a real Human language too, so this should be reserver for that)
  • C+++ (too long)
  • C* (quite ok, since C# is also a mix of BASIC and C++ )
  • C+- (a bit indifferent)
  • XD (kinda like a extra version of D, but maybe too funny also)
  • Strict (maybe too strict)
  • Formal (maybe too boring)
  • Pseudo (would make sense since it works from many langugages)
  • Abstract (not very descriptive for the language, but not bad either)

Ryzen 9 RX 6800M ■ 16GB XF8 Windows 11 ■
Ultra ■ LE 2.53DWS 5.6  Reaper ■ C/C++ C# ■ Fortran 2008 ■ Story ■
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What about E- ? :blink:

AMD Bulldozer FX-4 Quad Core 4100 Black Edition

2 x 4GB DDR3 1333Mhz Memory

Gigabyte GeForce GTX 550 Ti OC 1024MB GDDR5

Windows 7 Home 64 bit


BlitzMax 1.50 • Lua 5.1 MaxGUI 1.41 • UU3D Pro • MessiahStudio Pro • Silo Pro

3D Coat • ShaderMap Pro • Hexagon 2 • Photoshop, Gimp & Paint.NET


LE 2.5/3.4 • Skyline UE4 • CE3 SDK • Unity 5 • Esenthel Engine 2.0


Marleys Ghost's YouTube Channel Marleys Ghost's Blog


"I used to be alive like you .... then I took an arrow to the head"

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Hey Roland, here are the other couple of bmax templates I had talked to you about adding.


bmax + framework

'	====================================================================
'	This file was generated by Leadwerks C++/LEO/BlitzMax Project Wizard
'	Written by Rimfrost Software
'	http://www.rimfrost.com 
'	====================================================================


Framework leadwerks.ENGINE
Import "$(MediaDir)\BMX\Framework\Framework.bmx"


Graphics($(ScreenWidth), $(ScreenHeight))

Global fw:TFramework = CreateFramework()
If Not fw RuntimeError "Failed to initialize engine."

Local mesh:TMesh
Local light:TLight
Local ground:TMesh
Local material:TMaterial

PositionEntity fw.Main.camera, [0.0, 0.0, - 2.0]


PaintEntity mesh,material

ScaleEntity ground,[10.0,1.0,10.0]
PositionEntity ground,[0.0,-2.0,0.0]
PaintEntity ground,material


RotateEntity light,[45.0,45.0,45.0]


TurnEntity mesh,[AppSpeed()*0.5,AppSpeed()*0.5,AppSpeed()*0.5]

If KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Exit
If AppTerminate() Exit



fw.renderer.gbuffer = Null
FreeEntity light


and also bmax + framework + lua integration:

'	====================================================================
'	This file was generated by Leadwerks C++/LEO/BlitzMax Project Wizard
'	Written by Rimfrost Software
'	http://www.rimfrost.com 
'	====================================================================


Framework leadwerks.ENGINE
Import "$(MediaDir)\BMX\Framework\Framework.bmx"

'To create a new lua-gluefunctions.bmx file, comment and uncomment the following lines.
Include "lua-gluefunctions.bmx" 	   '--Comment this line out to create new lua-gluefunctions.bmx
'Import lugi.generator 			   '--Uncomment this line to create new lua-gluefunctions.bmx
'GenerateGlueCode("lua-gluefunctions.bmx") '--Uncomment this line to create new lua-gluefunctions.bmx
'Notify("All Done", 0) 			   '--Uncomment this line to create new lua-gluefunctions.bmx
'End 					   '--Uncomment this line to create new lua-gluefunctions.bmx


Graphics($(ScreenWidth), $(ScreenHeight))

Global fw:TFramework = CreateFramework()
If Not fw RuntimeError "Failed to initialize engine."
SetScriptObject("fw", fw)

Local mesh:TMesh
Local light:TLight
Local ground:TMesh
Local material:TMaterial

PositionEntity fw.Main.camera, [0.0, 0.0, - 2.0]


PaintEntity mesh,material

ScaleEntity ground,[10.0,1.0,10.0]
PositionEntity ground,[0.0,-2.0,0.0]
PaintEntity ground,material


RotateEntity light,[45.0,45.0,45.0]


TurnEntity mesh,[AppSpeed()*0.5,AppSpeed()*0.5,AppSpeed()*0.5]

If KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Exit
If AppTerminate() Exit



fw.renderer.gbuffer = Null
FreeEntity light

'this enables lua framework to work inside bmax
Function SetScriptObject(name:String, o:Object)
       Local size:Int=GetStackSize()

Function GetStackSize:Int()
       Return lua_gettop(luastate.L)

Function SetStackSize(size:Int)
       Local currentsize:Int=GetStackSize()
       If size<currentsize

Win7 64bit / Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.9 GHz / 16 GB DDR3 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590

LE / 3DWS / BMX / Hexagon

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Well, so far it's much better than C++. It's faster than C++, and less to code. I will see if there will be any major barriers when expanding the language, but theoretically it's not possible, since you can always fallback to C++.


What Roland doesn't realize is that macros are actually inlines. And standard inlines are not even close to the inlinability of Easy, since you can't inline everything in C++. That's why Easy is faster than C++.

