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Posts posted by Pancakes

  1. physics fle?


    Let's see I just used it on a bunch of hallway and room skeletons to test on, and it was weird - like a first person platformer. But I installed over this direcotry when I was trying to update so I think the script files are gone

  2. whoa i can smell colors; taste the rainbow


    I flipped out tonight and had 2 big a#$ cinnabuns when u eat a lot of sugary **** all at the same time it really starts to taste like garbage but it gets you high all the same

  3. That's pretty cool. That game doesn't look like it would be all that hard to make either really.


    The thing I dislike is that the way that person played obviously added to the horror. I doubt most people would play that way though. With how kids are these days they wouldn't have ran away from the monster, they would expect to be able to blow it away :lol:


    I've seen grown men scream like little girls while playing RESIDENT EVIL 2 and their girlfriends were right there!! Even when they tried to 'man up' they couldn't handle it. Also, I bought FEAR and I never finished it. Too scary.

  4. Consoles don't have much appeal to me. Console gamers think differently when they purchase games than PC gamers who log in to steam and see a pretty cool game that's $20 or less. Like Trine. I wouldn't have bought that out of Wal-Mart for $20 when I could get it on Steam for $5.


    If a console gamer hasn't seen ads or reviews or heard hype of a game it might as well not exist to them. And a low priced, game that I haven't heard of is usually a no-no as far as purchasing goes. Even if it has lots of a good critical reviews on the box, critical reviews won't necessarily put me in the mood to purchase.


    It's just something about the console, it doesn't appeal to me. I think it's because the entire context of the purchase is being strongly influenced by the identity of the console itself and by the block buster games sitting on the shelf next one another.


    On Android or PC you can have your own personal context. And I think that can make a difference in people's perception of the value of a product.

  5. haha cool, the game I'm working on started 5 years ago on RPG Maker back when I didn't know anything either


    i am checking this out!


    There is something about standing next to the fireplace that lets you jump super high it's dark so maybe I don't see the trampoline =)


    I like the atmosphere a lot. "I didn't like the painting either but never bothered to take it down"

  6. I'm not sure if politics is allowed on here or not. But I wanted to run this question by you guys. And I know it's easy to throw in snide or cynical comments that tend to bruise others' feelings or egos when it comes to politics so if that kind of thing could be avoided let's avoid it.


    Well anyway my thoughts I was having about Ron Paul is that Libertarianism is what the United States was actually founded upon, more or less - while the Democratic and Republican parties are more or less a reaction to industry and technology growing beyond the scope of what the Founder's had anticipated. In other words on an ideological level Ron Paul's platform is absolutely correct as far as US Constitution is concerned while Democrats and Republicans are movements that arouse due to the various perceived needs of the people - despite their ideological incompatibility with the intentions of the Founders.


    However, I've been thinking, how on earth can anyone expect a "President Ron Paul" to ever be re-elected after his first term should he get a first term? HIs politics says that in response to the 'great recession' that he would have let the banks fail and the economic ship to right itself. However I'm thinking that both domestically and abroad there would be a massive resentment for that policy as more people lose their businesses and homes during the process than already have.


    Ron Paul is a guy who I think is right about politics but I think most people understand that he would never be able to get elected twice once the reality of the transition between where we are now and where Libertarianism needs us to go proves too painful in a country with such an incredibly short election cycle.

    In other words, I feel like in these economic times, with China rising and US stature gradually falling, that Libertarianism won't be able find it's place in the sun.


    Because even if Ron Paul is elected once. The outcry for a return to the inconsistencies of Democrat vs Republican would be too great. And the pain so profound from the economic corrections of Libertarian policies that not many people would want to trust "pure libertarianism" for a quite some time.

  7. lol for some reason that reminds me of these 2 guys in college who used to share playboys and then when the bathroom was empty they would 'check out' a copy of one of the magazines, just like in a library, in order to 'read the articles'


    sounds iffy, but they were two of the coolest guys i've ever known and both absolute chick magnets, but I suppose everyone has a slow day now a then


    I'll be sure to check out the articles inside of this Lua pdf, but i won't feel the need to keep a copy under my matress like they did

  8. yeah but a simple cube is a simple cube have u tried to export more complex geometry? I'm not questioning that it works how it is supposed to work. I'm questioning whether the topology generated by Sketchup is going to be reliable enough. I'm only saying this as a precaution to the OP.

  9. I've had all sorts of problems with the GMF converter because of close vertices and stretched triangles. The resulting render will be an exploded mesh with vertices hovering around in mid air. If you try to physically interact with said model the editor will hang.


    The problem has never been the file format, but the topology of the mesh itself. And Sketchup exports strange topology. Some would call it 'bad' topology.

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