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Posts posted by AggrorJorn

  1. The UI samples are placed under 'widget' instead of GUI. It's kind of confusing. A reference from the GUI to the widgets could solve this, or simply putting the widgets as part of the GUI. That is probably the term people are looking for anyway.

    • Upvote 1
  2. I use a lot of filters to organise my scene. Sometimes during level design these filters 'break'. All entities (including all children entities en filters) are removed from the original filter and are placed back in to the root of the scene. This can also occur without me knowing it. When I close the scene and reopen the editor I can find hundreds of props all of the sudden out of their filters. The filters are still there, but empty.

    Example map already sent to Josh.

    • Upvote 1
  3. It is good to see that you are making progress. You can shorten this line

    if (self.entity.world:Pick(Vec3(self.position.x,self.position.y,self.position.z),Vec3(self.position.x,self.position.y-1,self.position.z),pickInfo,0,true)) 


    if (self.entity.world:Pick(self.position, Vec3(self.position.x,self.position.y-1,self.position.z),pickInfo,0,true)) 



    9 hours ago, Core said:

    Edit. Oh, and by the way, your Project Saturn video tutorials were fantastic! I learned so much watching them!

    Glad they helped.

  4. Something like Guilty Spark from Halo? Because you wouldn't need the level of physics details then.


    Go the API reference and look for World->Pick. The hover entity is the first position and the second position is your (hover entity position - 2 in the y direction). If nothing is returned during that pick, you are not close to the ground and you can start moving it towards to the ground.

  5. Can you describe what you are trying to make? Rick is right about perhaps trying a different method instead of an actual hovering object. Does your object move from point to point? Or should the player control this object?

  6. I would start of simple. The few usecase where you would still intersect because of an odd shape can be finetuned later.

    1. Have your floating object send a pick downwards (later this can be multiple picks and various spots of your floating entity).
    2. The pickedposition and your floatobject position has a distance, when this distance is shorter than x, start adding upwards force. Adding the force must be done in the physics update function.
    3. To indicate that you are applying force, place a downward emitting emitter. Everytime you add force, enable the emitter, and distable it again after you have had an update where the distance was large enough.
    4. I also predict some twitchyness of the floating object. It probably will start tilting over, so adding stabilizing side forces is needed. 

    Tip: reducing gravity might help you better debug the situation.

  7. 10 hours ago, Phodex Games said:

    Hi, I personally use Dropbox and load the project directly out of the Dropbox folder, so I dont have to copy my files everytime. This works pretty good so far. Just download Dropbox for your Desktop, put your project folder into the local Dropbox folder and in the Leadwerks projectmanager import that project, but I had some issues now and then with overlapping files (luckily Dropbox always keeps both files) and Dropbox sometimes seems to block leadwerks from accessing specific files like maps.

    The problem you are describing with conflicting file entries is the main reason why I want to stop using it file drive kind of solutions. For 1 person it might do the trick but when especially when you work in teams or with multiple computers, you can get an enormous mess of conflicting files.  


    3 hours ago, Genebris said:

    Why not use GitLab instead of Bitbucket? It's the same but 10 GB instead of 2.

    Very good suggestion. I see they also support LFS which is what is required for the game assets. Another plus is that the tool Git kraken has support for it. And of course the 10 GB is very welcome. Will definitely try this.Very

  8. For programming (C++, lua, shaders), maps, ini files, materials files I use Git in combination with Bitbucket. I find this to be the golden combination for source control. Especially since I switch from my main computer to a laptop, I need something to no only have verison control, but also something to easily create branches. 

    One thing that is lacking in this workflow is the source control of assets (models, textures, sound). These are not included in the source control because they pollute the repository in the long run. Plus the repository size quickly exceeds the size limits (Bitbucket free is 2 GB on repo storage, my project is currently 3.8 GB). LFS would be a nice solution to this problem but I haven't tried it yet.

    I currently use Skydrive since I have 1 TB of storage on there, but dropbox works nice as well. However the downside to this is that these folders are not part of the actual project. So everytime I made a change in the assets, I have to manually copy them over to the folder in Skydrive/Dropbox.

    What are you experiences for asset management? 

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