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Posts posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Funny enough i did a similar shader a couple of years ago and named it sincity due to that exact thing. Tried my hand at it after playing the game Betrayer which did a similar effect.

    Yes betrayer has this too. I liked that game a lot. Really liked the atmosphere.


    If you come up with something cool in the future please make it available in the workshop for sale. Would love to buy it off you. At least then you're paid for your effort.

    The reason I sat down and started looking in to shaders was because of your post about the grass shader. I was sitting in the train going back home when a broken switch caused the train to stand still for 30 minutes. Opened up my laptop and pressed that 'new shader' button for the first time ever.
    • Upvote 3
  2. We have seen it many many times on the forum: People are linking a CSG bursh to another entity script, but the script fails on startup because the linked in entity is nil. The reason: the CSG brush does not have mass or an entity script attached and is being collapsed at the start of the scene for performance.



    This 'collapsing' has caused a lot of headache for a lot of people. People often don't know that CSG collapses when the scene starts and what the result of this is. Also, the workaround for setting a mass or attaching a script is still unknown by a lot of people.


    Since people are not aware of the technical reason of the CSG collapsing, I would say, make sure that linked CSG brushes are not collapsed. Even if they do not contain a script or have a mass.

    • Upvote 5
  3. Flowgraph could be really powerfull but I don't use it for all the reason mentioned by olby in the link he provided. A scene like the AI example already fills up the entire screen. This should go into some sort of layer so that you don't lose overview.


    Lets say, that after you go down the elevator a new portion of the level begins, you would that logic in to a separate layer. Grouping items with a label and colored background could aid in this proces..

    • Upvote 4
  4. Particles are still an underappriciated thing in Leadwerks while the API lets you create pretty powerfull stuff.


    This is one of those things were I would love to have access to some sort of plugin manager. That way the community could extend the editor with a particle editor with complexer design. I do remember that tool, worked really nice.


    I hope to cover some tutorials about this stuff sooner than later.

    • Upvote 5
  5. Prefabs should remember a hierarchy folder that they were saved from and appear in this folder when added to the scene. If I have saved goblin in "Entities" folder then it should appear in this folder next time I add it to the scene (if this folder still exists).

    The saving mechanism in its current state is one of the reasons I currently do not use prefabs. It is way to cumbersome.

    Also: changes made to prefab trigger a popup saying that the prefab connection is lost. What I notice is that I want to change a prefab more often then not and I have to go through the annoying process of saving again. A button for disconnecting from a prefab would also help improve this.

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