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Everything posted by tjheldna

  1. Also if you re-add a layer where an existing layer once was but was deleted, the painting is remembered from what was previously in that slot where I would think that would be starting from a clean slate.
  2. I noticed this a while back but forgot to do a report. If you update a texture and the texture is used as a paint layer it wont update till you edit the terrain in some way or reload the level.
  3. If I make a change to a model which is in the vegetation layer, from either externally or the model editor (like resize) the changes wont take effect until I reload the level.
  4. In the latest beta I added 3 layers of vegetation. 1 grass1 2 grass2 3 palmTrees - I delete layer 2 all the layers stop displaying till I reload the level. - When I reload the level the palm trees are now painted where the previous grass2 layer was painted. The layer 3 painting are seemingly gone now.
  5. tjheldna


    Thanks all, There will be at least 2 characters to select from, the one up above and a female character which I just started tonight. At this stage I believe there will be more unlock characters of the squad with their own unique weapon.
  6. tjheldna

    Vegetation Update

    Having a play with this new feature I'm blown away of how cool it is. Question. Will it be possible to set a min/max size for the layers to get even more variation in the future? A possible improvement would be a min/max depth into the terrain. It would be cool for rocks and trees. I have tree models that would need to be moved lower in the modeling program, but having control in LE for that would be better. Nice work Josh.
  7. tjheldna


    Rick and I have kept a bit quiet with this for a little while now but behind the scenes we have really been working hard. We both agree that we want to keep working on this title and have had some really cool 'wins' of late that we would like to share. We have come up with a studio name of 'TR Indie productions'. We have had 1 logo design back and we are really happy with it. We have another designer working on it too, so we are yet to see and make our final decision. There have been lots of progress with plot (as shallow as it is being an arcade style game). Steam Greenlight page has been started, however this wont be made public just yet. Functionality improvements with the scene starting to be more reactive to explosions, and shooting; level changing. New first level created to reflect story line. Many new models created. I have been working on the main character design and we decided to go for a more cartoonish feel. At the style first was a bit foreign for me, but have had a blast creating him. The first of one of the playable characters near completion. His name is no longer "Soldier01" he is now.... "Sgt. Jack Grind" Thanks.
  8. I wouldn't let this issue overshadow the entire engine, keep with it I remember posting about this ages ago, was pointed to creating a pivot and parenting. Good workaround but that's what it is, a workaround. The engine is missing features like the ability to be able to rotate about the center of the selected and to forget proper rotation/scale gizmos to name a few. I know we are getting some sweet new features on the horizon which I'm really looking forward to, but would be cool to have a few of these smaller, seemingly perpetual issues addressed which effect the day to day of working in the editor. I guess Its hard, these features don't sell an engine.
  9. Didn't realise it's been done before, I'll check it out, thank you.
  10. tjheldna


