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Posts posted by AggrorJorn

  1. I have a chart from +1 year ago. Not sure if it is still valid. This should be updated in the official docs though.

      Prop Scene Character Trigger Debris Projectile LineOfSight
    Prop Collide Collide Collide Trigger Collide Collide None
    Scene Collide Collide Collide None None Collide Collide
    Character Collide Collide Collide Trigger None Collide None
    Trigger Trigger None Trigger None None None None
    Debris Collide None None None None None None
    Projectile Collide Collide Collide None None None None
    LineOfSight None Collide None None None None None
    Collision.None = 0              
    Collision.Collide = 1              
    Collision.Trigger = 4              
    • Upvote 3
  2. And you can't call the Load function after the scene is initialized? Where is the Load function coming from?

    one option you can do: when the load function is called, check if the entity has been inited or call the init function yourself.

  3. On 6/24/2017 at 7:26 AM, karmacomposer said:

    The terrain so it has physics and I can stand on it - and other models don't fall through to oblivion.


    Terrain created in the editor, has terrain physics by default. 

    Do you want things to work out of the box or are you willing to code yourself?

    What third person script are you using? Posting a link to the items you are using helps people understanding your problem.

    Without seeing the script or even screenshots, we can only guess.


  4. Had a quick look: you are not applying the force, you are now setting a position, which is constantly the same. 

    You either take its current position and add the calculated movement or you add force. In case of adding force:

    if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Up)) then movez= movez + 0.1 end
    self.entity:AddForce(0,0,movez, false) --the last parameter indicates local


    Your forward/backward movement is also inversed.

  5. Try using PhysicsSetPosition and PhysicsSetRotation. When you are in the UpdatePhysics loop, those should be used.

    Side note: they are documented commands, but not listed in the entity API. Reported: 


  6. Just a side note that might not have something to do with this:

    There is an optimization by default present that looks in the new scene to see if any entities used by the old scene can be moved over instead of being deleted. This works by looking at the reference count. I doubt it would actually move the existing entity with script.

  7. The main lua script creates a window and everything, Since C++ does creates its own window (as far as I can remember) I would expect C++ to have its own menu creation. But that is just guessing, as I haven't tried it yet in C++.

  8. open the menu.lua script which you can find in the scripts folder. In that script you can find what should happen when the start button is pressed.

    Look for this line:

    if Map:Load("Maps/start.map")

    Change it to the name of your map.

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