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Everything posted by DudeAwesome

  1. It wont start since today. Ive tried to reinstall everything+ deleted the App/Local/Leadwerks folder. But wont work. Anyone know what to do?
  2. In the Future Decals are supported. How would you implement the select circles like in the image? With decals or with small 3D boxes ? I would like to draw an image (circle) and want to rotate it and it should drop shadow
  3. jep this error just comes in the demo levels for me when I click on entities in the object manager
  4. In this case the steam Indie Version should be tagged as Early Access. I thought the Software is ready to use
  5. I activated the "latest build for testing" in steam but i still have no Steamwerks or Steamcontroller support. The latest Build doesnt contain it?
  6. ahh i just was focused on the window class sure camera class *facepalm* thx rick!
  7. I have a camera with birds eye perspective and will now use my mouse to click on primitive objects to select them. I´m stuck a little bit how to get the objects behind my mousecursor. The Window Class only gives me functions like GetMousePosition. I have an idea to calculate a ray startpoint in relation to the xy position from my mousecursor in the window and send the ray with 90° into my world to see if there is a collision with an entity but that seems to be not that nice. someone give me a hint?
  8. mhmm but where are tutorials for advanced people? I have the feeling that a lot of LE3 users buy leadwerks and think its a drag and drop clicktool where you can build a GTA 5 clone in 2 hours without any coding skills. I really would like to see some tutorials like introduce into shaders or some design patterns for game development. Sometimes I think new users are just lazy when I read some steamcommunity threads.
  9. I would like to see something like a roadmap or a todo from josh that we can see the progress of Leadwerks 3
  10. there are many bugs like this like the "cant unset material" or "create new/rename material" hope they will be fixed soon.
  11. create a pivot as parent. all boxes are childs. rotate the pivot (cant test it right now but seems legit)
  12. its supereasy just use PushButtonscript and create a new one with a flowgraph function like Script:Toggle() --in if self.entity:Hidden() then self.entity:Show else self.entity:Hide() end and use this script with a light. I really prefer more advanced tutorials
  13. should be possible to create some ballistcs like parabel and so an. I´m trying to do something like a bullet find its target always with a beziercurve. in 2d no problem to implement in 3d I need more time ;D
  14. why dont use something like blender or so to model a 3d object like a window and just import it?
  15. no not the ball i will just Move the ground Like http://li.c-b.co/is/image/LandOfNod/3719411_MarblesGame_H08/%24web_zoom%24%26wid%3D550%26hei%3D550%26/1308310657/dont-lose-your-marbles-games.jpg Thx for Info
  16. Josh should give us dev permissions also as indie Edition user
  17. I rotated an entity (ground) with function Script:UpdateWorld() if App.window:KeyDown(Key.L) then rotationNow = self.entity:GetRotation() self.entity:SetRotation(rotationNow.x,rotationNow.y,rotationNow.z-1) System:Print("X: " ..rotationNow.x .. " Y: " ..rotationNow.y .. " Z: " ..rotationNow.z) end if App.window:KeyDown(Key.J) then rotationNow = self.entity:GetRotation() self.entity:SetRotation(rotationNow.x,rotationNow.y,rotationNow.z+1) System:Print("X: " ..rotationNow.x .. " Y: " ..rotationNow.y .. " Z: " ..rotationNow.z) end if App.window:KeyDown(Key.K) then rotationNow = self.entity:GetRotation() self.entity:SetRotation(rotationNow.x-1,rotationNow.y,rotationNow.z) System:Print("X: " ..rotationNow.x .. " Y: " ..rotationNow.y .. " Z: " ..rotationNow.z) end if App.window:KeyDown(Key.I) then rotationNow = self.entity:GetRotation() self.entity:SetRotation(rotationNow.x+1,rotationNow.y,rotationNow.z) System:Print("X: " ..rotationNow.x .. " Y: " ..rotationNow.y .. " Z: " ..rotationNow.z) end end before rotation https://www.dropbox.com/s/wobccysass1cxtc/Screenshot%202014-01-18%2000.37.51.png after rotation https://www.dropbox.com/s/t7p73t5x9tm969f/Screenshot%202014-01-18%2000.38.19.png when I have probs (like the sphere) on the ground they ignore the rotation and stay in the air until I touch them (with FPSplayer) I think I need some kind of UpdateShape() or UpdatePhysics() someone could tell me the right command that my props act like they should ?
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