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Posts posted by omid3098

  1. I usually use that preview for big jobs.. not for fixing small details! and it would be better to work with low strength paint brushes inside editor itself! not to paint on preview window and keep eyes on editor!

    but thank you for your suggestion! :o

  2. @ Alessandro: yes I have LOD for them..



    First: I know you will not implement this in current version. And I don’t want to bother you with useless suggestions. It’s enough for me, if you just consider some of these Ideas or pick some point from game developers problems. And it’s not actually matter for me, which version will you use them.

    However I think for leadwerks having some good quality games in markets is better than having good engine without any games on markets. It will take “at least” 6 months to finish LE3, after that it will take at least one year to develop a good quality game with that. And you know after this long time game technologies WILL change and same cycle may repeat.

    Second: you consider your problems and I consider mines. I know I have to make my game using 2.32r5, and before I post any feature request or something like my previous post, I clearly know that it will not be in my game. Hopefully some bugs will be fixing for me, nothing else. Hope you got me.


    So please take this kind of posts easy. they are not for making rush.

  3. has someone else any bugs in 2.32r5?

    more then a specific height (almost y>150), decales are not visible.

    same settings and textures works fine in 2.31 :)

    terrain is 2048*2048 (checked into desert highway too)

    also Dave has a decal_Mud model. but it don't have any problems.. (however I think he used first release of decales)

    I'm really confused. :P

    material is a simple difuse:



    PS. terrain altitude is 500. I think that is related is someway..

  4. almost all versions have something strange.. the best choice before LE3 should be 2.32r5 as it is still under bugfix and probably you have better performance/quality/features there. I know there is some WIP project in forum, and if all of them use same version, maybe they can support each other too..

  5. anatomy, anatomy, anatomy! I went a wrong way, you don't go that way!

    there is many helpful anatomy references, just draw them first with simple lines and try to attend analogy..

    if you don't have enough time for these, just use ready base meshes. you can find many of them for free, or use makehuman and sculpt on its models.

    and for each part of sculpting process, don't forget to put a reference beside you.

    do hairs after all parts.


    btw her face is so cute! :D

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