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Posts posted by omid3098

  1. I don't know how they are generating, so I don't know if this feature is possible or not.

    as you can see in this image:




    generated billboards are brighter than vegetations. it seems they don't generate with ssao, default shadows or other postprocessing effects.

    is it possible to affect user-define values before generating vegetations?

    for example if SSAO is enabled, billboards generate with SSAO(in same color range)

    and if user swithched off SSAO, they generate without SSAO.

  2. Many users are using blender in this forum. and if you know what you want to model and find out it's techniques, there will be not much difference between max, maya, blender..

    and about using blender with leadwerks engine, if you can export to obj, dae, fbx in any aplication, you can simply convert it to GMF. :P

  3. you need separate materials for each textures..

    I know there should be a simple tutorial about this, almost 1/3 new members will ask same questions.

    you can check materials of available models and check this tutorials (I think at the end of this tutorial, it will describe creating materials for textures)

  4. Your tree has very flat planes so I guess there is nothing to occlude. If you ad more geometry the tree will look better. I used SSDO and SSAO both on my vegetation and the material setup is the same I guess. So it could be your lack of geometry detail.

    yep.. you're right about less geometry. but where in screenshot I grabbed, is collision between 2 planes.

    btw my previous try with more geometries was really terrible! half of them were black and they were crossed each other(my bad placement!)

    the best way I found is to use particles in 3ds max to put leaves on tree.. and I'm still noob in that.. :(


    If you are really using a material with backface culling disabled (cullface=0) then the normal will point away from the camera sometimes, and the ray will think the surface is occluding itself. It will also cause lighting errors. Don't disable backface culling. Instead use real triangles facing both directions in the mesh geometry.

    do you mean I should use 2 surfaces in opposite directions for each plane? however I think that's not a good way to handle this, I tried this way this morning and unfortunately I have to say that results was not good at all!(and I'm wonder why that didn't cause z-fighting into editor?! :) )

    why SSAO didn't had problems with that? is that actually does same thing with very low strength?

  5. I checked SSDO instead of SSAO. I have to say for 2side polygons, SSDO will dark flipped faces alot.

    SSDO Off:



    SSDO On:



    SSDO vs SSAO:


    SSDO: Very dark:



    SSAO: Almost nothing!:



    So... is there any way to quick fix this issue in SSDO shader?


    I downloaded Blender SSAO but my scene will blink and I have no Ideas why?! (I don't know if I can use it directely or not I just replaced it with current SSAO)

    did someone got it work?

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