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Posts posted by Pancakes

  1. The problem with Sketchup is that the topology is going to feature a lot of very close vertices coupled with extremely stretched triangles. The GMF converter hates that kind of topology and will produce all manner of artifacts in the rendering engine even after the conversion is 'successful'. Usually attempting to register any kind of physics from the model will hang the editor. In other words, I would guess that converting many sketchup models is going to be like playing the lottery.

  2. Finally got my editor to open. The updated version doesn't start but I did a fresh install into another folder and it's working:


    The only things I notice are:


    1) Performance seems much faster though I can't do a direct comparison due to the fact that my old install is now broken =(. The increase of speed might be the tweaks that you made to SSDO too.

    2) Atmosphere renders pure white.

    3) There is a motion blur effect along the border of the skyline and anything that breaks the skyline particularly visible in the alpha transparency of vegetation.

    4) DoF is nice!

    5) The UI is stuck in vanilla windows color, though the properties panels still have the proper colors depending on what color scheme you have loaded.

  3. Pancakes,

    That doesn't mean you couldn't run your computer from power supplied by the generator. The power is stored and then extracted when required. For example, power is often saved as 12volt in a bank of deep cycle batteries, then an inverter is used to change it to another voltage (where I live it's 240) which can run a computer, fridge and whatever. All from the wind and sun. It is expensive to set up though, but I know of houses that are producing so much electricity that they are being payed for it as it is channelled into the main grid.


    cool - I'd never even considered this kind of thing because I live in the dark ages (Mississippi) - I remember when I was in the 3rd grade I loved a show called DragonBallZ that the entire world was watching at the time, but not a single kid in my entire school seemed to have ever heard of it. They didn't even know what anime was.


    A big news story right now in Lousianna is that they are FINALLY going to desegragate some of the schools down there. Our local news is so depressing. Going to a place like California feels like ur traveling THROUGH time! I'm guessing you guys around the rest of the country have wind generators growing out of your buttocks by now. And I don't think our governor has ever even heard of them before. :)

  4. The first person who makes a machine that can transfer human calories into an Ipad or a PC will be stinky filthy rich.


    Hold, on my laptop is out of batteries, needs more cheetohs.


    I looked online and a single 400watt generator is $1800.


    So that means it couldn't even power my computer which demands about 500watts on low consumption mode and 800watts at full throttle? But I guess the light bulbs and ceiling fans might be taken care of.

  5. It seems the same as the one I downloaded a couple of weeks ago. It didn't undate anything new using the updater I have.


    Do you know when the DoF shader fix is going to make it in. I know it's not the most important thing... :)

  6. not to hijack you, but can you even get the 4096*4 tile terrain to work in the first place? Does the collision work throughout the entire terrain? For me I fall right through around the edges of the terrain and I'd be interested if you've tried that size yet and tried the collision between the default controller in the editor and the terrain that is far from the center

  7. I can remember a long time ago; back on the old website where I tried to convince Josh to take an approach that was a cross between blender game engine and CryEngine2. Looks like we are finally getting there with thingoids + Kismet/Flowgraph. While you guys are designing this stuff you might want to take a look at Blender Game Engine. It's quite smart the way they've done things. I'm thinking you could build some concepts from their implementation.


    And before you scoff at the notion (not to be presumptuous our anything); keep in mind blender has SSAO, HDR, Bullet physics including softbodies, shadows, all kinds of post filters, scripting, trigger volumes, raycasting, etc etc etc, in fact the only thing they don't have is deferred rendering. In other words, it's quite a mature engine and I think you might want to study it for a bit.


    I've said it before but the Blender opensource project in general is to 3dsMax as Leadwerks is to CryEngine2. It is really elite calibur software. And if you find it difficult to understand it's interface right away, I can help you to interpret it easier as I've been using it for years.


    You guys are doing phenomenal work already and I only mention the idea of closely looking at blender because I think that it could be beneficial from a design standpoint. A lot of things you seem to want to do have already been addressed in Blender. Not that they couldn't be improved in some fundamental way but again looking at them might not hurt. If you haven't already that is.

  8. Josh can take a while to get to those, but usually it's quite swift, I just think to myself that whenever he's late replying to an email it only means he was hard at work making Leadwerks even awesomer. But that can be a hard pill to swallow for those hours where you are "locked out" of the updater, I know.

  9. Was just playing Crysis Warhead for the first time in months in order to test out the driver update that I just downloaded. I noticed something about the SSAO effect. I'm not sure if it's the new Nvidia SSAO or maybe I just didn't notice it before.


    But it seems to me that instead of using grain they are using just a couple of layers of a black textured polygon and then stretching it out to align with the perspective of the camera and then adjusting the opacity of the polygon in order to make the black get deeper or lighter depending on what's appropriate. I don't remember it looking exactly like that before because I remembered it being fuzzier. It could be the driver update but I'm not sure.


    The reason I say that is because the effect seems a bit more 3d than the one in Leadwerks. It almost seems like there is a cloudy substance in the occluded area that you can reach out and touch. But then you walk closer and it recedes back into itself. While Leadwerks' SSDO seems to have a less active quality to it.


    Just pointless observation I guess.

  10. If you're making it for yourself I think that's great. However I'm not sure if it's time well spent if you are making it with others in mind because usually people will either buy their trees from somewhere else or they have some other method of modeling trees.

  11. I was unimpressed with SpeedTree at the GDC this year. They have an easy to use modeler, but Josh stopped me from showing them our own vegetation as to not completely crush their spirits. They provide the source with the modeler, which is like $10k if I'm not mistaken. If you could use the modeler alone, that would be ideal, but they sell it as a whole package.



    that is like the most hardcore statement I've ever read online

  12. this so great. There are so many things that Leadwerks is capable of of doing this as well. That light/rain shader was very well done. Surface particles is also a very good solution for ceratin animated textures and creatures. But what I liked the most was the flow graph. The linking between objecsts in that paragraph made perfect sense and is so easy in use.


    yes flowgraphs



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