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Posts posted by Pancakes

  1. I tried editing the .frag file for Depth of Field effect, but I haven't yet found a way to soften the effect some. As it is now it seems too hard and also there are little black squares that appear on the screen some times.


    Does anyone have some advice on how to get the most out of the DoF shader?

  2. or you can get the people you are buying the models from to scale it for you. If you send them an example file of say... the official Leadwerks dude, as a reference, they might scale it for you. They should really.

  3. I haven't thought it all the way out yet.


    It would be really pimp if you could create a physics proxy inside of the editor using basic cubes, spheres, and planes etc. Or even vertex/face manipulation. Especially set joints, hinges, wheels and the like.


    Btw, I can't update. :( Whisp3r's crashes, and you'res says invalid password

  4. I've done some research and I do not believe that her waist is too small or her legs too long. The reason you may think that they are is partially because of the lack of detail in the model, also it is because of the optical illusion of looking at a model without a head from a slightly downward angle - all of this being becuase of how I posted the image. Which would probably make the lower portion seem longer than it is. Also keep in mind that her legs begin at her crotch not her waist. A woman's hips can give the appearence that her legs are beginning at her naval therefore making them seem even longer.


    For Example: Jennifer Aniston



    I could go on and on and on about the resons why I don't perceive them as "too" long. But at the end of the day my reasons really only matter to me and not to anybody else. So that said, I'll just say that I like the way she looks at this point. And I'm no master at biology/anatomy but I am trying to learn. So if this is just blind stubborness on my part then hopefully some day I will be able to see the light. B)


    Again thanks for the critiques. I really needed them. You really did help with the first critique. And then when I did some research after the second one, it helped me to realize what I probably need to do with the proportions of her arms when before I was just eyeballing it.

  5. In the comments of Joshs Blog we came to the conclusion that a slight blur filter over the SSDO effect would soften the effect in a good performance way. I adjusted the Quality settings and fps get down noticeable.


    So doing a blur would be better but I dont know how to do this.


    I was playing around with it tonight. Hopefully he'll add blur in there for us =)


    But I do have to say that SSDO is amazing. It changes everything about lighting a scene. For instance I remember with no SSAO or with the previous implementation that having the directional light at 90 degrees, shining down on the surface could make vegetation look plasticy or at least my vegetation :)


    But now the dlight looks GREAT from any angle and it's all because of how SSDO shades the vegetation, grass and shrubs in particular. There is no longer any need to give grass shadows, because the SSDO handles that. It's really great. But yes, a blur would be nice so that I could relax the quality settings just a little bit. Because right now, it looks really good my frame rate has dropped about 10 from about 35 in my scene to about 25.


    But the effect is really nice. Blur could have it even better i think.

  6. Does anyone have any tips on how to get the SSDO filter to look better?


    Right now it looks very harsh and could use some softening or an increase in resolution (sorry I don't understand how it works). But I do know that it has a similiar look to the artifacts that occur when you set the resolution of a light source's shadow map too low.

  7. Alright guys, that was quite helpful. At times when I look at my own model long enough I go snowblind. So I think the issue with the proportions was that her crotch was too low and her hips did not transition properly from her waist into her buttocks. I don't think the size was the problem. I also narrowed her shoulders by a very slight amount.


    These are the updated pics. She is wearing a skirt in one and I think the skirt fits properly which hopefully means her anatomy is closer to being somewhere approaching good.


    What else? Or are you seeing more issues with her bottom/top proportions?


  8. Here is a base sketch of a character that will probably be in my first Leadwerks demo. She doesn't have much details right now but I was looking for any critiques as I attempt to proceed with further detailing. So far I'm the only eye that has looked at her so if you see a glaring issue it would be a big help if you could point it out to me.




  9. Yeah if they release that particular engine with the features that they planned on within a certain span of time, it will be a extremely big deal. However with the delays, it's going to give literally everyone else a chance to catch up with them. I own a license to Visual3d.Net. It was a difficult decision to leave Visual3d for Leadwerks, but not so difficult to stay here. Those are good people and they have stated that their niche is large landscapes so I think you might be right, Visual3d.Net is the right engine for you. Their water and sky is amazing. However their interior lighting optimization is non existent.


    So for me it came down to amazing water and sky and large landscapes of Visual3d.net, vs the amazing rendering and lighting of leadwerks. I like them both.


    If only we could smush them together and form one giga engine like Voltron.


    I mean now that I think of it. Since Josh is looking for investors anyway. What if Leadwerks and Visual3d.Net just combined their code into one somehow. Then Leadwerks would inherit the infinite landscapes, advanced water and sky, while Visual3d.Net would inherit deferred rendering Lua scripting and a really nice API. Hmmm. I wonder what Josh thinks about that. The guys at V3d.net have spent years on their infinite landscapes already and are almost ready to push it out I think. Yet they don't have any interior lighting scheme at all, which Leadwerks is a genius at doing.


    Oh well it's best for me to stay out of this sort of business. But an interesting musing anyway.

  10. I don't think that video looks good. The waves look like sine curves. It's the kind of thing that looks okay at first, and after a couple of weeks it really starts bugging you because it looks so weird.


    I contacted the guy who's video I said I like.

    Yeah I agree I like the Hydrax video. Maybe he can also put an advanced sky into Leadwerks as well =) *greedy*


    The guy Josh is talking about placed that water into Ogre which is open source.


    There is also a guy who contributes to Blender game engine who has made some water his name is "martinsh"




    It's possible he might be able to help get you in touch with the right someone, which may in fact turn out to be he himself.

  11. Well I think Ogre's API is pretty tough to use. It's kind of a polar opposite to Leadwerks. The reason I can't give you any specifics is because I could never figure anything out. Not even how to make a render window. Now either Ogre is really complicated, I'm dumb, or maybe it's a combination of the 3. But I could make a render window within 10 minutes of Leadwerks. Although I'm sure some people could do it within 5.

  12. It is definately not worth it unless you are part of a completely inflexible professional studio production pipeline. Which rarely happens these days anyhow from what I hear. Imo Blender is to 3dsMAX as Leadwerks is to CryEngine2. One is called professional sure but to be honest they are not all that different when you get down to what they are capable of doing. Except blender has a built in game engine and Max does not.


    Blender is not a poor man's max anymore.


    But these are just my opinions which are completely frivolous at the end of the day to anyone except myself.

  13. this concerns me too


    a novice such as myself could use as much help as I can get, and the inconsistency in the way that the commands receive highlighting in the editor is something that has brought doubts to my own coding experience in the past, present and I'm sure the future as well

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