Ryzen 9 RX 6800M ■ 16GB XF8 Windows 11 ■
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What's C++ about what you have so far? Looks like C to me. You don't seem to be using any C++ features yet.


So you are trying to say that "Easy" is faster than C++ even though it's made from C++? Your macros are replaced by what you have them defined as. So it's not faster, it's the same.

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It's faster in that sense, that no C++ programmer would repeat the same code, but they would put them in functions instead, and that makes things a bit slower. Even if those functions were declared as inline, there would be still some overhead as compared to direct pasting of code. But of course in practice, you wouldn't notice the speed difference, it's more a theoretical thing, but still :)

Ryzen 9 RX 6800M ■ 16GB XF8 Windows 11 ■
Ultra ■ LE 2.53DWS 5.6  Reaper ■ C/C++ C# ■ Fortran 2008 ■ Story ■
■ Homepage: https://canardia.com ■

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Well, so far it's much better than C++. It's faster than C++, and less to code. I will see if there will be any major barriers when expanding the language, but theoretically it's not possible, since you can always fallback to C++.


What Roland doesn't realize is that macros are actually inlines. And standard inlines are not even close to the inlinability of Easy, since you can't inline everything in C++. That's why Easy is faster than C++.


Macros and inline's are definitely not the same thing.


It's faster in that sense, that no C++ programmer would repeat the same code, but they would put them in functions instead, and that makes things a bit slower. Even if those functions were declared as inline, there would be still some overhead as compared to direct pasting of code. But of course in practice, you wouldn't notice the speed difference, it's more a theoretical thing, but still :)


Back to the 80's :)

AV MX Linux

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'Call()' to call a function? 'Define()' to make a variable?

Who in their right mind would use this abomination?

In C++ it's '();' to call a function, and '=;' to define a variable. Sure, they are a bit shorter, but someone who has never programmed would not know what they mean.

Ryzen 9 RX 6800M ■ 16GB XF8 Windows 11 ■
Ultra ■ LE 2.53DWS 5.6  Reaper ■ C/C++ C# ■ Fortran 2008 ■ Story ■
■ Homepage: https://canardia.com ■

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In C++ it's '();' to call a function, and '=;' to define a variable. Sure, they are a bit shorter, but someone who has never programmed would not know what they mean.

'=' assigns the variable a value.

If they choose this preprocessor mess to program in they should never be allowed to program.

Intel Core i7 975 @ 3.33GHz, 6GB ram, GTX 560 Super OC, Windows 7 Pro 64bit

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Hi Roland,


Here's my little contribution to your project ;)


program exemple1;

{$ifdef FPC} {$mode delphi} {$endif}

uses Classes, SysUtils, LeadWerks;

  Framework: TFramework = 0;
  Lua: Pointer;
  Camera: TCamera;
  Light: TLight;
  Material: TMaterial;
  Mesh: TMesh;
  Ground: Tmesh;

  RegisterAbstractPath('C:\Program Files\Leadwerks Engine SDK');

     // Set graphics mode
     if Graphics(1024, 768)=0 then Exception.Create('ERROR: Failed to create set graphics mode.');

     // Create framewerk object and set it to a global object so other scripts can access it
     Framework := CreateFramework;
     if Framework=0 then Exception.Create('ERROR: Failed to create Framework');

     if Framework<>0 then
        // Set Lua variable
        Lua := GetLuaState;
        lua_pushobject(Lua, pointer(Framework));
        lua_setglobal(Lua, 'fw');
        lua_pop(Lua, 1);

     Camera := GetLayerCamera(GetFrameworkLayer(0));
     PositionEntity(Camera, Vec3(0, 0, -2));

     Light := CreateSpotLight(10);
     RotateEntity(Light, Vec3(45, 55, 0), 0);
     PositionEntity(Light, Vec3(5, 5, -5), 0);

     Material := LoadMaterial('abstract::cobblestones.mat');
     Mesh := CreateCube;
     PaintEntity(Mesh, Material, 0);

     Ground := CreateCube;
     ScaleEntity(Ground, Vec3(10, 1, 10));
     PositionEntity(Ground, Vec3(0, -2, 0), 0);
     PaintEntity(Ground, Material, 0);

     Light := CreateDirectionalLight(0);
     RotateEntity(Light, Vec3(45, 45, 45), 0);

     // Activate Framework Postfilter Effects

     while (KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)=0) and (AppTerminate=0) do
        TurnEntity(Mesh, Vec3(AppSpeed*0.5, AppSpeed*0.5, AppSpeed*0.5), 0);
     on E: exception do
        Applog(PAnsiChar(' Exception occured ! '+E.message));


I wonder if there is a difference in FPS between the C++ versions Framewerk/framework ?


Good luck too :)


PS: i did not test this with delphi, only lazarus/freepascal




I dont know if there is any difference is FPS between Framewerk/framework.

My best guess is that if there is a difference its very small and can be

ignored. But that's just my guess.


There are currently no plans for supporting Delphi or Pascal in ProjectWizard.

But if you could send a complete sample with project files included I may

add it. My biggest problem here is that I have no knowledge of Delphi.



AV MX Linux

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