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[Steam 3.1] Model collision not working


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I put two objects :

- BSP Box

- Model

The two objects have the same physic and collision settings.

When running the game , only the BSP box collides with the floor, the model pass trhought.







How to test :

- download and dezip file attached somewhere

- create new project

- copy map file 'ball2" to LE3 "Maps" folder

- copy folder and content "balltest" under LE3 "Models" folder

- run the game

test 3.zip

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The two objects have the same physic and collision settings.


Models need a shape file. Remember you have to right click the mdl file and select Generate Shape, then you have to select that shape from the models physics tab. Then set it's type to scene.

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I know.

But any model should work if you say to the engine : Use Box or Cylinder shape for it's physics.

Or the physic list "box,cylinder etc ..." is useless ?


Anyway i retested using the generated physic shape and it fails.





Here are the tests i made :

-Model with "box" as collision setting and a mass : it falls throught floor.

-Model with a generated physhape file and a mass : the box don't falls down strangely , it just don't move ?


Have you downloaded and tested my file ?


( Let's make LE3 solid on physic base for any game type , not only character controller and BSP level , or let's change to a better physic engine )



last test with model :

- resized model a bit up

- removed physic generated file

- choosed : "Box" shape

- Click on "Fit shape"

- And mass >0

Now the model works and collides with floor , strange why did not it worked first time with same settings ?


But model bug is present, with a physhape generated file , the models don't fall and stay at same position ?

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Or the physic list "box,cylinder etc ..." is useless ?


It is for models, yes. That's just the way it works. If you want you should be able to make csg that mimics the model and make it the parent to the model. This wouldn't be a bug report for that reason, but more of a suggestion.

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It is for models, yes. That's just the way it works. If you want you should be able to make csg that mimics the model and make it the parent to the model. This wouldn't be a bug report for that reason, but more of a suggestion.




Other engines proposes you ot have cube bouding box collision or sylinder for models without having to create CSG and make it parent.This is a basic requirement and it is working in Leadwerks 3.1

You import your model, choose shape : Box, click on "Fit shape" , give a mass and it just works.

You don't have to scratch your head creating invisible CGS collision yourself.


No the real problem in this report is using a generated physic file and giving a mass, the physic view is ok, but running the game : the model stays in the air.

Rick could you try my file example ? A real working example is lot better tha thousand words smile.png

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You import your model, choose shape : Box, click on "Fit shape" , give a mass and it just works.


That works in 3.1? Hmm I thought models needed a phy file.




Rick could you try my file example ? A real working example is lot better tha thousand words


I don't have time right now. In the mornings while I get ready (which is right now) I just log on and see if I can lend a hand to anyone :)

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@Rick :


Don't confuse what i say with what you think :)


That works in 3.1? Hmm I thought models needed a phy file.

If you need a collision same as your model, yes you will need a Phy file you generate always, nothing has changed.


If you just need a box or cylinder for very approximative collision of your model, than you can do it actually in Leadwerks 3.1 by just choosing "Box" or "Cylinder" in physics tab and menu shape.

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