    Cobra has a new build available int the workshop. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/viewitem?fileid=546727133 Changes: Added Grenades and Grenade pickups and explosions Rolling dodges bullets Can now shoot enemy bullets Many new model and level optimisations and additions Looking forward to any comments or feedback.
  11. Hmm I've only been coping from the post process folder, strange. I'll give it another shot with your suggestion. Cheers
  12. I'm trying to convert this shader to leadwerks, but cant quite get there. Here is the original shader code. #version 330 layout(location = 0) out vec4 out_color; uniform vec3 light_position; uniform vec3 eye_position; uniform sampler2D texture1; //can pass them as uniforms const vec3 DiffuseLight = vec3(0.15, 0.05, 0.0); const vec3 RimColor = vec3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2); //higher gamma to get a darker image const float gamma = 1.0/0.6; in vec3 world_pos; in vec3 world_normal; in vec2 texcoord; void main(){ vec3 tex1 = texture(texture1, texcoord).rgb; //get light an view directions vec3 L = normalize( light_position - world_pos); vec3 V = normalize( eye_position - world_pos); //diffuse lighting vec3 diffuse = DiffuseLight * max(0, dot(L,world_normal)); //rim lighting float rim = 1 - max(dot(V, world_normal), 0.0); rim = smoothstep(0.6, 1.0, rim); vec3 finalRim = RimColor * vec3(rim, rim, rim); //get all lights and texture vec3 finalColor = finalRim + diffuse + tex1; vec3 finalColorGamma = vec3(pow(finalColor.r, gamma), pow(finalColor.g, gamma), pow(finalColor.b, gamma)); out_color = vec4(finalColorGamma, 1); Here is my attempt #version 400 uniform sampler2D texture1; uniform bool isbackbuffer; uniform vec2 buffersize; //Inputs in vec2 ex_texcoords0; in vec4 ex_color; in float ex_selectionstate; in vec3 ex_VertexCameraPosition; in vec3 ex_normal; in vec3 ex_tangent; in vec3 ex_binormal; in float clipdistance0; const vec3 RimColor = vec3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2); const float gamma = 1.0/0.6; uniform vec4 lighting_ambient; out vec4 fragData0; //Could possiibly be uniforms to control the effect const float EdgeWidth = 0.3; const float EdgeIntensity = 2.0; const float NormalThreshold = 0.1; const float DepthThreshold = 1.9; const float NormalSensitivity = 0.5; const float DepthSensitivity = 0.1; void main(void) { vec2 tcoord = vec2(gl_FragCoord.xy/buffersize); if (isbackbuffer) tcoord.y = 1.0 - tcoord.y; //Get diffuse color vec4 scene = texture(texture1,tcoord); vec3 tex1 = texture(texture1, tcoord).rgb; //rim lighting float rim = 1 - max(dot(ex_VertexCameraPosition, ex_normal), 0.0); rim = smoothstep(0.6, 1.0, rim); vec3 finalRim = RimColor * vec3(rim, rim, rim); //get all lights and texture //vec3 finalColor = finalRim + diffuse + tex1; scene.rgb = finalRim + scene.rgb; vec3 finalColorGamma = vec3(pow(scene.r , gamma), pow(scene.g , gamma), pow(scene.b, gamma)); //Render fragData0 = vec4(finalColorGamma, 1); } I'm positive the problem lies in this line float rim = 1 - max(dot(ex_VertexCameraPosition, ex_normal), 0.0); Anyone know where I'm going wrong? Cheers
  13. Either of those options fixed the border from appearing, I'll leave on compression I think and set it to Pixel. Thanks Shadmar
  14. I'm getting a strange border around the decals. Is this a bug or do I have incorrect settings somewhere? Cheers
  15. I'm creating a prefab with multiple emitters to form an explosion. All the particles use the sprite sheet feature. When the emitter is placed directly in the level the sprite sheet plays properly. When placed in a prefab and loaded in code the particles texture displays the entire sheet and not play through the sequence. As you can see in the red square. each of those dots is a section on the sprite sheet. In the particles I've set the uv animations to 4 and 4 anim cycle 1 and double checked the settings are correct. Cheers
  16. tjheldna


    Thanks xtom, glad you like it, we haven't stopped working on it, and have progressed at a steady rate. When the next lot of features and art are complete we will submit another update.
  17. tjheldna


    Oh Smash TV what a classic. @Josk Most of what you mentioned are on the cards as well as scenery destruction, vehicles, boss fights to name a few. lol your signature!
  18. tjheldna


    Then he is a true member of Cobra Squad.
  19. tjheldna


    Thanks for all the comments all and I'm also seeing the leader board fill up. Josk I think you can be the first to be induced into the Elite Cobra Squad with the high score of 6000, wear that head band with pride soldier.
  20. tjheldna


    Presenting Rick and Tim's Halloween game contest submission "Cobra". Do battle coin op style with your one man army defeating all enemies in your way. Have you got what it takes to be the top Cobra Squad member on the leader boards?
  21. tjheldna

    The Borrower

    The Borrower updated in the Game Launcher with a new puzzle added. Solve the puzzle to open the gate blocking your path. Puzzle Hint: "The answer is shrouded in darkess". --Change List-- - New puzzle 'The Combination' - Changed over flame to Shadmars firepit shader flame till I can work out what's going on with ATI. - Dungeon extension - Numerous bug fixes.
  22. tjheldna

    The Borrower

    That looks like our secret dark matter fire effect! No something is wrong here is what you should be seeing. I'll look into it.... Thanks!
  23. Here is an example of what I do in photoshop, (probably not the best due to it being mainly black and white but I thinks it's enough.
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