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Everything posted by cassius

  1. I did a google searh on this model and there are lots of places you can upgrade memory but so far I see no mention of gfx upgrade. try a compac specialist dealer.
  2. I have been working on an adventure game for nearly 2 years. I chose this genre as I felt it was something i was capable of doing, but what is your opinion? What type of game would you advise someone starting out to tackle first?
  3. I am doing an adventure game, or rather a send up of an adventure game with the accent on comedy. Trying to do the lot,both proggamming and artwork. In the last few months my artworkhas improved more than my programming.
  4. Anbient light is working ok in Bmax code unless a recent update has killed it. I last updated two weeks ago. AmbientLight vec3(0.8)
  5. if your computer is a fairly cheap one its possible that it has "shared" graphics and therefore may not be good enough to run le. if so then you could upgrade the card or find a lower end game engine.
  6. Thanks pancakes. I am spending 30 minutes every night learning blender 2.54 but I can't figure out what tools to use to design a wineglass or other rounded objects. The bezier curves don't seem to do a lot.
  7. I took a look at what free 3d apps are available on line. I already have Blender and Softimage mod tool ,but there are several others such as Aladdin 4d. Since only blender seems to get much mention on this forum can I assume that the others are mostly not suitable for le in some way? Just curious.
  8. What is your graphic card and are its drivers up to date?
  9. It will install openAl.If it doesn't run then maybe your graphics card or graphics drivers are not good enough.
  10. I was trying to explain newton physics to a friend who knows little about the subject and told him how we set mass and gravity and he said "What about a feather, what gravity value would that have and would it float downwards like a real feather" I thought not and said it would probably drop like a stone unless animated. Any opinions??
  11. Ok its reported in bugtracker
  12. Did an update and find that play physics now seems to do nothing. I have a crate with a mass of 6 and gravity = true but if I raise it above ground level it stays in mid air. This did not happen before update.
  13. In that case I guess its worth a little hassle. I'll be there when its available. I won't be able to resist.
  14. I agree with lumooja, however there are also changes to be made to the editor which may entail changing model names and folders.I have recently re done all mine to the current le style and it was very time consuming.
  15. does the mat file have exactly the same name as the dds file?
  16. Yeah that Blender File system IS really weird. The one in SoftImage is also bad.Surely it would have actualy been easier to do a straight windows type file system. BUT there IS something that facinates me about Blender and thats consists of just trying to figure it out. Josh has a knack of making easy to use software and the two of them would never mix. No way.Like chalk and cheese.
  17. Will the arrival of Le 3 mean that all the 3rd party example code we have now and our own code will have to be re jigged and altered to make it work in le 3?
  18. Yes I am not using a directional light. there was a problem with ambient light of a similar kind but this was fixed.I imagine most people ARE using a directional light so this bug has gone unnoticed.
  19. Itried using the shader pack from 2.32r5 with 2.40 and it solved the problem.
  20. Yeah its the same with show physics I just checked. I could go back to 2.32 editor, that was ok. Thanks.
  21. Its the selection gizmo I am refering to. The arrows were once colored but are now black. I have latest drivers and updated 2 nights ago.
  22. cassius


    I use my bmax program with debugphysics switched on along with pjygen, but as mack indicates its a matter of trial and error and you improve with practise.
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