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Help get Leadwerks Game Player Greenlit


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The popularity of small Leadwerks games with consumers has always surprised me. Furious Frank, for example, got over 20,000 downloads. That's what led to the idea of building a consumer-facing application for Leadwerks developers to distribute their games:



The Greenlight campaign for Leadwerks Game Player started strong but has slowed down considerably. The benefit for players is they can safely try out small free games that are in development or concepts. The benefit for developers is that you can reach a broad audience and start building a customer base to move forward with on Kickstarter or Greenlight.


Only a small subset of Steam players are willing to browse through IndieDB and risk running an executable from the web. With the Leadwerks Game Player, you'll have a safe and convenient way to share games with your friends, and games will be playable in the living room on Steam Machines. It's like our own version of IndieDB built into Steam, but it will reach a wider audience than IndieDB can.


It's a new concept, and the Greenlight campaign is going much more slowly than the one for our engine. The campaign started above the #5 item, but has fallen below that level. It's still above the next item I have data for, but it should be higher. I'm kind of surprised it's so low considering how many users we have.


Please vote for this on Greenlight and share it with your friends on Steam and Facebook. The most effective method is to simply message all your friends on Steam, give them the link, and tell them to vote for it.



My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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Do you get the same stats that we get for our Green Light campaigns for game submissions, like % of the way to top 100.


I have left the Green Light community to respond to my campaign without using any other marketing routes, other than the initial Leadwerks update and my graph looks a similar shape but not as steep as yours, making 2 announcements on development progress on Green Light, didn't seem to make any noticeable difference to the number of visitors.


after 3 days I had 263 yes votes,

6 289

11 300

25 308


Though my % to the top 100 has kept climbing in the last 2 weeks from 6% to 10% and I can only assume this is because other campaigns have been Green Lit, and are no longer in the top 100.


In the last 4 days I have only had 3,5,5,3 visitors compared to 1013,596,178,67 in the first 4 days of the campaign.


Looking at the way the graphs grow, I think that there is an active pool of Green Light community members most of whom will have visited your campaign in the first 3 days, then you pick up the pool who check once a week, then after that you might get 10 visitors or less per day.


Not sure if this is steams algorithm for presenting your Green Light campaign to the steam users, which might present new campaigns to Green Light visitors more frequently than ones that have been going for longer, sharing them out more for those receiving recent yes votes, I suspect it might weight this into its algorithm, or if its simply sharing out the new visitors across all the remaining Green Light campaigns.

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