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Posts posted by Pancakes

  1. tbh all i hear and read is about photorealism, high level AI and crysis - nothing of this means something to me, in fact the crysis fanbois need to shut up or at least come up with a proper solution for atmospheric scattering ... for a start. Actually the constant whining about photorealism annoys me - go on and mod that engine, i know you have the power ... you can do it. ;) ;) I guess i simply call these crysis lovers "blinkys" from now on.




    Where is this disrepect coming from??? :)

  2. Vertex colors eh? I didn't know that. I wonder if they will export properly from blender?


    Also if nothing else works... you could just give the roots of the grass a different material, though I don't think that's a good way of doing it.

  3. Looks wonderful.


    Wait-- why would anyone think that's a man? :(


    Shocking! I've never heard anyone refer to one of my models as 'wonderful'. But I know how to take a compliment. Thanks! :)


    Btw, there aren't any wrong answers here.

  4. I wish I had a script. :mellow:


    I planned out the cables and did a modular set fitting to my terrain. Having a very basic spline function in the editor would be great.


    I think it would be great to get a version of this presentation as a Benchmark or a demo level or both!

  5. Typically though the knock on effect of increasing the number of pretties in games has resulted in exploding production costs.


    I'm over 40 years old, I've seen a lot of changes in computing since I built my first computer with a soldering iron. I've also seen a lot of snake-oil salesmen in IT but I'll keep an open mind.


    I think technology like this would reduce costs. Because of the fact that texture/model/sculpting/LOD/level detail optimizations and the like will no longer be necessary. If you want there to be a giant forest. Just model the trees and import them. As opposed to now where you have to lower the poly count, optimize textures, make several lod models, make billboards, and then make sure not too many are in the scene at one time. It would reduce costs I think. The more polys (or point clouds) you are allowed to import into your realtime engine, the less technical building a model becomes I think. Right now people sculpt a high poly model then they often spend even more time reducing it to where it can go into a realtime engine without losing too much detail. It's my limited understanding that stuff like this would be incredibly liberating. Because once you sculpt, you can bake a shader on top of that, and then not lose any details in the model while putting it into a realtime engine.


    And I am a little skeptical too but even if it is real I'm concerned about whether it would ever be available for indies. I'm not sure how this would work. Will it end up being like a lot of the procedural animation technology where you have to pay $10,000 for the software that is capable of it? Or will it be something that is written in a paper so that any interested party could make use of it and add it to their own game engines such as Leadwerks?


    Or would Nvidia/Ati buy it just so they can bury it?


    I just don't know but it is interesting.

  6. I saw this on another forum:


    The guy goes on to describe how all computers will soon be able to display an infinite about of geometry in real time which will not be bottlenecked by computer power except for possibly the resolution that you display your graphics at. Therefore, it's as he says, "the end of the geometry race". You know the same way that there is no more race to display more colors on the computer monitor. That as soon as 16 months from now, there will be no more race to display more geometry. That means no more normal maps, textures, or LOD. No occlusion culling, or any of that stuff. Just throw all your models in and run it. No tessalation no more sprites for vegetation. Wow.


    I was wondering what this would mean. It sounds like an eternal game changer if it's true. I don't usually refer to things as "eternal" game changers. But from the way it is described it sounds like it could be real. Just thinking about what that could mean for Leadwerks developers like you guys.

  7. Hello, I could use some advise. What do you see here? What does it look like it is?









    Also, other than the ears where does the picture look like it's "off" at?


    I'd appreciate some input :mellow:


  8. in the future people will have giant super computers in their community that are plugged into the global network - meanwhile all the Ipads of the household will act basically as really fancy remote control monitors.


    Therefore I honestly think in about 10 years hardware will not be a concern at all and consoles will basically be made obsolete as well.


    In other words visually I think Leadwerks has got the right idea. And I'm glad it's simple to code too. It's basically the same as using blender. Though I dream of the day it has Kismet/Flowgraphs too. But that's just me.

  9. On a technical level, I'd be fine getting a booth for the engine right now, but we don't have enough media content and demos built up yet. Next year would make more sense.


    I like your sense of patience and foresight, whatever you decide to do.

  10. Hello, I'm going to upgrade to 2.3 soon. I have a couple of issues with 4096 terrain:


    A ) Terrain editing crashes if I edit with tiles per meter = 2, while tiles per meter = 1 or = 4 works fine.


    B ) Even if it works fine I find starting the premade fps script that I will fall through the terrain when I walk in certain places but particularly the further I advance from the center of the terrain the more likely I am to fall through. So that at a certain point I will always fall through the terrain, almost like the terrain isn't there.


    smaller terrains work fine however and this will not stop me from upgrading :)

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