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Everything posted by paramecij

  1. maybe because the pivot is parented to the body, you rotate the cam by rotating the pivot, but the pivot is also rotated by the body? dunno where those exceptions errors are coming from though, maybe some division by 0 lua mixing floats with ints? Have no idea really..
  2. I think it means they first check you out if you're the real deal ie. a real registered company/studio, preferably backed by a publisher and most importantly, made some SHIPPED commercial titles, then if they like your company website you can fork out something like $50.000 for a dev-kit, and when you're done finishing the game they evaluate it and if it works, and wont do shame to their console they work out with you a % of the profits you'll share with them selling the game.. I think this is the sony way (or at least was). MS being the underdog was more desperate for developers so it was easier to publish a title on their platform (also easier to develop). As i gather now, for 360 you can develop (although with limited access) with XNA on the PC for both platforms, buy a <100$ subscription and submit a game for review, if it passes you can sell it on xbox arcade, then maybe you can make enough for getting a full devkit? But if LE could be ported to DirectX then it would be possible (on a side note. 1 shipped title seems to be the most common minimum requirement for a job in the game industry, sort of like a closed circle
  3. Very nice! Do you swap out the model with broken parts when collision force reaches a threshold and then apply forces to them? I'm thinking of doing it this way, but don't like the idea of making all those individual pieces because i'm pretty weak when it comes to modeling If i'm thinking in terms of a simple cube that is supposed to be solid stone block i can put a plane through it and work out where to add vertices to split the cube in two, maybe offset them a little to make a rougher cut and get some funky texturing.. in an actual mesh it would be many times more complex not to mention texturing, and would probably be very costly to create two or how many more physics bodies(likely convex hulls) and update the vertex buffers on every fracture. This would probably be more suited to pre-calculate some pieces based on different fracture points and then when the object breaks swap it out with the closest matching to save you from doing it by hand, hmm.. Maybe if you distribute some 'spare vertices' inside the mesh you could use those as fracture points and form new faces with them on the mesh? I think i read somewhere that we'll be able to create vertices in the shader so maybe this will open up some possibilities?
  4. For me it makes sense because such a thing is very hard & time consuming to do (for me at least), is virtually non-existent, where as path-finding has been done to death - there's a lot of free, open source or payable libraries(if you really want) for one to chose from, tons of articles and tutorials about it, and it's really not that hard to do yourself.. Every game nowadays relies on triangles, but do we really need another tutorial on how to do a GL triangle?, it thinks it's much better if we get a tutorial on something different.. that's where i'm coming from Exactly, thats why people like me would be willing to buy it. Thats the reason i bought LE, because it saved me tons of hard work B) (and also because it looks sexy (in code and how it performs)) .. @XBOX360 support, i would love nothing more than to develop for my xbox, but find XNA too ugly, this would be a wet dream for me.. we can dream can we?
  5. try to use LoadAnimation() on every child of the model ... i think i had the same problem
  6. - Animation & physics driven rag-dolls with IK and lip-sync support (definitely worth buying!!) - Path-finding, yeah it's used in practically any game but it varies too much from game to game (might look at it if it's free, but probably wouldn't suit my needs for the price paid anyway)
  7. I have implemented Awesomium in c++ and use it to display in-game help and prop gallery where the user clicks on a thumbnail of the prop and i retrieve the filename from the link (similar to garry's mod). I have it kind of hacked-in at the moment, but i will eventually build a proper system around it if it proves useful enough after i explore all the different possibilities. It's good because i can easily construct a string with html in code or the user can produce the .html externally in his program of choice. I'm too lazy to make my own proper gui, and It may seem overkill but I don't really like CEGUI and other solutions they look like too much hassle, here i just set it up and it sort of takes care of itself..plus i had it working in a couple of hours
  8. I agree with Lumooja, it shouldn't be that hard to use multithreading to make a simple animated "turning a circle around" loading screen.. the best way would be to manually process and load a scene, then you can do whatever you want.. and coupled with clever design like Lumooja suggested (loading after texts fades in) one can hide the loading process altogether.. you can pre-load all the common assets during logos/start up sequences or what have you in small batches, then when you do new/load game from the main menu only load the rest.. If you first fade in to a interesting static image or some block of text then do some heavy loading, the user wont even notice while he's busy reading or taking a closer look. Progress bars aren't really needed if you have load times less than 10secs, they are more suited for longer load times so you can more easily judge if you have time to grab another slice of pizza from the kitchen Also for long loading times, some kind of animation is crucial to assure the user the app is running and hasn't hanged.. Even if you have progress bars if they don't update for a while, it might make the user wondering.. so again multi-threading is probably needed here. Because even if you update after every file load, and the files are small and quick to load, there might be a lag due to the file being on external hdd which is put to sleep, dvd disc that has to spin-up, sent over network etc.. I have currently a very long loading time but i just display a static image and play a sound recording of me counting "one model sitting in the scene, two models sitting in the scene...", it works and gets around most of the issues .. yeah i'm lazy like that
  9. change: Draw.DrawImage(rttexture.Texture, 40, 40, 40 + 128, 40 + 128); to: Draw.DrawImage(rttexture.Texture, 40, 40+ 40 + 128, 40 + 128, -(40 + 128)); // may not be correct with the +40's basically you can flip the image when drawing it by starting y at the bottom and supplying negative height DrawImage( GetColorBuffer(fullscreenbuffer), 0, GraphicsHeight(), GraphicsWidth(), -GraphicsHeight() ); // like that It's an obscure feature but quite common in 3d as i see...
  10. Windows is set by default to hide file extensions for known types.. - you have to go under folder options in explorer under view tab and uncheck hide extensions for known types.. then you can rename zip to pak - in most apps you can just go file / open and select file type filter as any format (*.*) and then select a renamed file (same for saving) - you can try to double click a .pak file and choose open with and associate it with winrar, 7z or what have you.. - in command prompt (start / run / "cmd") type in "ren file.zip file.pak" to rename your file ..
  11. - There's no type-casting - No need for vector math-fu between different spaces, gimbal locks, .. - Very elegant and simple but complete command set allows for easy and quick complex 3D operations an all entities (lights, meshes, bodies, .. ) while the code remains very minimal and very readable (i'm with previous user on Ogre3d:) ..just a few things that come to mind.. i've been using the engine only for 3 days but it already feels like we're pals from way back . It reminds me of way back when i got started with programming in turbo pascal anyway Josh, kudos for very sleek design! I love it..
  12. is there a way not to make instances in the editor? (i tried to give each models sub-mesh it's own material in code - no go
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