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Shadow map?


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I have 3 static point lights in scene each ~11 something range. 

image.thumb.png.da6e50451471ee9217850c27b823d52f.pngAs you can see above,  FPS is okay. 


Above with High lighting setting.


And now above LOW settings AFTER restarting game that had HIGH previous time.

As you can see, shadows are much cooler while FPS is same as first screenshot.

Is there a way to create shadow map before launching game like it does after restarting with HIGH light settings?

------------------------ UPD

And can I somehow completely remove real time lightning calculations? I have 0 dynamic lights, but FPS still very low cause of lights. Without lights I have 100 FPS, with 8 static lights 50 FPS.

I am not silly. My english is just not really great. T_T

But I'm learning! :D

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I cannot tell what is happening in that last screenshot. It looks strange.

What GPU do you have?

You can set lights to only cast static shadows and they will never be re-rendered.

It is hard to tell what is happening without a sample map to try.

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